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2018 Rookie League Baseball Highlights

2018 Rookie League Baseball Highlight
6/16/18          Pirates 14   Royals  9
  The  Pirates scored five times in the fourth innings as they beat the Royals14-9 for the championship. For the Pirates,  Levi Dhein had two triples.  Keaton Neuner, Matt Withrow, Jacob Roberts and Nolan Brown had doubles.  For the Royals,  Wiley Potts and Connor Johnson and Holden Applegate each had three hits.
                   The Pirates reached the championship game with a 9-8 win over the  Angels.   For the Pirates, Keaton Neuner and Matt Withrow  each had three hits. Levi Dhein,  Brooks Blakemore and Castle Whitaker each had two hits.  For the Angels,  Sam McCall and Liam Videll had three hits.  Reese Salyer had two hits.
6/14/18         Rookie Tournament   Game  7    Royals  13   A's 10
The Royals, Wiley Potts had the go ahead  two run double  in seventh inning as the Royals topped the A's 13-10.  For the Royals, Holden Applegate, Emmett Hill, Conner Johnson, Porter Salisbury all had doubles.  Conner Johnson had three hits.  Aidan Monroe had two hits. Landon Booher had a base hit.  For the A's,  Weston Rice had two homeruns.  Eli DePugh had a double and two singles.  Michael Fidler and Leland Robertson each had two hits.  Vincent Young  had three hits.
6/13/18         Rookie Tournament   Game  6    Pirates 10  Rays  4
The Pirates advanced to the semi-Finals with a 10-4 win over the Rays.  For the Pirates, Keaton Neuner,, Embry Stivers, Matt Withrow(2) and Jacob Roberts had doubles.  Victor Gatlin and Levi Dhein each had two hits.  For the Rays,  Jordan Vincent had a triple and a double.  Michael O'Dwyer had two hits. 
6/13/18         Rookie Tournament  Game 5    Angels 12   Bluejays  3 
                     The Angels took care of the Bluejays 12-3 to advance to the Semi-Finals. For the Angels, Reece Salyer had two doubles and a single. CC Cooper and Liam Videll each had three hits.
6/12/18         Rookie Tournament   Game 4    Royals 5   Reds   2
6/12/18         Rookie Tournament  Game 3    A's  9  Twins  7   
 The A's  held off a late rally by the Twins to win 9-7.  For the A's, Michael Fidler had a double and two singles.  Hudson Meredith, Jagger Rich, and Carson Sheppard each had two hits.   For the Twins, Vallon Moore had a triple.    Aiden Lane added a double.        
6/11/18         Rookie Tournament Game  2:    Bluejays  11  Padres   7
  The Bluejays scored five runs in the fifth inning as they beat the Padres 11-7.  For the Bluejays.  For the Bluejays, Ryan Cox, Nate Kessinger, and Jack Saben each had three hits.   Charlie Sabens had two hits.  For the padres, Chace Downey, Leo Quinnones, Conner Brown, Nolan Stethen and Brooks williams each had two hits.
6/11/18         Rookie Tournament  Game 1 :    Twins  5    Brewers 4 
The Twins held off a late rally by the Brewers in the sixth inning to win 5-4.  For the  Twins, Vallon Moore had a triple. kellan Harper added a double.  Charlie Esterly had two hits.  For the Brewers,  Ty Bryant had a double and two singles. Nolan Favorite and Luke Davidson each had two hits.
6/9/18          A's  15    Angels  4
6/9/18          Reds 9    Bluejays   4                   
6/9/18          Rays  5    Pirates 3
The Rays knocked off the Pirates with a  5-3 score.   For the Rays,  Brandon Fuentes had a two doubles and a single.  Isaac Burnett, Lucas Collier, and Casey Mais had doubles.  For the Pirates, Keaton Neuner had three hits.  Levi Dhein added a double.
6/9/18          Padres 6   Twins  8
The Twins came back on the  Padres as they scored three runs in the fifth inning to win 8-6.  For the Twins,  Aiden Lane, Vallen Moore(2) and Owen Matthews had doubles.  For the Padres, Chace Downey had two doubles and Carter Hounshell added a double.  Brooks Williams and Conner Brown each had two hits.
