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Rookie League Softball Game Highlights

6/15/24  Championship Game  Cyclones 9 - Wolverines 8  The Cyclones held off a late rally by the Wolverines to win the Rookie League Softball Championship 9-8.  For the Cyclones, Myra Daivs, Aaliyah Pinion and Eliza Cook had doubles. Presley Rodgers and Jocelyn Butler each had a double. and a single.  Leighton Perkins(2), Brooklyn Cox(2) Hannah Bennett and Dae Woods had base hits. For the Magic,  Madison Crenshaw had a homerun and a single.  Annabelle Bream had a double and a single. Kylie Cronin had a triple and a single. Cameron Crenshaw, Charleigh Curran Layken McCurly, Madison Walton(2)and Annie Lindemier had base hits.

6/14/24  Wolverines 9 - Magic 8  The Wolverines held off a late rally  by the Magic win 9-8 and advanced to championship game,  For the Wolverines, Presley Rodgers and Jocelyn Butler each had a double and a single.  Eliza Cook, Myra Davis and Aaliyah Pinion had  doubles. Leighton Perkins(2), Brooklyn Cox(2), Hannah Bennett and Dae Woods had base hits.  For the Magic, madison Crenshaw had ahomeruna nd a single.  Kylie Cronin had a triple and a single. Annabelle Bream had a double and a single. Cameron Crenshaw, Charleigh Curran, Annie Lindemier, Lakyn McCurley and Madison Walton(2) had base hits.

6/13/24   Cyclones 14 - Rampage 9 The Cyclones advanced to the Championship game on Saturday as they scored five runs in two different innings to beat the Rampage 14-9.  For the Cyclones,   Destiny Santoyo had a triple and a single. Madalyn St. Cir had a triple. Brayah Kleitz had doubles.  Josie Hughes(3), Saylor Wise, Nora Willis(2) and Eve Barry had base hits.  Libby Potts and Emma Abel each had a double and two singles.  caroline Hanlin had a double and a single.  For the Rampage, Adalynn Crabtree had a triple, a double and a single.  Hannah Alford had a double and a single.  Oakleigh Lyons had a double.  Maddie Starrett Brynlee Hutchinson, Avery Combs and Briella Neal had base hits.

6/12/24  Rampage 10 - Falcons 9  The Rampage held off a late rally by the Falcons winning 10-9.  For the Rampage, Adelyn Weaver had a triple and a single. Avery Combs had a double and a single. Hannah ALford(3), Adalynn Crabtree(3), Oakleigh Lyons,  Lainey Lutz, Briella Neal, Maddie Starrett and Brynlee Hutchionson(2)  had base hits.  For the Falcons,  Raelynn Wilkinson had a homerun and two single. June Clark(3), Quinn Baker(2), Tilly SHipp(2), Nora Goss(2), Brynlee Gubert, Erica Anderson(2) and Elizabeth Paris had base hits.

6/9/24  Cyclones 17 - Rampage 13   The Cyclones took care of the Rampage 17-13  to finish the regular season.   

6/8/24 Magic 11 - Falcons 4  The Magic knocked off the Falcons 11-4.  For the Magic, Madison Crenshaw had two homeruns. Annabelle Bream and Kylie Cronin had doubles.  For the Falcons.  Tilly SHipp and Brynlee Gubert each had two hits. 

6/8/24 Wolverines  15 - Rampage 9   The Wolverines defeated the Rampage 15-9 to start the saturday. For the Wolverines, Brooklyn Cox had a homerun and two doubles.  Myra Davis and Emma Potts each  added a double.  For theRampage HannahAlford had a triple and a double.  Lainey Lutz had a homerun.  Oakleigh Lyons had a triple.  Avery Combs had a double. 

6/7/24  Cyclone 15 - Magic 7  The scoreboard stayed busy as the Cyclones beat the Magic 15-7.  For the Cyclones, Libby Potts had a double and a sngle. Brayah Kleitz Saylor Wise and Emma Able each had three hits.  For the Magic, Madison Crenshaw had a double.

6/6/24 Wolverines 15 - Falcons 12   After a slow start the Wolverines bats got going for a 15-12 win over the Falcons.  For the Wolverines, Myra Davis and Emma Potts each had a double and two singles.  Presley Rodgers and Jocelynynn each had a double and a single. For the Falcons,  Quinn Baker had a triple and two singles. Stella Buckner, Nora Gossand Kennedy Thurman each had four hits.

