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2014 Minor League Softball Highlights
































































Lady Sluggers
















.211 11.5







Fri 6/20/14 6pm

Championship Knockouts 14 - Lightning 9




Knockouts claim Championship








The Knockouts defeated the Lightning 14-9 to Win the Minor league



Softball Championship. For the Knockouts, Alana Hagan had a double.



Kristina Rusch had two hits. For the Lightning, Kayley Batts had a




double and four RBI's










Wed 6/18/14 8pm

Semi-Finals Lightning 12 - Stingers 5





Lightnings down Stingers









A five run fifth inning sealed the game as the Lightning defeated the




Stingers 12-5 to advance to the Championship game. For the Lightning,



Kiersten Kennedy had a homerun and a double. Kayley Batts and Kaleigh



Boyd added triples. For the Stingers, Miranda Gruse had a double.




Wed 6/18/14 6pm

Semi-Finals Knockouts 6 - Fillies 5





Knockouts stops Fillies










A five run third inning helped the Knockouts to 6-5 win over the




Fillies to advance to the championship game. for the knockouts, Kalli



Hancock had a triple. Katherine Blumenschien had two hits. Saige




Scannell added a double. Khloe Brown and Maggie Kaiser had base hits.



For the Fillies, Savannah Russell had a triple and a double. Rachel




Grigg had a double. Sydnie Raisor had a homerun.






Mon 6/16/14 8pm

Tournament Lightning 14 Slammers 6




Lightning down Slammers









The Lightning scored in every inning to beat the Slammers 14-6. For



the Lightning, Kaylee Batts and Kiersten Kennedy had base hits.




Jerika Randall had a triple.










Mon 6/16/14 6pm

Tournament Knockouts 9 - Lady Sluggers 6



Knockouts top Lady Sluggers








The Knockouts defeated the Lady Sluggers 9-6. For the Knockouts,



Jordan Fico had a triple. Megan Cornett had three hits. For the Lady



Sluggers , McKenna Ritchie and Megan Froehle had doubles.





Sat 6/14/14 2pm

Lightning: 3 - Lady Sluggers: 19





Sat 6/14/14 12pm

Stingers: 16 - Slammers: 3






Fri 6/13/14 6pm

Knockouts: 5 - Fillies: 17






Fillies stop Knockouts










The Fillies scored in every inning as they defeated the Knockouts




17-5. For the Fillies, Sydnie Raisor and Rachel Grigg each had a




triple. Savannah Russell added a double. For the Knockouts,





Katherine Blumenschien had a double








Thu 6/12/14 8pm

Lady Sluggers: 6 - Fillies: 13






Fillies top Lady Sluggers









The Fillies top Lady Sluggers 13-5. For the Fillies, Sydnie Raisor




had two doubles. Jordan Roberts had a triple. Lizzie Young and Ella



Shaffer had doubles for the Lady Sluggers.







Mon 6/9/14 6pm


Slammers: 10 - Stingers: 20





Stingers top Slammers










The Stingers scored in every inning as they defeated the Slammers




20-10. For the Stingers, Kaylee Rose had a homerun. Lexi Hirtzel




had a triple. For the Slammer, Sydney Raymer had two hits.





Sat 6/7/14 4pm


Knockouts: 1 - Nelson County : 4




Sat 6/7/14 4pm


Stingers: 7 - Nelson County : 5





Fri 6/6/14 8pm


Tomboys-TC: 0 - Fillies: 11





Fri 6/6/14 6pm


Slammers: 6 - Lady Sluggers: 12




Thu 6/5/14 6pm


Knockouts: 12 - Stingers: 11





knockouts edge Stingers









The Knockouts Alana Hagan had a triple and scored the game winning



run on a ground out by Megan Garrett as the Knockouts topped the




Stingers 12-11. For the Knockouts, Katherine Blumenschein had a




triple and a double. Kali Hancock and Kristina Rausch added a double.



Breanna McCarthy had a triple.








Mon 6/2/14 6pm


Fillies: 14 - Lightning: 12






Fillies down Lightning










The scoreboard stayed busy as the Fillies defeated the Lightning




14-2. For the Fillies, Rachel Griggs had a triple. Madi Hughes,




Jordan Roberts and Sydnie Raisor each added a double. For the




Lightning, Gabby Boler and Kayley Batts each had a double.