6/8/18          Brewers 5   Royals 12
 A five run fourth inning helped the Royals beat the Brewers 12-5.  For the Royals, Aiden Monroe had a triple. Wiley Potts and Holden Applegate  had homeruns.  Porter Salisbury had a double. For the Brewers, Nolan Favorite, Ty Bryant, and Luke Davidson had doubles.
6/8/18          Reds 10 Pirates  9
The Reds, Waylon Higdon  had the game winning hit as they topped the Pirates 10-9.
6/7/18          Bluejays 6  Royals 15
 The Royals defeated the Bluejays 15-6.  For the Royals, Connor Johnson had homerun.  For the Bluejays, jack Sabens and Nate Kessinger had homeruns.
6/6/18          A's 12    Brewers 6
The A's defeated the Brewers 12-6.  For the A's,  Carson Sheppard, Michael Fidler, and Vincent Young had doubles.  For the Brewers,  ty Bryant had a double and two singles.
6/5/18           Angels  13   Padres 2   
 The Angels took care of the Padres winning 13-2.  For the Angels,  Sam McCall had a homerun, triple and a single.  a CC Cooper had two doubles.  Logan Quillen had a triple and a single.  For the Padres,  Leo Quinones had two hits.
                    The Rays topped the Twins 5-3.  For the  Rays,  Graham Vilt and Brandon Fuentes each had  a double and two singles.  Kaleb Simpson had two triples.  Jordan Vincent had a triple and two hits.    Carter Koehler(3),  Isaac Burnett, Luke Collier, Michael O'Dwyer, Nikol Samudio had multiple hits.  For the Twins,  Robert Shearin had a triple and a single.  Aiden Lane, Vallon Moore,  Lucas Young  and Wyatt Hines each had two hits.
6/3/18    Angels  16  Reds 2
6/2/18          Brewers 2   Bluejays 9
A five run second inning lead the Bluejays to a 9-2 victory over the Brewers.  For the Bluejays, Ryan Cox had a homerun and a single. Ty Klingberg had a double.  Charlie Sabens, Dean Williams, Colton Collins, Eagan Spicer, Lukas Herman each had two hits.  For the Brewers,  Ty Bryant had a double.
6/2/18          Royals 1  Pirates 5
The Pirates downed the Royals 5-1.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow had a triple.  Jack Lindauer had a double. Levi Dhein and Jacob Roberts each had two hits.  For the Royals, Porter Salisbury had a double.
6/2/18          Rays 1   Angels 5  
The Angels stopped the Rays 5-1 for the win.  For Angels, Liam Videll and Billy Keck had doubles .For the Rays,  Jordan Vincent had two hits.
6/2/18          Padres 3   A's  13
The A's took care of the Padres with a 13-3 win.  For the A's, Michael Fidler had a homerun. Carson Sheppard had a triple.  Hudson Meredith, Eli DuPugh, Vincent Young and Braxton Taylor each had a double.  For the Padres, Chace Downey had a homerun.  Carter Hounshell had a triple.  Conner Brown, Eli Miller, and Quinn Feigel had base hits.
6/2/18          Reds 9  Twins 5 
The Reds  stopped the Twins to win 9-5.  For the Reds,  Colin Bauckman had a double and two singles. John Henry tucker(3)  Aidan Newkirk(2), Josh Ruffin(3) Aaron Farmer  and TJ Konerman(2) had base hits.   For the Twins, Lucas Young had a double and two singles.  Cory Campbell, Vallon Moore, Charlie Esterly and  Aiden Lane  each had two hits. Nathan Lackner had a base hit.
6/1/18          Padres  5  Brewers 
5/30/18        Pirates  10   Bluejays  6
The Pirates jumped out to an early 4-0 lead and beat the Bluejays 10-6.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow had a homerun , triple and a single. Levi Dhein had a triple and a double. Embry Stivers had four hits.  Keaton Neuner and Jacob Roberts each had three  hits.  For the Bluejays, Ryan Cox had a double and single.   Dean Williams added a double.  Lukas Herman, Grayson Willey, Eagon Spencer and Radley Webb each had two hits.
