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Game results and Game Highlights 

Rookie League Baseball(rk)2

6/15/19  Pirates 4 - Phillies 0 

The Pirates had a great defensive game as they won the Rookie League Baseball championship with 4-0  score against the Phillies.  For the Pirates,  Kairo Ball scored the first run in third inning as he lead off with a base hit and scored on overthrow.   Matt Withrow  had a triple and a double. Evan Hulsman added a double.  For the Phillies, Colton Collins, Andrew Lamkin and Braxton Taylor had  base hits.

6/13/19  Pirates 12 - Nationals 5

The Pirates had a big five run third inning as they defeated the Nationals 12-5 to advance to the Championship game.  For the Pirates, Colton Smith and matt Withrow had homeruns.  Nick Pedigo had a three run single.  TJ Konerman(2), Colton Smith(2), Beckett Murphy, Kairo ball, Cace Reynolds, David waterman(2) and Landyn Jones had base hits.  For the Nationals,  Leo Quinones had two doubles.   Brandon Fuentes(2), casey mais, Liam Videll, Hardy Deaves,  Cory Campbell, Cooper Brown(2), Nolan Silvers, Josh Huchins, and Bobby Turley  and carter Bramlage-Schomburg had base hits.

6/12/19  Phillies 9 - Mariners 7

The Phillies advanced to the Championship game with a 9-7 win over the Mariners.  For the Phillies,  Braxton Taylor had three doubles. Colton Collins(2), CC Cooper(3), Owen Lindauer, Will Hogan  and John Esterly had base hits.  For the Mariners,  Billy  Keck had a double and a single. ANderson Parrott had a double.  James Carter, Alex Anthony, Waylon Higdon,  Issac Kiesewetter, Josh Ruffin(2), Carter Brown(2), and Liam Mandzo had base hits.

6/11/19  Phillies 9 - Twins  6

The Phillies scored five runs in the first inning on their way to a 9-6 win over #2 seeded Twins.  For the Phillies, Colton Collins had two doubles and a single. CC Cooper and Braxton Taylor each had a double and two singles. Max West, John Esterly, and Andrew Lemlein and Owen Lindauer had base hits. For the Twins, Kaleb Simpson had two doubles and a single.  Dawson Burckhardt and Brooks Williams had doubles. Jacob Roberts, Michael O'Dwyer(2), Ezra Berry(2) Ian Wall,and Cooper Williams had base hits.

6/11/19   Nationals 8 - Tigers 7

The number one seed the Nationals held off a late rally by the Tigers  to win 8-7.  For the Nationals, Brandon Fuentes had a double and two singles. Casey Mais(2),  Liam Videll(2), Hardy Deaves(2), Leonardo Quinones(2), Cory Campbell, Joshua Hutchins and Carter Blamage-Schomberg had base hits.  For the Tigers, Levi Moore, Nikos Samudio(2), Weston Rice(2), Conner Johnson(2), Jaxon Breckinridge, Clayton Bissingerand jaxon Simpson had base hits.

6/10/19  Mariners 12 - Mets 8

The Mariners scored five times in the fourth inning on their way to a 12-8 win over the Mets.  For the Mariners,  Anderson Parrott had a triple. Carter Brown and Billy Keck had base hits.  For the Mets,  Ashton Cancel and Logan Cecil each .had a double.  Holden Sapplegate had a homerun.

6/10/19  Pirates 9 - Rays 8

The Pirates Matt Withrow hit a game winning 2 run inside the park 2 homerun to top the rays 9-8.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow added a triple and a double.  Colton Smith added a triple.  Eli Miller, Beckett Murphy and Evan Hulsman each had a double.  TJ Knonerman had two hits.  For the rays, Aiden Newkirk and Liam Fleischer had a double. Keaton Neuner had  a triple.  Liam Warner had three hits.

6/10/19  Tigers 6  Royals 5

The Tigers rally for two run in the sixth inning to beat the Royals 6-5.  For the Tigers,  Nikos Samudio had a double and a single.  Jim Jones had three hits. Aaron farmer had two hits. For the Royals,  Anthony Sutton(2) and Ayden Wilson had doubles.   Owen Matthews had two hits.

6/10/19  Phillies 16 - Marlins 4

The Phillies defeated the Marlins 16-4 as the Rookie League tournament got underway MMonday.  For the Phillies,  Braxton Taylor and John Esterly had a double and three singles.  Colton Collins had two doubles and a single.  Max West had a double.  CC Cooper  had three hits.  For the Marlins,  Brady Noe had a double and single.  Jason Jones(2), Charlie Sabens, Nathan Kessinger, and Bodee Blevins had base hits.

6/8/19  Mariners 15 - Tigers 7

The Mariners scored in five different innings to beat the Tigers 15-7.  For the Mariners, Billy Keck(3), issac Kiesewetter(3), Anderson  Parrott(4), Joshua Ruffin(2), carter Brown, ALex Anthony(2), Waylon Higdon(2), Dean Dattilo, Bowen Malloy(2), Kyser Moore and Liam Mandzo had base hits.  For the tigers,  Nikos Samudio had a double and two singles.  Weston Rice had adouble and a single.  Conner Johnson(3), Jim Jones, Jaxon Breckenridge and Garrett White had base hits.  Jaxon Simpson had a double.

6/8/19   Nationals 14 - Marlins 8

The Nationals finished their regular season with a 14-8 win over the Marlins.  For the Nationals, Liam Videll had a triple.  Leo Quinones(3), Cooper Brown, Casey Mais, and Brandon Fuentes had doubles.  For the Marlins,  Bodee Blevins had a triple.  Henry Keller and Jason Jones had doubles.