6/1/24 Cyclones 17 - Falcons 11 The Cyclones scored five runs in the fourth and sixth inning to beat the Falcons 17-11.  For the Cyclones, Destiny Santoyo(2) Saylor Wise and  Hannah Cartledge  had doubles.  FOr the Falcons. Quinn Baker(2), Scarlett Manning, Raelynn WIlkinson and Erica Anderson had doubles.  June Clark had a homerun and a double

6/1/24 Magic 14 - Rampage 5  The magic had a five run third inning on their way to a 14-5 win over the Rampage.  For the Magic, Madison Crenshaw had a triple and two singles.  For the Rampage, Hannah Alford had a double and two singles.

5/31/24  Cyclones 13 - Wolverines 10  The Cyclones had two five run innings to beat the Wolverines 13-10.   For the Cyclones, Josie Hughes had a triple and asouble.  Hannah Cartledge had a triple.  Brayah Kleitz added a double.   For the Wolverines,  Myra Davis and Presley Rodgers had doubles.

5/30/24  Rampage10 - Falcons 9  the Rampage   Julianna Himler scored the winning run as they edged the Falcons 10-9.  For the Rampage, Julianna Himler had a triple and a double.  Madison Starrett had a  triple. Avery Combs and Oakleigh Lyons had doubles.  For the Falcons, Raelynn Wilkinson had a homerun.  June Clark and Jesilynn Wilkinson had triples.  Stella Buckner added a double.

5/28/24  Falcons 9 - Wolverines 5  The Falcons  had their bats going as they defeated the Wolverines.  For the FDalcons, raelynn Wilkinson had a homerun and a double. Quinn Baker had a double and a single.  Tilly Shipp added a double. Scarlett Manning(2), June Clark and Kennedy Truman had base hits.  Nora Garr added a triple.  For the Wolverines, Emma Potts had a double and a single. Brooklyn Cox, Presley Rodgers, Dae Woods and Aaliyah Pinion Myra Davis added a double.

5/24/24  Magic 15 - Wolverines 12  The Magic put crooked numbers on the board  in every inning to beat the Wolverines 15-12.  For the Magic, Madison Crenshaw had a double and two singles.  Cameron Crenshaw(3), Charleigh Curran(2), Annabelle Bream(4), Kylie Cronin(3), Brylee  Fox(2), Emerson Zummach,Adaline Glass and Annie Lindemeir had base hits. For the Wolverines, Brooklyn Cox had a triple, a double and a single. Sadie Stethen(2), Leighton Perkins, Presley Rodgers(2),Eliza Cook,Hannah Bennett and  Gwynth Butler (2) had base hits.  Myra Davisadded a double.  Jocelyn Butler had two doubles and  a single.                               

5/19/24  Cyclones 9 - Rampage 7  The Cyclones had a five run fourth inning to beat the Rampage 9-7.  For the Cyclones, Brayah Kleitz, Josie Hughes, Nora Willis, Libby Potts, Emma Abel(2), caroline Hanlin(3), Eve berry and Hadley Hughes had base hits.  For the Rampage, Julianna Himler and Oakleigh Lyons had doubles.

5/19/24  Cyclones 12 - Magic 4  The Cyclones put runs on the board  in every at bat to beat the Magic 12-4.  For the Cyclones, Hannah Cartledge had a double and a single.  Saylor Wise(3), Destiny Santoyo(2), Brayah Kleitz, Nora Willis, Libby Potts(3), Emma Abel, Caroline Hanlin(2) and Hadley Hughes had base hits. For the Magic, Cameron Crenshaw, Annabelle Bream(2), Madison Crenshaw, Kylie Crenshaw Emerson Zummach, Addie Bednarski and Adeline Glass had base hits.

5/18/24  Wolverines 20 - Rampage 14  The scoreboard was busy as the Wolverines came away with 20-14 win over the Rampage.  For the Wolverines, Leighton Perkins had a double and two singles. Emma Potts had a triple and three singles. Brooklyn Cox had two triples and two singles. Presley Rodgers had two doubles and two singles. Gwyeneth Butler and Eliza Cook had a double and  single. Dae Woods, Jocelyn Butler(2) and Sadie Stethen(3) had base hits.

5/18/24  Magic 13 - Falcons 9   The Magic had two five run innings as they beat the Falcons 13-9.  