5/29/18        A's 6   Rays  3
 The A's battle back against the Rays for a 6-4 win.  For the A's, Braxton Taylor had a double and a single.   Weston Rice had a double.  Vincent Young added double. Carson Sheppard, Eli DuPugh and Leland Robertson had a base hit.  For the Rays,  Carter Koehler had two doubles.  Isaac Burnett had a double and a single.  Tanner Simpson, Michael O'Dwyer, Brady Mattingly, Luke Collier, Graham Vilt. Sam Lange had base hits.
5/25/18        Rays 2   Royals 14
 Under the lights on the big field, the Royals scored in every inning to beat the Rays 14-2.  For the Royals,  Porter Salisbury had two doubles and a single.  Holden Applegate had a double and a single.  Colton Smith and Landon Brown each had three hits. Wiley Potts and Josh Hutchens each had two hits.  For the Rays, Carter Koehler had a triple.  Graham Vilt added a double and a single. Kaleb Simpson had a single and made a diving catch at shortstop.
5/25/18        Angels 16  Twins  14
5/25/18        A's 13  Pirates  8
 The A's  knocked off the Pirates as they won 13-8.  For the A's, Hudson Meredith had triple, double and two singles. Braxton Taylor had a double and a single, Eli DePugh had a double and two singles.  Carson Sheppard, Vincent young, and Jagger Rich each had two hits.  Michael Fidler added a double.   For the Pirates,  Jack Lindauer had a homerun.  Matt Withrow had a triple and a double. Levi Dhein(2) and  Jacob Roberts had doubles.  Victor Gatlin had two hits.
5/25/18        Brewers 4  Reds  14
                    The Brewers handed the Brewers a 14-4 loss.  For the Reds,  Colin Bauckman had two doubles and Skylar Samuels had one. John Henry Tucker(3) Aiden Newkirk(2), Joshua Ruffin(2) Waylon Higdon(2) Anderson Parrott(2), Owen Thompson(2) and Abel Guerra had multiple hits.  For the Brewers,  ty Brant had three hits.
5/24/18        Indians  11   Royals  13
 The Royals scored in  every inning and held off a late rally by the Twins to win 13-11.  For the Royals,  Colton Smith had a double and two singles.  Porter Salisbury had a double and a single.  Holden Applegate had three hits.  Wiley Potts, Gabriel Post, Conner Johnson and Ashton Cancel each had two hits. For the Twins, Vallon Moore had two doubles. Nathan Lackner and Cory Campbell had three  hits. Aiden Lane, Kellan Harper and Robert Shearin each had two hits.
5/23/18        Padres 8   Bluejays  9
The Bluejays Conner Castle knocked in the winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning  as they beat the Padres 9-8.  For the Bluejays, Eagon Spicer had three hits.  For the Padres, Chace Downey, Conner Brown, and Quinn Fiegel  each had three hits.
5/22/18        A's  12   Twins  10
  The A's scored five runs in the top of the sixth inning helped by Michael Fidler  three run double to beat the  Twins 12-10.  For the A's,  Braxton Taylor and Hudson Meredith  had doubles.   Eli DePugh and Vincent Young each had three hits.  For the Twins, Lucas Young had a triple. Vallon Moore and Nathan lackner each had three hits.  Robert Shearin had a double.
5/21/18        Brewers  2    Angels 14
            The Angels took care of the Brewers with a 14-2 win.  For the Angels, Sam McCall had a homerun and two singles. Reese Salyer had a triple and two singles. CC Cooper and Billy Keck each added a triple and a single. Isaac Keisewetter had a homerun.  Dalton Miller and Davis Martin each had two hits. Liam Viddell had two doubles.  Myles Knizner had a double.  Tony Sutton had a double.   Nathan Roling, Javy Tucker,T y Bryant, Luke Davidson and Hardy Deaves had base hits.