6/8/19  Twins 4 - Mets 2

The Twins edged the Mets by a score of 4-2.   For the Twins,  Kaleb Simpson had a triple and a single.  Ian Wall(2), Cooper Williams, Ezra Berry(2), Michael O'Dwyer and jacob Roberts had a base hits.  For the Mets, Holden Applegate, Ashton Cancel, and Dylan Kleinholter had doubles.

6/8/19  Phillies 13 - Royals  1

The Phillies knocked off the Royals 13-1.   For the Phillies,  Braxton Taylor had two doubles. Max West(3), JohnEsterly(2), Colton Collins, Andrew Lamkin, Owen Lindauer(2), Cash Thompson, and Will hagan had base hits.  For the Royals,  Anthony Sutton had a double.  Tucker Wallace, Liam Williams and Sam DePugh had base hits.

6/7/19  Pirates 12 - Rays 11

The Pirates was back in the win column as they defeated the Rays 12-11.  For the Pirates,Matt Withrow had a homerun, a double and a single.  Evan Hulsman added a triple.  Case Reynolds had a double.   TJ Konerman(2), Eli Miller(3),Beckett Murphy(3), Kairo Ball and  Levi Withrow had base hits.  For the Rays,  Keaton Neuner had a triple, double and a single.  Liam Fleischer(3), Ben Bush(2), Aiden newkirk(3), Liam Warner, Eli Gathof, Jace van Bree(2)and Jack Wise had base hits.  Jackson Edgar and Kristian Kallio had doubles.

6/7/19  Royals 9 - Marlins 7

The Royals knocked off the marlins 9-7.  For the Royals, Ayden Wilson had a homerun and a double.   Anthony Sutton, Hudson Reed, Sam DePugh and Dean Williams had doubles.  For the Marlins,  Bodee Blevins(2) and jason Jones had triples.  Brady Noe(3), Charlie Sabens(2) and Nathan kessinger(2) had base hits.

6/6/19  Nationals 7 - Pirates  3

Two of the top teams met on Field #4  as the Nationals prevailed 7-3 over the Pirates.  For the Nationals, Casey mais, Brandon Fuentes(2), Liam Videll(2), Hardy Deaves, Leo Quinones, Cory Campbell and Joshua Hutchins had base hits.   for the Pirates, Nick Pedigo, Matt Withrow(2), Evan Hulsman, Eli Erxlean,  TJ Konerman and Kairo Ball(2) had base hits     

6/5/19  Mariners 10 - Rays 14

6/4/19   Mets 14 - Tigers 10

The  Mets scored in every inning to beat the Tigers 14-10.  For the Mets,  Owen Thompson, Dylan Kleinholter(3) and Holden Applegate(2) had  doubles.  Henry Stratton(2), Noah Anastasio(2), Cecil Logan(2), and Brady Bottorff had base hits.  Ashton Cancel had a double and a single.  For the Tigers,  Jim Jones had a double and two singles.  Nikos Samudio(2), Levi Moore(2), Aaron Farmer, Tanner Shipp, Garrett White and Jaxon Breckinridge had base hits.

6/3/19   Twins 11 - Phillies  8

The twins needed an extra inning as they beat  the Phillies 11-8.  For the Twins, Kaleb Simpson knocked in the go ahead run in the seventh inning  with his third double of the game.   Lee Williams, Jacob Roberts, Ezra Berry and Seth Roberts had doubles.  Michael O'Dwyer had two hits. For the  Phillies,John Esterly had two doubles and a single.  CC Cooper had a double and two singles.Braxton Taylor and Max West each had a double and a single.  Sammy Springer(2), Cash Thompson and Will Hogan  had base hits.

6/2/19  Tigers 17  Marlins 7

The Tigers scored in every inning to beat the Marlins 17-7.  For the Tigers, Nikos Samudio, Conner Johnson, Levi Moore and weston Rice had doubles.  For the Marlins, Charlie Sabens had a triple.

6/2/19   Mets  16  -  Rays  7

6/2/19  Pirates 12 - Twins 6

The Pirates was back in the win column with a 12 -6 win over the Twins.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow had two triples and a single.  Nick Pedigo(2), Evan Hulsman(2), Kario Ball(3), Case Reynolds(2), Eli Erxleben(3), Levi Withrow(3) and Eli Miller had base hits.  For the Twins,  kaleb Simpson had a triple.  Jacob Roberts added a double and a single.  Michael O'Dwyer, Seth roberts  and Cooper Williams each had two hits.

6/1/19   Nationals  9 -  Rays 7 

A three run fifth inning helped the Nationals rally past  the Rays 9-7.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had a homerun, triple and a single.  Brandon Fuentes had a double and a single.  Hardy Deaves(2),  Leo Quinones, Josh Hutchins, Bobby Hurley and  Carter Bramlage-Schomburg  had base hits.  Cory Campbell had a double.  For the Rays,  Keaton Neuner(2), Liam Fleischer, and Liam Warner had doubles.  Ben Bush, Efli Gathof(3), Jackson Edgar, Aiden Riley, and Justice Greer had base hits.

6/1/19  Royals 10 - Pirates 9 

The Royals Anthony Sutton  had a game winning double  to cap a three run rally in the bottom of the sixth inning to beat the Pirates 10-9.  For the Royals, Ayden Wilson had two triples and a double. Tucker Wallace, Kellan Harper,and Dean Williams each had a double.  Anthony Sutton had two doubles and a single.  Owen Matthews had three hits.  For the pirates, Matt Withrow had a homerun, triple and a single. Beckett Murphy(3), Colton Smith(3), Nick Pedigo(2), Eli Miller, Landyn Jones, Cace Reynolds, kairo ball, andTJ Konerman had base hits.