5/16/24  Wolverines 14 - Falcons 13   The Wolverines held off a late rally by the Falcons  to win 14-13.  For the Wolverines,  Gwyneth Butler had a homerun and a single. Emma Potts and Presley Rodgers each had a double and a single.  Myra Davis had a double.  Dae Woods, Jocelyn Butler, Dakota  Shuler, Brookly Cox(2), Leighton Perkins(3), Sadie Stethen and Eliza Cook had base hits.  For the Falcons, Scarlett Manning, Nora Goss and Quinn Baker each had a double and a single.  Tilly SHipp(2), Stella Buckner(2), Raelynn Wilkinson(3), June Clark, Elizabeth Paris, Erica Anderson, Sloane Champion(2), Kennedy Thurman(2) and Brynlee Gubert(2) had base hits.

5/11/24  Wolverines 14 - Magic 3    The Wolverines took care of the Magic with a 14-3 win.  For the Wolverines, Brooklyn Cox had a triple, a double and a single. Leighton Perkins had adouble and two singles. Presley Rodgers, Dae Woods Aaliyah Pinion, Emma Potts and Gwyenth  Butler each had a double and a single.  Dakota SHuler, Jocelyn Butler, Eliza Cook and Sadie Stehen(4) had base hits.  For the Magic,  Cameron Crenshaw had ahomerun and a triple.  Madison Crenshaw, Kylie Cronin, Emerson Zummach and Emma White had base hits.

5/10/24 Magic 13 -  Rampage 5   

5/9/24  Cyclones 18 -  Wolverines 3 The Cyclones put five runs on the board in three different innings as they defeated the Wolverines 18-3. For the Cyclones, Brayah Kleitz  had a homerun and three singles. Carolin hanlin, Hadley Hughes, Eve Berry, Emma Abel, Libby Potts, Hannah Cartledge, Josie Hughes and  Destiny Santoyo each had two hits.  saylor Wise(3), Madalyn St. Cyr and Nora Willis had base hits.  For the Wolverines,  Presley Rodgers(2), Brooklyn Cox(2) Leighton Perkins, Emma Potts, Dae Woods and Aalyiah Pinion had base hits.

5/7/24  Rampage 7 - Falcons 3   The Rampage jumped out  to an early 5-0 in the first inning as they beat the Falcons 7-3.  For the Rampage, Avery Combs(3), Lainey Lutz(2), Nora Pike, Adalynn Crabtree, oakleigh Lyons and Julianna Himler(2) had base hits.  For the Falcons, Tilly Shipp(3), Quinn Baker and Sloane Champion(2)   had base hits.  Raelynn Wilkinson added a double.               

5/3/24  Cyclones 9 - Magic 8   The Cyclones Libby Potts  base hit knocked in the winning run as they rally for three runs in the sixth inning to beat the Magic 9-8.  For the Cyclones, brayan Kleitz had two doubles.  Saylor Wise had a base hit.  For the Magic,  Annabelle Bream had a double and a single. Adaline Glass had a base hit.

5/2/24  Rampage 8 - Wolverines 3  The Rampage scored five runs in the fourth inning to beat the Wolverines 8-3.  For the Rampage, Hannah Alford and Avery Combs each had a double and a single.  Lainey Lutz added a double. Julianne Himler had a homerun and a single. Nora Pike, Adelynn Crabtree and Maddie Starrett had base hits.  For the Woverines. Leighton Perkins had a triple and a single. Myra Davis had a double and a single. Brooklyn Cox(3) and Emma Potts had base hits.  Sadie Stethen and Dae Woods had doubles.

4/30/24  Falcons 11 - Magic 10  The Falcons rally back with five runs in the top of the sixth inning to beat the Magic 11-10.  For the Falcons,  Raelynn Wilkinson had a triple and two singles.  Tilly Shipp had two doubles and a single. Quinn Baker had a double and a single. Scarlett Manning(3), Nora Goss, June Clark(3), Erica ANderson, Sloane Champion(2), Kennedy Thurman and  Brynlee Gubert had base hits. For the Magic,  Madison Crenshaw had a double and two singles. Cameron Crenshaw(2), Charleigh Curran, Annabelle Bream(3), Kylie Cronin(2), Brylee Fox, layken McCurley, Emma White, and Emerson Zummach had base hits.