5/20/18        Twins 6   Pirates  8
                    A five run  third inning helped the Pirates beat the Twins 8-6.  For the Pirates, Levi Dhenins had a triple and two hits.  Matt Withrow(2), Jake Lindauer, Keaton Neuner, and Nolan Brown had doubles.  Brook Blakemore had two hits.  For the Twins, Charlie Esterly had four hits.  Lucas Young had two doubles. Aiden Lane and Kellan Harper each had two hits.  Vallon Moore had three hits and made a couple great plays in the sixth inning.
5/20/18        Rays  13  Padres  2
                    The Rays   defeated the Padres 13-2 to start the Sunday afternoon games.  For the Rays,  Kaleb Simpson led the charge with homerun and double.  Branden Fuente and Carter Koehler each had a triple and a single.  Casey Mathis had double.  Micharl O'Dwyer and Luke Collier had two hits.  For the  Padres, Chace Downey had a triple and a single. Carter Hounshell and Connor Brown had base hits.
5/19/18       Bluejays 5  Twins 4 
5/19/18       Royals  8     Angels  9
 A three run fourth inning prevailed the Angels over the Royals 9-8.  For the Angels, CC Cooper(3), Logan Quillen(2) and Billy Keck(2) had multiple hits. For the Royals, Wiley Potts had a triple. Colton Smith added a double. Holden Applegate(3), Emmett Hill(2) and Porter Salisbury(2) had multiple hits.
5/19/18       Reds  3    A's   4
 The A's survived the Reds winning 4-3.  For the A's.  Eli DePugh and Weston Rice each had two hits.  For the Reds, Colin Bauckman had a triple and a single. 
5/19/18        Brewers 5  Pirates 13
The Pirates had two five run innings in the second and the fourth as they defeated the Brewers 13-5.   For the Priates, Jack Lindauer led the charge with a homerun, triple and a double.  Nolan Brown(2) and Matt Withrow had doubles. Embry Stivers and Jacob Roberts had three hits.  Carter Brown had two hits.  For the Brewers, Tanner Shipp had a triple.  Ty Bryant had two doubles.  Hardy Deaves had two hits.
5/17/18        Angels 17    Bluejays 10  
The  Angels  took care of the Bluejays to win  17-10.  For the Angels, Sam McCall had a homerun.  CC Cooper had a triple and two doubles.  Billy Keck and Liam Videll(2) and Dalton Miller had doubles. Reece Salyer had three hits.  For the Bluejays, Ty Klingberg had three hits.  Eagon Spicer  and  Greyson Willey each had two hits.  Ryan Cox and Conner Castle had doubles.
5/16/18       Rays 16    Brewers  4 
  The Rays  scored in every inning as they defeated the Brewers 16-4.  For the Rays,  Kaleb Simpson had a triple and a two singles.  Graham Vilt(2), Carter Koehler, Luke Collier, and Brady Mattingly had doubles.  For the Brewers,  Tony Sutton, Ty Bryant, and Mikey Tolle each had two hits.  Nolan Favorite had a double.
5/15/18       A's   12    Royals  13
 The Royals handed  the A's  a 13-12 loss for their first loss of the season  as Gabriel Pfost score the game winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning.  For the Royals, Colton Smith and  Emmett Hill had doubles.  Wiley Potts(2), Porter Salisbury(2), Holden Applegate(2) Conner Johnson(2), gabriel Pfost(3),  Landon Booher and  Ashton Cancel had base hits.
For the A's, Hiudson Meredith(2),  Carson SHeppard, Vincent young, and Braxton Taylor had doubles.  Eli DuPugh, Michael Fidler, and Leland Robertson each had three hits.  Noah Anastasio had two hits
5/14/18       Padres 3   Reds   9
The Reds scored four times in the second inning as the Reds defeated the Padres 9-3.  For the Reds ,Skylar Samuels(2) Colin Bauckman had triiples.   Abel Guerra(2), Joshua Ruffin(2) and AIden had doubles.   Anderson Parrott had two hits.   For the Padres, Chace Downey had a double and a single.   Leo Quinones, Eli Miller, and Quinn Fiegel had base hits.