6/1/19  Tigers 7 - Phillies 6

The Tigers rally for two runs in the bottom of the sixth inning as Weston Rice had the game winning  double to beat the Phillies 7-6.  For the  Tigers,  Conner johnson had  a double and a single.  Jim Jones(2), Levi moore, Nikos Samundio, Jaxon Simpson,  Jaxon Breckinridge and Clayton Bissinger had base hits.  For the Phillies,  Braxton taylor and Colton Collins each had a double and two singles. CC Cooper(3), John Esterly, max West(3), Andrew Lamkin(3), Owen Lindauer and Sammy Springer had base hits.

5/31/19   Twins 9 -  Marlins 2

The Twins rolled past the  Marlins winning 9-2.  For the Twins, Brooks Blakemore, Michael O'Dwyer, and Kaleb Simpson had doubles. Seth roberts(2), Jacob Roberts(2), Brooks Blakemore, Michael O'Dwyer(2), Dawson Burckardt, Ezra Berry, Cooper Williams and Lee Williams had base hits.  For the Marlins, Charlie Sabens had a double and a single.   Brady Noe, nathan Kessinger, Bodee Blevins(2), jason Jones(3), and Dustin Knorr had base hits.

/31/19  Mariners 12  -  Mets  1

The Mariners had a five run second inning as they defeated the Mets winning 12-1. For the Mariners,  Issac Kiesewetter and Anderson Parrott each had a double and two singles.   Billy Keck(3), Joshua Ruffin(2), Carter Brown(2), and James Carter had base hits.  For the Mets,  Noah  Anastasio, Ashton Cancel, and Henry Stratten each had two hits.

5/31/19  Nationals 10  Royals 9 

The Nationals rally past the Royals 10-9 scoring three run in the bottom of the sixth inning as Liam Videll had a game winning homerun.  For the Nationals,, Hardy Deaves had a homerun and a double.  Liam Videll added a double and a single. Casey Mais(2) Brandon Fuentes(2), Cory Campbell, Cooper Brown, and Carter Bramlage-Schomburg had base hits.  For the Royals,  Tucker Wallace, Kellan Harper, Ayden Wilson, Anthony Sutton(2) had doubles.  Noah Lewis, Anthony Sutton, Ayden Wilson, Kellan Harper, Dean Williams(2) and Tucker Wallace had singles.

5/28/19  Mariners 14 - Phillies 9

The Mariners  bats were working as they defeated the Phillies 14-9.  For the Mariners,  Billy Keck and Issac Kiesewetter each had a double and two singles.  Dean Dattilo had a double and a single.   James Carter, Anderson Parrott(2), Joshua Ruffin, Carter Brown(2), Waylon Higdon(2), Alex Anthony(2),  Bowen Malloy and Micah McKinney had base hits.  For the Phillies,  Braxton Taylor hit his first homerun over the fence and added a inside the park one.  CC Cooper and Colton Collins each had three hits. Max West, Sammy Springer, Cash Thompson and Will Hogan(2) had base hits. 

5/24/19  Pirates 13 -  Phillies 0

5/24/19  Twins 12  - Tigers 5

The Twins scored five runs in both the first and and fifth inning to beat the Tigers 12-5.  For the Tigers,  Kaleb Simpson had a triple and a doubles. Jacob Roberts and Michael O'Dwyer each had a double and a single.  Seth Roberts, Brooks Blakemore(2), Dawson burckardt, Ezra Berry(2),  Lee Williams, Ian Wall,Bentley Bergren and Brooks Williams had base hits.   For the Tigers,  Conner Johnson had a double and a single.  Jim Jones(3), Clayton Bessinger, Levi Moore, Jaxson Simpson and Jaxon Breckinridge had base hits.

5/24/19   Mariners 11 -  Royals 6

The Mariners  topped the  Royals to win 11-6.  For the Mariners, Joshua Ruffin had a triple and two singles.  Alex Anthony had two doubles and a single. James Carter added a double.   Issac Kiesewetter(3), Kyser Moore(2), Dean Dattilo, Bowen Malloy(3), and Billy Keck(3) had base hits.  For the Royals,   Hudson reed and Sam DePugh had doubles.  Lucas Turner, Tucker Wallace, Anthony  Sutton, Ayden Wilson, Kellan Harper, Dean Williams and  Owen Matthews(2) had base hits.

5/24/19   Rays 14 - Marlins 6

The Rays Keaton Neuner hit his first homerun over the fence to help lead to a14-6 win over the the Marlins.  For the Rays, Keaton Neuner had two triples.  Aiden Newkirk had two doubles and two singles. Liam Fleischer(2), Eli Bottorff(2), Aiden Riley(2) and jack Wise had base hits.  Justice Greer had a double and two singles. Kristian Kalli had a double and a single.  For the Marlins, Brady Noe, Bodee Blevins, Charlie Sabens each had two hits. Henry Keller had a double and a single.

5/22/19  Nationals 13 - Mets 4

The Nationals scored five runs in the fifth inning to seal a 13-4 win over the Mets.  For the Nationals, Leo Quinones, Casey Mais, Brandon Fuentes, Liam Videll, Hardy Deaves, and Cooper Brown had doubles.  Cory Campbell(3), Nolan Silvers,  Bobby Turley nd Will Haysley had base hits.  For the Mets,  Noah Anastasio, Dylan Kleinholter, Owen Thompson, Brady Bottorff and Henry Stratton had doubles.  Ashton Canecl, Owen Thompson, Tristan Rutan and Andy Pennington had base hits.

5/21/19  Twins 6 - Mariners 3

The Twins scored four times in the first inning on their way to a 6-3 win over the Mariners.  For the Twins, Michael O'Dwyer(2), Seth roberts(2), Kaleb Simpson, Dawson Burckardt, and Ezra Berry had base hits.  For the Mariners,  Billy Keck(2), Josh Ruffin(2), and Alex Anthony had base hits.  Waylon Higdon and Kyser Moore added doubles.