Sun 6/1/14 2pm


Fillies: 6 - Stingers: 5






Fillies edge Stingers










The Fillies held off a late rally by the Stingers to win 6-5. For





the Fillies, Sydnie Raisor had a triple. Jordan Roberts added a




double. For the Stingers, Kalee Rose had a homerun.






Sat 5/31/14 4pm

NelsonCounty: 13 - Slammers: 3





Sat 5/31/14 2pm

NelsonCounty: 3 - Fillies: 5






Sat 5/31/14 2pm

Lady Sluggers: 14 - Nelson County : 7




Lady Sluggers top Fillies









The Lady Sluggers defeated the Fillies of Nelson County 14-7. For




the Lady Sluggers, Baylee Denham had a homerun. Ella Shaffer and



McKenna Ritchie had triples. Cloey Miller and Kennedy Clark added



doubles. For the Fillies, Maya had a triple and Kyonna added a double.



Sat 5/31/14 12pm

NelsonCounty: 7 - Stingers: 11






Thu 5/29/14 6pm

Knockouts: 8 - Lady Sluggers: 3





Wed 5/28/14 6pm

Lil Lady Raiders-TC: 5 - Lady Sluggers: 8




Tue 5/27/14 6pm

Slammers: 12 - Lightning: 18






Lightning tops Slammers









The Scoreboard stayed busy as the Lightning defeated the Slammers 18-12.



For the Lightning, Gabby Boler had a double. For the Slammers, Kiera



Randall and Amber Hall had doubles. Jerika Randall added a triple.



Thu 5/22/14 6pm

Stingers: 17 - Shockwave-HC: 8






Sitngers stop Shockwaves









The Stingers scored in every inning to defeat the Shockwaves 17-8. For



the Stingers, Kalee Rose had a homerun . Brenna McCarthy had a double.



Emily Slone had a base hit.









Thu 5/22/14 6pm

Slammers: 9 - Lil Lady Raiders-TC: 14




Lil Lady raiders top Slammers








The Lil Lady Raiders scored five times in their last at bat to beat the



Slammers 14-9. For the Lil Lady Raiders, Emma G. had a double. For



the Slammers, Rylee Callister had a homerun. Kelli Conder added a double.



Wed 5/21/14 6pm

Fillies: 14 - Lookouts-SO: 0






Fillies blank Lookouts










The Fillies shutout the Lookouts 4-0. For the Fillies, Rachel Grigg had



a triple. Emma Hadley, Sydnie Raisor, and Savannah Russell(2)had base hit.



Tue 5/20/14 6pm

Shockwaves-HC: 12 - Slammers: 13





Tue 5/20/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 10 - Tomboys-TC: 9





Tue 5/20/14 6pm

Knockouts: 11 - Diamond Divas-HC: 2




Tue 5/20/14 6pm

Lil Lady Raiders-TC: 11 - Stingers: 10




Mon 5/19/14 6pm

Lightning: 20 - Stingrays-HC: 2






Lightning tops Stingrays










The Lightning defeated the Stingrays 20-2. For the Lightning, Anna




Grady had a homerun. Lindsey Adams added a triple. Doubles by Kayley



Batts, Brenna Young and Keirstin Kennedy.







Sun 5/18/14 4pm

Knockouts: 9 - Lil Lady Raiders-TC: 8




Sat 5/17/14 4pm

NelsonCounty: 12 - Slammers: 0





Sat 5/17/14 12pm

Stingers: 17 - Stingrays-HC: 1






Stingers stop Stingrays










The Stingers defeated the Stingrays 17-1. For the Stingers, Kendall




Gaddie had a homerun. Olivia Boswell added a triple. Lexi Hirtzell




had a double. Abbi Mullins had two hits.