5/12/18       Brewers  5   Twins  20
The Twins scored in every inning to beat the Brewers 20-5.  For the Twins, Aiden Lane(2) and Lucas Young had doubles.  For the Brewers, Mickey Tolle, hardy Deaves and Ty Bryant each had two hits.
5/12/18       Pirates  9   Angels  14
  The Angels broke a 9-9 tie in the bottom of the fifth inning with a five run inning to beat the Pirates 14-9.  For the Angels, Liam Videll and Sam McCall had triples.  Reece Salyer Beckett Murphy, each had two doubles.  CC Cooper and Issac Kiesewetter each had three hits. Billy Keck turned  a double play and had two hits.  For the Pirates,  Keaton Neuner it a two run homerun out of the park.  Levi Dhein(2), and  Embry Stivers had doubles., Matt Withrow had a triple and a double.  Castle Whitaker had two hits.
5/12/18      Bluejays  6     A's  9
5/12/18      Royals 13  Padres 7
The Royals started the Saturday games with a 13-7  win over the Padres.  For the Royals, Colton Smith and Wiley Potts had triples.  Porter Salisbury and Landon Booher each added a double. Holden Applegate and Landon Brown each had three hits.   For the Padres,  Chace Downey had a double and two singles.  Connor Brown(3)Quinn Fiegel(2) and Eli Miller had bse hits.
5/11/18       Twins, 4   Angels 5
The game need an extra inning as the Angels, Sam McCall had the game winning hit knocking  in Billy Keck in the seventh inning for 5-4 win over the Twins.   For the Angels, Sam McCall had three hits.   Billy Keck had  two hits.  For the Twins, Lucas Young had three hits. Aiden Lane had two hits.
5/11/18       Reds 11   Rays  9
No  game highlights  available  due to the scorekeepers
5/10/18       Pirates  3   A's   5
The A's remained undefeated by picking up a 5-3 win over the Pirates.   For the A's, Hudson Meredith had a triple and single.  Eli DePugh had two doubles  Weston Rice Michael Fidler each had one double.  Braxton Taylor had two hits.  For the Pirates,  Levi Dhein and Matt Withrow each had a double and a single.
5/9/18         Reds   2    Brewers
The Brewers picked up their second win of the season with 6-2 score over the Reds. For the Brewers, Ty Bryant had a homerun, double and a single. Luke Davidson, Dustin Knorr, Javy Tucker, Tanner Shipp, Ryder Cantrell and Michael Tolle each had two hits.  For the Reds, Skylar Samuels  had a double.  Aiden Newkirk, Anderson Parrott, Mikey Erskine and TJ Konerman each had two hits.
5/8/18         Royals 8   Rays  3
The Royals defeated the  Rays 8-3.  For the Royals,  Colton SMith, Emmett Hill and Porter Salisbury each had a double and a single. Wiley Potts and Aiden Monroe each had two hits.   Kaleb Simpson had inside the park homerun and two hits.  Carter Koehler had two hits.  Brady Mattingly had a double and a single.
5/7/18         Bluejays  9   Padres 2
5/4/18    Reds  7   Royals  9
The Royals  stopped a late rally by the Reds to win 9-7.  For the Royals, porter Salisbury had triple and double among his three hits.  Holden Applegate had a double.   Landon Brown(2), Colton Smith (3), Gabriel prost(2) Connor Johnson,  Emmett Hill and Landon Booher had bSavease hits.   For the Reds, Skylar Samuels had a triple.  Colin Bauckman had two doubles. Aiden Newkirk added  a double.  Abel Guerra had two hits.
5/4/18        Rays 13   Bluejays  4
The  Rays had a big 5 run second inning as they beat the Bluejays 13-4.  For the Rays,  Michael O'Dwyer, Luke Collier, and Graham Vilt  had doubles.  Brandon Fuentes(4),  Kaleb Simpson(3),Carter Koehler(2),  and Isaac Burnett(2) had base hits.  For the Bluejays, Nate Kissinger and Lukas Herman each had two hits.