5/20/19  Rays 10 - Tigers 7

The Rays started the game  with five runs in the first inning on their way to a 10-7 win over the Tigers.  For the Rays,  Keaton neuner had three doubles. Liam Warner had a double and two singles. Jackson Edgar had a double and a single.  Aiden newkirk(2), Ben Bush(3), Liam Fleischer(2), Eli Gathof(2), Aiden Riley and Justice Greer(3) had base hits.  For the Tigers, Nikos Samudio and Weston Rice each had a double and a single.  Aaron Farmer(2), Levi Moore, Connor Johnson, Tanner Shipp, Mason Rowan and Jaxon Breckinridge had base hits.

5/18/19  Rays 14 -  Royals 4

The Rays scored five runs in the second and fifth inning as they defeated the Royals 14-4.  For the Rays,  Liam Warner had a triple, double and a single..  Keaton Neuner had a triple and two singles.  Jackson Edgar, Liam Fleischer and Ben Bush had doubles.  Aiden Newkirk(2), Liam Fleischer,  Ben Bush, Jackson Edgar(2), Eli Gathof, Aiden Riley(2), Justice Greer, Jace Van Bree and Jack Wise had singles.  For the Royals, Ayden Wilson had a homerun and a triple.  Kellan Harper had a double and a single.  Owen Matthew(2), Dean Williams, Hudson Reed, Noah lewis, and Sam DePugh had base hits.

5/18/19  Tigers 11 - Pirates 10

The Tigers Connor Johnson had the game winning hit as the Tigers knocked off the Pirates 11-10.  For theTigers,  Levi Moore, Jaxon Breckinridge and Connor Johnson had doubles. Aaron Farmer(2), Jim Jones(2), Nikos Samudio, Levi Moore, Connor Johnson, Jaxon Simpson, and ClaytonBissinger had base hits.  For the Pirates,  matt Withrow had a triple and a single.  Beckett Murphy(2), Evan Hulsman, Nick Pedigo, Eli Miller, Kairo Ball(2) and Eli Erxloben(2) had base hits.  TJ Konerman had a double.

5/18/19   Nationals 11 - Twins 4

The Nationals took care of the Twins with a 11-4 win.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had a triple. Leonardo Quinones and Cooper Brown had doubles..  Casey Mais(2), Brandon Fuentes, Hardy Deaves((2), Leonardo Quinones(2), Cory Campbell,  Cooper Brown,Nolan Silver and Josh hutchins had base hits.  For the Twins,  Michael O'Dwyer and Kaleb Simpson each had a double and a single.  Seth roberts and Ian Wall had base hits.

5/18/19   Mariners 18 - Marlins 7

5/17/19   Nationals 18 - Trimble County 5

The Nationals continued their winning streak as they knocked off Trimble County 18-5.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had a triple and two doubles.  Cooper Brown. Brandon Fuentes and Casey Mais had doubles. 

5/17/19  Twins 13 - Royals 2

The Twins scored  five runs in the third inning on their way to a 13-2 win over the Royals.  For the Twins,  Kaleb Simpson had two doubles and a single. Michael O'Dwyer had a double and two singles.  Seth Roberts had a triple and a single.  Jacob Roberts(2), Brooks Blakemore(2), Dawson Burckardt and  Lee Williams(2) had base hits.  For the Royals, Dean Williams had a double.  Owen matthews(2), Kellan Harper,Ayden Wilson(2), Anthony Sutton, Hudson Reed(2) and Noah Lewis had base hits.

5/16/19  Nationals  24 - Tigers  10

The Nationals took care of the Tigers  winning 24-10.  For the Nationals, Liam Videll and Leo Quinones had homeruns.  Josh Hutchins(2), Casey Mathis(2), Liam Videll(3), Leo Quinones and Hardy Deaves had doubles.  For the Tigers, Nikos Samudio had a triple. Weston Rice, Connor Johnson and Jaxson Simpson had doubles.

5/15/19  Rays 10 - Dynamites 9

The Rays held off the Phillies for a 5-4 win.  For the Rays,  Ben Bush and Justice Greer each had a triple.  Aiden Newkirk and Liam Warner each had a double.  Eli Gathof(2), Liam Fleischer and Aiden Riley had base hits.  For the Phillies,  John Esterly and Braxton Taylor had doubles.   CC Cooper(2), Colton Collins(2), Max West, Cash Thompson and  Sammy Springer had base hits.

5/14/19  Pirates 10 - Mariners 3

The Pirates Matt Withrow hit first homerun over the fence as they defeated the Mariners 10-3.  For the Pirates, Colton Smith had a double and two singles.  Beckett Murphy(2), Nick Pedigo, Eli Miller, Evan Hulsman(2) Eli Erxleben(2), Kairo Ball and  David Waterman had base hits.   For the Mariners, Billy Keck, Issac Kiesewetter, Joshua Ruffin, Carter Brown, Bowen Malloy, james CarterMatthew and Dean Dattilo had base hits.

5/13/19  Mets 14 - Marlins  6

The  Mets  took care of the Marlins by a score of 14-6.  For the Mets, Holden Applegate had a homerun, triple and a single.  Dylan Kleinholter(2), Noah Anastasio, Ashton Cancel and Owen Thompson had doubles.  Tristan Rutan had two hits.  For the Marlins, Bodee Blevins had a triple. Charlie Sabens(3), Brady Noe(2), Parker White(2), Dustin Knorr, Jason Jones, and Henry Keller had base  hits.

5/11/19   Royals  15  - Tigers 8

The Royals had two five run innings as they defeated the tigers 15-8.  For the royals,  Ayden Wilson had two homeruns and a triple. Anthony Sutton, Tucker Wallace and Dean Williams had doubles.