Fri 5/16/14 6pm

Slammers: 15 - Diamond Divas-HC: 11




Thu 5/15/14 6pm

Knockouts: 19 - Lookouts-SO: 2






Knockouts top Lookouts










The Knockouts scored in every inning to beat the Lookouts 19-2. For



the Knockouts, Kennedy Clark, Saige Scannell and Kristina Rausch each



had a double. Chloe Brown had two hits. For the Lookouts, Landry Sipes



had a base hit.











Thu 5/15/14 6pm

Lightning: 7 - Tomboys-TC: 11






Tue 5/13/14 6pm

Slammers: 7 - Knockouts: 18






Knockouts beat Slammers









The Knockouts defeated the Slammers 18-7. Alana Hagan had two hits.



For the Slammers, Amber Hall had a base hits.






Tue 5/13/14 6pm

Fillies: 11 - Lady Sluggers: 9






Fillies top Lady Sluggers










The Fillies defeated the Lady Sluggers 11-9. For the Fillies, Jordan




Roberts had a double, Gracie Hadley and Emma Hadley(2) had base hits.



For the Lady Sluggers , Kennedy Clark had a double. Cloey Miller, Lizzie



Young and Ella Shaffer(2)had base hits. .







Mon 5/12/14 6pm

Lightning: 11 - Stingers: 12






Stingers edge Lightning










The Stingers held off a late rally by the Lightning to win 12-11. For




the Stingers, Brenna McCarthy had a triple. Abbi Mullins had a base hit.



For the Lightning, Gabby Boler had two doubles. Averie Stover had base hit.



Sat 5/10/14 4pm

Knockouts vs. Nelson County






Fri 5/9/14 6pm

Lightning: 20 - Shockwaves-HC: 8





Fri 5/9/14 6pm

Tomboys - TC: 12 - Slammers: 6





Thu 5/8/14 6pm

Stingers: 12 - Lookouts-SO: 4






Thu 5/8/14 6pm

Diamond Divas-HC: 6 - Lady Sluggers: 17




Wed 5/7/14 6pm

Fillies: 20 - Diamond Divas-HC: 9





Tue 5/6/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers:15 - Stingrays - HC: 7





Tue 5/6/14 6pm

Shockwaves-HC:0 - Knockouts: 12





Knockouts blank Shockwaves








The Knockouts traveled to Henry County and shutout the Shockwaves 12-0.



Katherine Blumenschein pitched the shutout. Kalli Hancock, Isabella



Cahill, Kristina Rausch, Katherine Blumenschein had base hits.




Mon 5/5/14 6pm

Lookouts-SO: 10 - Slammers: 11





Mon 5/5/14 6pm

Stingers: 11 - Tomboys - TC: 7






Stingers down Tomboys










A five run fifth inning lead to a 11-7 win for the Stingers over the




Tomboys. For the Stingers, Abby Newton(2) and Kalee Rose had base hits.



For the Tomboys Clifford had a double.







Sun 5/4/14 4pm

Lightning: 13 - Knockouts: 9






Lightning tops Knockouts









A five run third inning helped the Lightning defeat the Knockouts 13-9.



For the Lightning, Lindsay Adams(3) and Erika Searson had doubles.



Gabby Boler had three hits. For the Knockouts, Megan Garrett had a



base hit.











Thu 5/1/14 8pm

Fillies: 11 - Slammers: 3






Fillies top Slammers










The Fillies defeated the Slammers 14-3. For the Slammers, Rachel




Griggs, Sydnie Raisor and Mikya Corum had base hits. For the Slammers,



Hannah Weisner had a triple. Amber Hall had two hits.






Thu 5/1/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 6 - Stingers: 14






Fri 4/25/14 8pm

Slammers: 6 - Stingers: 16






Stingers beat Slammers










The Stingers scored five runs in each of the first three innings as




they defeated the Slammers 16-6. For the Slammers, Jerika Randall



had a grand Slam and Amber Hall added a triple.






Fri 4/25/14 6pm

Fillies: 7 - Knockouts: 6






Fillies comeback on Knockouts








The fillies scored five times in the 4th inning as they defeated the




Knockouts 7-6. For the Fillies, Sydnie raisor had a triple. Gracie




Hadley and Jordan Roberts added a double. For the Knockouts, Katherine



Blumenschein had a triple. Jordan Fico had a double.