5/4/18        Padres 2  Pirates  13
 The Pirates took care of the Padres by a score of 13-2.  For the Pirates,  Matt Withrow had two homeruns and a double.  Keaton Neuner added a homerun and a triple.  Hulsman(2), Evan Jack Lindauer, Castle Whitaker and Brooks Blakemore had doubles.  Carter Brown had two hits.  For the Padres,  Chance Downey had a double.  Eli Miller had two hits.
5/3/18        Angels  6   A's  7
The A's scored two runs  in the bottom of the sixth inning as Jagger Rich knocked in the winning run with a double  to beat the Angels 7-6.  For the A's,  Eli DuPugh, Hudson Meredith, and Michael Fidler had doubles. Vincent Taylor(3), Carson Sheppard(2) and Braxton Taylor(2) had base hits.  For the Angels, Reece Salyer had a triple and a double. Logan Quillen had a triple.  Sam McCall added a double.
5/3/18        Pirates  6    Rays   3
The Pirates knocked off the Rays 6-3.  For the Pirates, Embry Stivers had a a triple and a single.  Levi Dhein and and Victor Gatlin each had two hits.  For the Rays,  Kaleb Simpson had a triple and a double among his three hits.  Luke Collier and Graham Vilt had doubles. 
5/2/18   Royals  13   Brewers  7
The Royals scored five runs in two different innings to beat the Brewers 13-7.  For the Royals,Porter Salisbury had a homerun  and a double.  Emmett Hill and Wiley Potts had triples.  Colton Smith had 3 hits. Grabriele, Holden Applegate, Landon Booher and Aiden Monroe each had two hits.  For the Brewers, Tanner Shipp had a double.  Hardy Deaves, Dustin Knorr, and Ty Bryant each had two hits.
5/1/18       Twins  17  Padres 1
                After a tough weekend the Twins bounced back with a 17-1  win over the Padres.  For the Twins, Vallon Moore,  Kellan Harper, Charlie Esterly, and Lucas Young had doubles.   For the Padres, Eli Miller had two hits.
4/30/18     Bluejays  3   Reds
The Reds knocked off the Bluejays 5-3.  For the Reds, Skylar Samuels and Colin Bauckman each had a triple and a double.  Aiden Newkirk  had a double and a single.  For the Bluejays,  Ty Klingenberg and Dean Williams each had two hits.
4/29/18     Reds 14 Twins 13   
The Reds scored three runs in the sixth inning to beat the Twins 14-13.  For the reds, John Henry Tucker and Colin Bauckman had doubles.  For the Twins,  Lucas young had a triple.
4/29/18     Angels  18  Royals 16
An extra inning was needed as the Angels topped the Royals 18-6 in seven  innings.  For the Angels,  Billy Keck, Sam McCall, Liam Videll(2), and Logan Quillen(3) had doubles.  Logan Quillen added a triple. Myles Knizner(2) Isaac Kiesewetter(3), Beckett Murphy, Gabe Turner(2) and Dalton Miller had base hits. For the Royals,  Colton Smith(2), Wiley Potts(2), and Porter Salisbury, and Holden Applegate had doubles.  Emmett Hill and Porter Salisbury had triples.
4/29/18    Royals  8   A's   10
 The A's held off a late rally by the Royals to win 10-8.  For the A's,  Eli DuPugh(2), Braxton taylor, Carson Sheppard,  For the and Reese Simpson had doubles.  Jagger Rich(3), Vincent Young(2), Noah Anastasio(3) and Leland Robertson(2) had multiple hits.  For the Royals,  Porter Salisbury and Holden Applegate had doubles.  Landon Brown had a triple.  Gabriel Prost(2), Colton Smith(3), and Wiley Potts(2), Aiden Monroe and Emmett Hill had base hits.
4/28/18    Rays 14  Twins 12
 The  Rays finished the busy day with a 14-12 win over the Twins.   For the Rays, Jordan Vincent had two triples.  Kaleb Simpson, Brandon Fuent,es, Carter Koehler and Brady Mattingly each had two hits.  For the Twins,  Lucas Young(2), Aiden Lane, Keilan Harper(2), and Nathan Lackner  had doubles.  Aiden Lane added a triple.   Charlie Esterly had three hits and Vallon Moore had two hits.