5/11/19  Nationals 11 -  Mariners  4

The Nationals even their record with the Mariners winning 11-4.  For the Nationals, Casey mais, branden Fuentes, Hardy Deaves, Josh Hutchens and Leonardo Quinones had doubles.  For the Mariners, Josh Ruffin, Issac Kiesewetter  had doubles.

5/11/19 Pirates 14 - Mets 3

5/11/19  Twins 7 - Rays 6

The Twins rally for four runs in the bottom of the sixth inning as Lee Williams had the game winning hit knocking Kaleb Simpson with the winning run  to beat the Rays 7-6.   For the Twins,  Michael O'Dwyer had a triple, double and a single. Jacob Roberts(2), Seth Roberts(2) Dawson Burckardt, Ezra Berry and Bentley Bergren had base hits.  For the Rays, Keaton Neuner had a triple and a double. Liam Fleischer(2), Ben Bush, Aiden Newkirk(2), Jackson Edgar(2) and Eli Smith had base hits.

5/11/19  Phillies 13 - Trimble County 6

The Phillies defeated Trimble County 13-6.  For the Phillies Max West had an inside the park  homerun.

5/10/19  Phillies 14 - Marlins 5

The Phillies scored five  runs in the third and fourth innings to beat the Marlins 14-5.  For the Phillies, Braxton taylor had two doubles and a single.  John Esterly(3), Colton Collins(3), Cc Cooper(2), Max West(2), Smmy Springer, Preston Matherly, and Andrew Lamkin had base hits.  For the  Marlins,  Charlie Sabens, Nathan Kessinger, Brady Noe, Dustin Knorr had base hits.

5/10/19 Tigers 7 - Twins 4

A four run  fourth inning propelled the Tigers past the Twins for a 7-4 win.  For the  Tigers, Connor Johnson had a triple and a single.  Jim Jones(2), Levi Moore, Nikos Samudio(2), Weston Rice(2) and jaxon Breckenridge had base hits.  For the Twins, Michael O'Dwyer(2) Jacob Roberts, Kaleb Simpson, Brooks Blakemore(2),Bentley Bergren and Dawson Buckhardt had base hits.

5/9/19 Pirates 11 -  Phillies 4

The Pirates  took down the Phillies with a 11-4 win.  For the Pirates, Matt Withrow(4), Colton Smith(2), and Eli Miller had doubles.  Nick Pedigo, Evan Hulsman(3), Kairo Ball and David Waterman had base hits.   For the Phillies,  John esterly had a triple, double and a single.  CC Cooper had a double and a single. Colton Collins and Sam Springer had doubles.  Preston Matherly had a base hit.

5/8/19  Rays 11 - Marlins 9

the rays held off a late rally by the Marlins to win 11-9.   For the Rays, Keaton Neuner had two triples. Jackson Edgar had two doubles. Liam Fleischer had a double and a single.  Ben Bush,  Aiden Newkirk(2), Liam Warner(2), Eli Gathof,Aiden Riley, Justice Greer and Kristian Kallio had base hits.  For the Marlins, Nathan Kessinger hit a solo homerun out of the park in the the third inning.and had a double and a single. Bodee Blevins had a double.  Jason Jones(3), Charlie Sabens(3), Brady Noe and Parker White(2) had base hits.

5/7/19  Royals 12 -  Mariners 11

Royals held off a late rally by the Mariners to win 12-11.  For the Royals, Kellan Harper(2) and Ayden Wilson had triples.  Noah Lewis  and Anthony Sutton  added  doubles.   Tucker Wallace(2), Owen Matthews, Dean Williams, Lucas Turner and Sam DePugh(2)  had base hits.    For the Mariners, Carter Brown(2), billy Keck and Anderson Parrott had doubles.   Joshua Ruffin(2), Issac Kiesewetter(2), Alex Anthony and Dean Dattilo had base hits.

5/6/19  Nationals  16  - Mets  8

The Nationals scored in every inning as they stayed on top of the standings in Rookie baseball with 16-8 win over the Mets.  For the Nationals, Liam Videll had a triple and a single.  Casey Mais  had three doubles.  Brandon Fuentes(2), leonardo Quinones(2), Cory Campbell(3), Cooper Brown(3), Nolan Silvers, Joshua Hutchins, Carter Bramlage-Shomburg(2) and Will haysley had base hits. Hardy Deaves added a double.  For the Mets, Holden Applegate(3), Noah Anastasio(2), Dylan Kleinholter(3), Ashton Cancel, Nolan Stethen(2), Logan Cecil, Brady Bottorff(2), and Henry Stratton had base hits.

5/5/19 Phillies 11 - Royals 3

The Phillies jumped out to an early 5-0 lead and never looked back to beat the Royals 11-3.  For the Phillies,  Colton  Collins(2), CC Cooper, John Esterly, Brxton, Taylor(2). Max West and ash Thompson had doubles.  For the Royals, Ayden Wilson had a double.   Anthony Sutton(2), Tucker Wallace, Kellan Harper  and Liam Williams had base hits.

5/5/19  Mariners 12 - Tigers  6

The Mariners took care of the Tigers winning 12-6.  For the Mariners,   Josh Ruffin had a homerun a and a single. Anderson Parrott had a triple and two doubles.  Carter Brown added a triple and a single.  Issac Kiesewetter and Dean Dattilo each added a double.  Billy Keck had a double and two singles. Alex Anthony, Kyser Moore(2), Bowen Malloy(2) and James Carte had base hits.   For the Tigers,  Weston Rice had a double and two singles.  Connor Johnson had a double and a single.   Jaxon Simpson(2), Tanner Shipp(2), Mason Rowan and Jaxon Breckinridge(2) had base hits.