Thu 4/24/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 12 - Lightning: 15





Lightnning down Lady Sluggers








The Lightning scored four times in the top of the sixth inning as the




beat the Lady Sluggers 15-12. For the Lightning, Karley Batts had two



doubles and Lindsay Adams had on double. For the Lady SLuggers, Lizzie



Young had a homerun. and Cloey Miller added a double.






Tue 4/22/14 6pm

Tomboys - TC: 3 - Knockouts: 10






Knockouts top Tomboys










The Knockouts traveled the road to Trimble County for a 10-3 win over



the Tomboys. For the Knockouts, Katherine Blumenschein picked up the win



with five strikeouts on the mound. Maggie Kaiser, Lilly Blanton and




Katherine Blumenschein had base hits.







Tue 4/22/14 6pm

Fillies: 17 - Lil Lady Raiders-TC: 6





Fillies top Lil Lady Raiders









The Fillies scored in every inning as they defeated the Lil Lady Raiders



17-6. For the Fillies, Gracie Hadley and Savannah Russell had doubles.



Kaitlyn Walsh had two hits. For the Lil Raiders, Emma C. and Rachael



had base hits.











Tue 4/22/14 6pm

Diamond Divas-HC: 0 - Stingers: 17





Tue 4/22/14 6pm

Lookouts-SO: 7 - Lightning: 20






Mon 4/21/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 17 - Shockwaves-HC: 4




Mon 4/21/14 6pm

Stingrays-HC: 13 - Slammers: 16





Sat 4/19/14 12pm

Stingers: 6 - Fillies: 12






Fillies stop Stingers










The Fillies defeated the Stingers 12-6. For the Fillies, Emma hadley



had a triple. Rachel Grigg added a double. For the Stingers, Alyssa



Vincent had a homerun had a homerun. Kalee Rose added a triple.




Breanna McCarthy and Abby Newton had doubles.






Sat 4/19/14 10am

Lightning: 12 - Slammers: 5






Fri 4/18/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 12 - Slammers: 8





Lady Sluggers top Slammers









The Lady Sluggers defeated the Slammers 12-8. For the Lady Sluggers,



Lizze Young had a homerun. For the Slammers, Kalli Hancock, Megan Garrett


and Maggie Kinzer had base hits.








Fri 4/18/14 6pm

Lightning: 8 - Fillies: 5






Lightning downs Fillies










The Lightning took down the Fillies 8-5. For the Lightning, Kiersten




Kennedy had a triple. Brenna Young had two hits. For the Fillies,




Savannah Russell had a homerun.








Thu 4/17/14 6pm

Stingers: 16 - Knockouts: 6






Stingers defeat Knockouts 16-6








The Stingers scored in every inning as they defeated the Knockouts 16-6.



For the Stingers, Kaylee Rose had a homerun. Miranda Gruse had two hits



and 4 rbi's. Lexi Hirtzel and Abby Mullins each had two hits. For the



Knockouts, Katti Hancock had abase hit.







Wed 4/16/14 6pm

Lady Sluggers: 9 - Knockouts: 4





Lady Sluggers stop Knockouts








The Lady Sluggers scored five runs in the fourth inning as the y defeated



the Knockouts 9-4. For the Lady Sluggers, Lizzie Young had a double and



Ella Shaffer had a single. For the Knockouts, Katherine Blumenschein had



a double. Saige Scannell added a single.







Sat 4/12/14 4pm

Slammers: 1 - Fillies: 16






Filles drop Slammers










The Fillies scored 5 runs in three different innings as they defeated the



Slammers 16-1. For the Fillies, Sydnie Raisor had a double and Kaitlyn Walsh



Had a single. For the Slammers, Kiera Randall had a double.





Sat 4/12/14 4pm

Stingers: 5 - Lady Sluggers: 4






Stingers edge Lady Sluggers









The Stingers Lexi Hirtzel knocked in the game winning run with double as the



stingers beat the Lady Sluggers 5-4. For the Stingers, Olivia Boswell had a



double. For the Lady Sluggers Ella Shaffer had a base hit.





Sat 4/12/14 2pm

Knockouts: 13 - Lightning: 8

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