4/28/18    Padres  5   Angels  7
The Angels bounced back fron their first loss with a 7-5 win  over the Padres.  For the Angels, Logan Quillen had a homerun and a double. Billy Keck and Sam McCall had homeruns.  Myles Knizer had a triple.  For the Padres,  Landon Walling and Nolan Stethen each had two hits.
4/28/18    Royals 5   Bluejays 6
The Bluejays edged the Royals  6-5.  For the Bluejays, Ryan Cox had a homerun.  Dean Williams had a double. Jack Sabens had a triple.  Colton Collins and Lukas Hermann each had two hits.  For the Royals,  Holden Applegate, Conner Johnson,  and Emmitt Hill each had a double.
4/28/18    Reds  3    Pirates  5
 The Pirates started the day with a 5-3  win over the Reds,  For the Pirates,  Levi Dhein had a triple and a double.  Jacob Roberts, Embry STivers, and Matt Withrow had a double.  For the Reds,  Colin Bauckman had atriple and Anderson Parrott had a double.
4/27/18    Brewers  1    A's  11  
 The A's defeated the Brewers 11-1.  For the A's,  Carson Sheppard celebrated his birthday with a homerun and a single.  Eli DuPugh had a homerun and a double.  Weston Rice had a triple.  Hudson Meredith added a double.  For the Brewers,  Luke Davidson(2), Ty Bryant, Hardy Deaves had base hits.
4/27/18    Angels 1   Rays 5
                 The Rays handed the Angels their first loss with a 5-1 win. For the Rays, Kaleb Simpson had two doubles and  Brady Mattingly added one.   Luke Collier had two hits. For the Angels,  Reece Salyer had a triple and a single.  Beckett Murphy had two hits. 
4/26/18    Pirates 8   Royals   2
A four run sixth inning by the Pirates sealed a 8-2 win over the Royals.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow had a homerun. Levi Dhein(3),  Jacob Roberts(2), Embry Stivers, Nolan Brown ,Keaton Neuner, and Brooks Blakemore had base hits.  For the Royals,  Holden Applegate(2), Wiley Potts, Porter Salisbury, Colton Smith, Emmett Hill, Connor Johnson, and Aiden Monroe
had base hits.
4/26/18    A's  13   Padres 5  
The A's jumped out to a early 4-0 lead and never looked back as they beat the Padres 13-5.   For the A"s,  Carson Sheppard had two triples.  Eli DuPugh, Weston Rice, Vincent Young(2) each had  doubles.  Michael Fidler and Hudson Meredith each had three hits a piece.  For the Padres,  Carter Hounshell had two doubles.  Chace Downey had a homerun.  Conner Brown and Kole Bridwell each had two hits.
4/25/18    Bluejays  6   Brewers 5
The Bluejays held off a late rally by the Brewers to win 6-5.   For the Bluejays,  Conner Castle had a homerun.  Dean Williams, Charlie Sabens, Radley Webb had doubles.   Eagan Spicer and ty Kessinger each had two hits.  For the Brewers, Mickey Tolle had a triple.  Hardy Deaves and ty Bryant added doubles.  Luke Davidson and Nolan Favorite each had two hits.
4/22/18    Brewers   8    Rays  13
 The rays  knocked off the Brewers 13-8.  For the Rays,   Jordan Vincent and Luke Collier had doubles.   Michael O'Dwyer, Kaleb Simpson, and Graham Vilt each had three hits.
4/22/18   Twins 12   Pirates 16
The Pirates defeated the twins 16-12.  For the Pirates, Levi Dhein had a double and 4 singles.Matt Withrow had a triple. Embry Stivers and Keaton Neuner each had a double.  For the  Twins,  vallon Moore, Robert Shearin,  Kellon Harper,  and Lucas Young had doubles.  Wyatt Himes and Nathan Lackner had homeruns.