5/3/19  Nationals 4 - Phillies 3

The Nationals came out on top  as they edged the Phillies 4-3 in the night cap.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll and Brandon Fuentes had doubles.  Hardy Deaves(2), Leo Quinones, Cory Campbell, Joshua Hutchins and Carter, Bramlage-Schomburg had base hits.  For the Phillies,John Esterly had a triple. Colton Collins and Seth Richards each added a double.  CC Cooper(2),  Max West(2) had base hits.

5/3/19  Mets 10 - Royals 0

The Mets scored five runs in two different innings to shutout the Royals  10-0.  For the Mets,  Noah Anastasio, Nolan Stethen, and Holden Applegate each had a double and a single.  Dylan Kleinholter(2) Ashton Cancel(2), OwenThompson, Logan Cecil, Caiden Reinbold and Henry Stratton had base hits.  For the Royals, Anthony Sutton(2), Dean Williams(2), Ayden Wilson(2), Tucker Wallace, Hudson Reed and Kellan Harper had base hits.

5/3/19  Pirates 9 - Marlins 1

The Pirates scored five times in the fourth inning on their way to a 9- 1 win over the Marlins.  For the pirates,  Colton Smith had a triple and a single.  Matt Withrow added a triple.  Nick Pedigo had a double and a single. Kairo Ball added a double. David Waterman Cace Reynolds, Eli Erxleben, Levi Withrow and JT knoerman had base hits.  For the Marlins,  Charlie Sabens had a double and two singles.  Brady Noe, Nathan Kessinger92), parker White, jason Jones, Brady Guilfoil had base hits.

5/1/19  Rays 9 -  Pirates 8

The Rays held  off a late rally by the Pirates to win 9-8.  For the Rays, keaton neuner, Liam Fleischer, Jack Wise and Justice Greer had base hits.  For the Pirates,  Colton Smith had a double and a single.  beckett Murphy, Nick Pedigo, Matt Withrow, Eli Miller and kairo Ball had base hits.

4/30/19 Twins 4 -  Mets  2

A three run fourth inning helped the Twins  top the Mets 4-2.  For the Mets,  Michael O'Dwyer had a triple and a single. Seth Roberts, Jacob Roberts(2) and  Dawson Burckardt  had base hits.  Kaleb Simpson had a homerun. For the Mets,  Holden Applegate had a homerun.  Nolan Stethen, Owen Thompson, Brady Bottorff, and Caden Reinbold had base hits.  Logan Cecil added a double.

4/29/19  Nationals  14  -  Marlins 8

The scoreboard stayed busy as the Nationals continued their winning streak beating the Marlins 14-8.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had a homerun and a triple. Josh Hutchins and brandon Fuentes had doubles.  Hardy Deaves(3), Casey Mais(2), Lenardo Quinones(3), Cooper Brown(2) and landon McNeil had base hits.  Charlie Sabens, Brady Noe, Bodee Blevins had doubles.  Nathan Kessinger(3), and Parker White had base hits.  Brady Guilfoil had a homerun.

4/28/19 Rays 11 -  Mets 9

4/28/19 Mariners 11 - Phillies 10

The Mariners edged the Phillies 11-10.  For the Mariners,  Billy Keck, Issac Kiesewetter, Anderson Parrott, and Joshua Ruffin had doubles.  Carter Brown, Alex Anthony, Waylon higdon, Kyser Moore(2) bowen Malloy(2), and Dean Dattilo had base hits.  For the Phillies,  braxton Taylor had triple and a homerun.  Colton Collins had a homerun and two singles. john Esterly had a double and a single. Will Hogan and Owen lindauer(2).

4/28/19   Nationals 16  -  Royals 7

The Nationals scored in every inning as they defeated the Royals 16-7.  For the Nationals,  Casey Mais(2), Hardy Deaves, and Leonardo Quinones had doubles.  Liam Videll had two triples.  Brandon Fuentes had a homerun. Cory Campbell(2), Cooper Brow(3), Nolan Silvers(2), Carte bramlage-Schomberg and Bobby Turley had base hits.   For the Royals, Anthony Sutton had a triple. Ayden Wilson had a triple. Kellan Harper had a double. Hudson Reed, Tucker Wallace, Dean Williams(2), and Sam DePugh(2) had base hits.

4/28/19  Tigers 14 - Marlins 2

The Tigers defeated the Marlins 14-2  for their first win. For the Tigers,  Weston Rice and Connor Johnson each had a double and two singles.  Aaron Farmer92), Jim Jones(2), Jaxon Simpson(2), Tanner Shipp(2)and mason Rowan(3) had base hits.  Jaxon Breckinridge.Nikos Samudio and Levi Moore had doubles.  For the Marlins,  Chrlie Sabens(2), Nathan Kessinger,Bodee Blevins. and Jason Jones had base hits.  Parker White had a triple.

4/28/19   Mariners  13 -  Marlins 7

The Mariners bats woke up with a 13-7 win over the Marlins.  For the Mariners,  Dean Dattilo, Billy Keck and Waylon Higdon, Kyser Moore had doubles. Issac Kiesewetter, Kyser Moore and Anderson Parrott had a triple. CarterBrown(2),Alex Anthony(2), Bowen Malloy(2), James Carter, and Liam Mandzo had base hits.  For the Marlins,  Charlie Sabens had two doubles and a single.  Jason Jones had two triples. Henry Keller   Brady Guilfoil added a double.  Griffin Adams, Bodee Blevins, and Brady Noe had base hits.

4/27/19  Twins 5 - Phillies 4

The Twins Michael O'Dwyer double .knocked in Kaleb Simpson with the go ahead run in the sixth inning to top the Phillies 5-4.  For the Twins, Kaleb Simpson had a a triple and two singles.  Jacob Roberts had a double.  Michael O'Dwyer(2)seth Roberts and  Brooks Blakemore had base hits.  For the Phillies, Colton Collins had a triple.  CC Cooper and John Esterly had base hits.

4/27/19  Royals 11 - Marlins 10  

The Royals had two four run innings as they edged the Marlins 1,1-10.  For the Royals, Anthony Sutton had a homerun, a triple and a single. Ayden Wilson had a double and  two singles.  Tucker Wallace had two doubles. Dean Williams(2), Owen Matthew(2), Hudson Reed, Kellan Harper(2), Noah Lewis, and Sam DePugh had base hits.  For the Marlins,  Charlie Sabens had two homeruns and a double. Brad y Noe(2).  Parker White and Nathan Kessinger had doubles. Dustin Knorr, Brady Guilfoil, and Jason Jones had base hits.

4/27/19  Rays 9  - Mariners  4

The Rays knocked off the Mariners to win 9-4.  For the Rays, Ben Bush had atwo homeruns. Liam Fleischer had a double and two singles.  Keaton Neuner had a triple.   liam Warner(2), AIden Riley,and Kristian Kallio had base hits.  For the Mariners, Billy Keck had a double and a single.  Andrew Parrott(3), Alex Anthony(2), Waylon Higdon, Kyser Moore(2) and Bowen Malloy had base hits.

4/27/19   Mets 10 - Tigers 7

The Mets continued their winning streak by defeating the Tigers 10-7.  For the Mets, Dillon Kleinholter and Nolan Stethen each had a double and a single.  Noah Anastasio(2), Holden Applegate(2) Ashton Cancel(2), Owen thompson, and Logan Cecil(2) had base hits.  For the Tigers,  Jaxon Breckinridge and Weston Rice each had a double and a single. Conner johnson, Tanner Shipp. Garrett White, Clayton Bissenger and Mason Rowan(2) had base hits.

4/26/19   Nationals 15 -  Pirates  9

Two of the top teams squared off as the Nationals came out with 15-9 win over the Pirates.  For the Nationals,  hardy Deaves(3), liam Videll(3), Brandon Fuentes(2), Leo Quinones(3), Cory Campbell(2), Cooper Brown(3) Landon McNeil, Nolan Silvers and Joshua Hutchins(2) had base hits.  For the Pirates, Colton Smith had a triple and a single.  TJ konerman had two  doubles.  beckett Murphy(2) Nick pedigo(2), Eli Miller, Levi Higdon, Kairo ball had base hits.

4/26/19   Trimble  County  11 - Marlins 10

4/26/19   Phillies 7 - Tigers 2

4/25/19   Mets 8  -  Mariners 0

The Mets blanked the Mariners 8-0.  For the Mets,  Dillion Kleinholter had a double and  two singles.  Noah Antastio(2), Holden Applegate, Nolan Stethen, Owen Thompson, Logan Cecil(2), Brady Nottorff, Henry Stratton, Tristan Rutan, Aiden McGuire, Andy Pennington had Base hits.

4//24/19   Twins 9  - Marlins 6

The Twins rebounded from Tuesday night loss to beat the Marlins 9-6 on Wednesday.  For the Twins,  Kaleb Simpson hit an inside the park homerun.

4/23/19 Pirates 9 - Twins 5

The Pirates  defeated the Twins 9-5 in their makeup game.  For the Pirates,  Matt Withrow had a homerun and a triple.   Eli Miller had a double and a single. Nick Pedigo(3), Beckett Murphy(2), Colton Smith(2),  and Evan Hulsman had base hits.  For the Twins,  Seth Roberts had two doubles and a single. Jacob Roberts had a double and a single. Kaleb Simpson, Ezra Berry(2), Brooks Blakemore, and Michael O'Dwyer had base hits.

4/23/19  Nationals 9 - Rays  5

The Nationals  topped the Rays  to win 9-5.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had two doubles.  Brandon Fuentes had a triple and two singles.  Hardy Deaves(3), Casey Mais, Leonardo Quinones, Cory Campbell(2), Cooper Brown, Joshua Hutchins, and Bobby Turley had base hits.  For the Rays,  Liam Fleischer had two doubles.  Ben Bush, Keaton Neuner, Liam Warner(2), Justice Greer(2),  and Kristian Kallio had base hits.

The Nationals  topped the Rays  to win 9-5.  For the Nationals,  Liam Videll had two doubles.  Brandon Fuentes had a triple and two singles.  Hardy Deaves(3), Casey Mais, Leonardo Quinones, Cory Campbell(2), Cooper Brown, Joshua Hutchins, and Bobby Turley had base hits.  For the Rays,  Liam Fleischer had two doubles.  Ben Bush, Keaton Neuner, Liam Warner(2), Justice Greer(2),  and Kristian Kallio had base hits.

4/22/19   Pirates  11  -   Royals  6

The Pirates scored five runs in the first and fifth inning to beat the Royals 11-6.  for the Pirates, Nick Pedigo had a homerun in the first inning. Matt Withrow had two triples.  Beckett Murphy, Colton Smith, Evan Hulsman, Eli Miller. andTj Konerman had doubles.  For the Royals, Anthony Sutton had a double.  Aydwn Wilson had a triple.  Sam DePugh and Dean Williams each had two hits.

4/17/19   Nationals 14 -  Twins 6

The Nationals scored five runs in the third and fifth inning inning to beat the Twins 14-5.  For the Nationals,  Liam Viudell had a homerun and a double.  Brandon Fuentes had a triple.  Hardy Deaves(2), Leonardo Quinones(2)  and Casey Mais(2) had Doubles.  Joshua Hutchins and Cory Campbell each had two hits. For the Twins, Seth roberts  had a homerun and two singles..  Jacob Roberts added a triple and a double.  Kaleb Simpson had a  triple and two singles. Michael O'Dwyer had two hits

4/16/19   Mets 6  -  Phillies   3

The Mets had a five run fifth inning to beat the Phillies 6-3.   For the Mets,   Ashton Cancel had a homerun.  For the Phillies, Braxton  Taylor had two hits.