4/22/18   Reds 14  Padres 7  
                The Reds picked up 14-7 win over the Padres.  For the reds,  Arron Farmer had a homerun. Colin Bauckman had a homerun and triple.  Aiden Newkirk had a triple and  a double.  Mickey Erskine, John Henry Tucker , and Abel Guerra had doubles.  
4/21/18   Brewers  15  Padres 10
4/21/18   Angels 12   Reds 10
The Angels remained undefeated as they beat the Reds 12-10.  For the Angels,  CC Cooper had two triples and a double.  Sam McCall added a double.   For the Reds, John Henry Tucker, Waylon Higdon and Anderson  Parrott added doubles.
4/21/18   Rays 10  A's 12
               The A's continued their winning ways by defeating the Rays 12-10.   For the A's,  Hudson Meredith had a homerun. Eli DePugh had a triple and two doubles Weston Rice(2) and Reese Simpson had doubles. For  the Rays,  Michael O'Dwyer and Jordan Vincent had doubles.
4/21/18   Bluejays 9   Pirates  10
The Pirates  Keaton Neuner  had two doubles and the game winning hit as the Pirates defeated the Bluejays 10-9 in  seven innings.  For the Pirates,  Levi Dhein and Castle Whitaker each had a double.  Nolan Brown had three hits.  For the Bluejays, Jack Sabens and Dean Williams each had a double. 
4/20/18   Royals 11   Twins 10
The Royalks edged the Twins 11-10.  For the Royals, Porter Sailsbury had a homerun and a triple.  Emmitt Hill  and Willy Potts each had two hits.  For the Twins,  Charlie Esterly Cory Campbell each had a double.  Lucas Young added a triple.Kellan Harpee had a homerun and a triple.  
4/20/18   A's  13   Reds 3
 Two five run innings push the A's over the Reds 13-1. For the A's,  Carson Sheppard had a homerun and two singles.  Eli DuPugh and Michael Fidler each had two triples.   Hudson  Meredith added a double.  For the Reds,  John Henry Tucker  had a base hit.
4/19/18   Pirates  11   Brewers 6  
The Pirates  knocked off the Brewers by a score of 11-6.  For the Pirates,  Levi Dhein had two triples and a double.  Jacob Roberts had three hits. Matt Withrow and Emery Stivers each had a homerun.  Castle Whitaker had two hits.  For the Brewers, Liam Fleischer  and Ty Bryant each had two hits.  Luke Davidson had a double.
4/17/18   Padres  1   Rays  4
               The Rays defeated the Padres by a score of 4-1.   For the Rays,  Michael O'Dwyer had  two run homerun in the third inning.  Carter Koehler and Jordan Vincent each had a double.  For the Padres,  Carter Hounshell had single scored a run.   Chace Downey and Brandon Morgan had base hits.
4/13/18   Bluejays 9  Angels  10
               Scoring five runs in two different innings was enough as the Angels held off the Bluejays for a 10-9 win.  For the Angels,  Reece Salyer and Jaelin Cooper, Sam McCall each had a double.   Liam Viddell had two hits.  For the Bluejays,  Ryan Cox and Jack Sabens each had a double.  Charlie Sabens had two hits.
4/13/18   Rays 2   Reds  5  
               A three run fifth inning propelled the reds past the Rays to win 5-2.   For the Reds,  Skylar Samuels had a homerun. Colin Bauckman had a double. Mickey Erskine and Aiden Newkirk each had a base hit.  For the Rays, Kaleb Simpson finally getting to play got a base hit and Luke Collier had a base hit.
4/12/18   Royals  8    Padres  1
4/11/1 8   A's 12     Bluejays 1
4/10/18  Pirates 7   Angels 11
4/9/18    Brewers  0   Twins   2
              The Twins topped  the Brewers  2-0  in the first game of the season.    For the Twins,  Aiden Lane had two hits and scored two runs. Lucas Young, Owen Matthews, and Charlie Esterly each had two hits..  For the Brewers,Luke Davidson had two hits.  Ty Bryant and  Tucker Wallace had base hits.

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