4/15/19  Pirates 17 - Tigers 6

The Pirates scored in every inning to beat the Tigers 17-6.  For the pirates, Matt Withrow had a homerun, triple and a single.  Colton Smith, Kairo Ball, Levi Withrow, Eli Miller(2) had doubles.  Beckett Murphy(3), Nick Pedigo(2)had multiple hits.  For the Tigers,  Connor Johnson had a a triple and a single.  Jaxon Simpson and Tanner Shipp had doubles

4/13/19   Pirates  17  -  Tigers  6

The Pirates scored in every inning to beat the Tigers 17-6.  For the pirates, Matt Withrow had a homerun, triple and a single.  Colton Smith, Kairo Ball, Levi Withrow,Eli Miller(2) had doubles.  Beckett Murphy(3), Nick Pedigo(2)had multiple hits.  For the Tigers,  Connor Johnson had a a triple and a single.  Jaxon Simpson and Tanner Shipp had doubles.


4/13/19   Mets 7   Marlins 3

The  Mets had the last game of the day  as they topped the Marlins 7-3.  For the Mets,  Holden Applegate had a homerun and a double.  Ashton Cator had a double.  Noah Anastasio(2), Nolan Stethen, Logan Cecil(2), Owen Thompson(2), Brady Bottorff(2), Henry Stratton and Tristan Rutan had base hits.  For the Marlins,  Charlie Sabens had a double and two singles.   Brady noe had a double and a si ngle.  Parker White, Bodee Blevins, Jason Jones, and Henry Keller had base hits.

4/13/19   Twins 10   -  Royals  7

The Twins held off a late rally by the Royals to win 10-7.  For the Twins,  Kaleb Simpson had two doubles and a single.  Jacob Roberts had a double and a single.  Michael o'Dwyer had a triple and a single.  Lee Williams(2), Ezra Berry, and Brooks Williams had base hits.  For the Royals,   Tucker Wallace and  Anthony Sutton each had a double and a single.  Ayden Wilson had a double and two singles. Kellan Harper added a double.

4/13/19   Rays 12  - Phillies 1

The Rays started the day with a 12-1 win over the Phillies.  For the Rays Adien Newkirk(2), Liam Fleischer, Keaton Neuner and Eli Gathof had doubles.   For the Phillies,  Braxton Taylor had a double and a single.

4/12/19  Phillies 11 - Marlins  5

The Phillies had a pair 4 run bookends as they scored 4 runs in the first and sixth inning to beat the Marlins 11-5.  for the Phillies, Colton Collins, CC Cooper, Braxton taylor(2), Max West, Sammy Springer,  and Cash Thompson had doubles.  John Esterly had three hits. Owen lindauer had two hits.  For the Marlins,  Charlie Sabens had a homerun and two singles.  Nathan Kessinger had a double and two singles. Henry Keller, Bodee Blevins, Parker White, Dustin knorr, and Brady Noe had base hits.

4/12/19  Nationals  17  -  Tigers 4

The Nationals five runs in the first inning and never looked back as they downed the Tigers 17-4.  For the Nationals, Leonardo Quinones had two doubles and a single.  Cooper Brown(3), Hardy deaves(2) Cory Campbell(2), Liam Videll,  Brandon Fuentes, Landon McNeil, Nolan Silvers, William  Haysley, Carter bramlage-Schomburg  and Bobby Turley(2) had base hits.   For the Tigers, Weston Rice  and Connor Johnson had doubles.   Jim Jones,Niko Samudio, Jaxson Simpson,Jaxon Breckinridge, and Mason Rowan had base hits.

4/11/19  Pirates  12 -  Mets 2

The Pirates jumped out to an early  4-0 lead in the first inning  and never looked back as they beat the Mets 12-2.  For the Pirates,  Colton Smith, T.J. kirchner, Nick Pedigo, and Eli Miller each had three hits. For the Mets,  Holden Applegate and Caiden reinbold each had two hits.

4/10/19  Mariners 14 - Nationals 6

The Mariners  bats were working as they beat the Nationals 14-6 in their first game.  For the Mariners,  Issc kiesewetter and Joshua Ruffin each had a double and two singles.  Billy Keck had a double and a single.  Anderson Parrott(2), Carter Brown(2),  Alex Anthony(2), Waylon Higdon, james Carter, and Micah McKinney had  base hits.  Billy Keck made 6 defensive putouts  For the Nationals, William Haysley had a homerun in the sixth inning.  Hardy Deaves added a a triple and a single.   Casey Mais, Cory Campbell, Leonardo Quinones, and  Landon McNeil haad base hits.

4/9/19    Royals 7 - Tigers 3
    The Royals scored four times in the third inning on their way to a 7-3 win over the Tigers.  For the Royals, Dean Williams and Adyen Wilson each had two doubles. Anthony Sutton had a double and a single. Tucker Wallace, Sam DePugh, Owen Matthews(2), Noah Lewis and Liam Williams had base hits.  For the Tigers, Weston Rice had a double and a single. Tanner Shipp(2), Mason Rowan(2), Nikos Samudio, Connor Johnson, Jaxon Breckinridge, Jaxon Simpson, Levi Moore, and Aaron Farmer had base hits.  

4/8/19  Twins 7 - Rays  6
The Twins topped the Rays 7-6 in the Season Opener.  For the Twins, Jacob Roberts  had two doubles and a single.  Kaleb Simpson had a double and a single. Michael O'Dwyer and Lee Williams each had two hits.   Ezra Berry,Cooper Williams and Ian Wall had base hits.  For the Rays,  Liam Fleischer had three hits.  Aiden Newkirk had a double and a single.  Ben Bush had two hits.  Justice Greer, Jackson Edgar, Keaton Neuner,  Eli Gathof and Aiden Riley had base hits.

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