4/29/24  Falcons 10 - Cyclones 5  The Falcons broke a 5-5 tie in the sixth inninging to beat the Cyclones 10-5.  For the Falcons, Raelynn Wilkinson had a triple, a double and a single. Tilly Shipp, Stella Buckner(3), Scarlett Manning(3), Quinn Baker(2), Nora Goss, June Clark, Erica Anderson and Josilynn Wilkinson had base hits.  For the Cyclones, Brayah Kleitz had a triple, a double and a single. Hannah Cartledge had a double and a single. Nora Willis and Maddalynn St. Cyr had doubles. Saylor Wise, Destiny santoyo, Libby Potts, Eve Berry and  Caroline Hanlin had base hits.

4/28/24 Magic 11 - Rampage 5

4/27/24  Rampage 6 - Magic 1  The Rampage continued their winning streak with a 6-1 win over the Magic.  For the Rampage, Juliana Himler had a double and two singles. avery Combs, Adalynn Crabtree, Hannah Alford, lainey Lutz(2), Adlyn Weaver  and maddie Starrett had base hits.  For the magic, Cameron Crenshaw(2) Annabellle Bream,  Annie Lindemeier and Kylie Cronin had base hits.

4/27/24   Cyclones 19 - Wolverines 9  The scoreboard stayed busy as the Cyclone rolled past the Wolverines 19-9.  For the Cyclones,Salyor Wise (3), Destiny Santoyo(2)Madalyn St. Cyr(3), Hannah Cartledge(2), Nora Willis, Emma Abel(2), caroline Hanlin(3), Eve berry and Hadley Hughes had base hits. Brayan Kleitz had a triple and a single. Libby Potts had a double and a single.  For the Wolverines, Leighton Perkins had souble and two singles.   Emma Potts had a double and a single.  Myra Davis, Brooklyn Cox, Presley Rodgers, Eliza Cook, Jocelyn Butler, Dae Woods and Hannah Bennett had base hits.

4/26/24 Cyclones 21- Falcons 4 Another game without first and last names in the book Sorry no highlights

4//25/24  Rampage 10 - Falcons 4

4/23/24  Wolverines 7 - Magic 6 

4/20/24  Cyclones 15 - Rampage 1  The Cyclones put five run inning in  back to back innings to beat the Rampage 15-1.  Josie Hughes had a homerun and two singles.  Hannah Cartledge and Brayah Kleits had a double and two singles. CAroline Hanlin(2), Libby Potts(2), Nora Willis(2), and Destiny Santoyo and Saylor Wise had base hits.  Madelyn St. Cyr had a triple and a single.  For the Rampage, Juliana Hilmer had a double and a single. Adalynn Crabtree(2) and Brynlee Hutchinson had doubles. Oakleigh Lyons(2) and Nora Pike had base hits.

4/20/24  Wolverines 8 - Falcons 6  The Wolverines defeated the Falcons by a score of 8-6.  For the Wolverines,  Brooklyn Cox had two doubles and a single. Myea Davis(2), Jacelyn Butler, Sadie Stethen, Eliz Cook(2) and Dae Woods(2) had base hits.  Leighton Perkins had double and single. Emma Potts added a double. For the Falcons, Scarlett Manning had a homerun and a triple. Stella Buckner(2), tilly Shipp, Brynlee Gubert, Elizabeth Paris and Nora Goss had base hits. Quin  Baker added a double.

4/19/24 Cyclones 18 -  Magic 7.   The Cyclones had their bats rolling as they beat the Magic 18-7.   For the Cyclones,  Saylor Wise and Libby Potts each had four hits. Josie Hughes and Brayan Kleitz each had three base hits.  For the Magic. Cameron Crenshaw and Kylie Cronin each  had three hits.

4/18/24  Wolverines 13 - Rampage 5 

4/16/24  Falcons 5 - Magic 4  The Falcons Brynlee Gubert scored the winning run as they topped the 5-4.  Scarlett Manning had a homerun. For the Falcons, Tilly SHipphad two hits. Sloane Champion had a triple.  For the Magic, Annabelle Bream had a homerun.  Kylie Cronin, Brylee Riggins and Annie Lindemeir had base hits.

4/14/24 Wolverines 13 - Magic 12   The Wolverines scored five runs in the fifth inning to top the Magic 13-12.  For the Wolverines,  Leighton Perkins had a double and two singles.   Emma Potts, Brooklyn Cox(3), Mara Davis(3), Presdley Rodgers(2),Jocelyn Butler(2), Sadie Stethen,Eliza Cook and Gwyneth Butler had base hits.  For the Magic, Cameron Crenshaw(3), Annabelle Bream(3), Madison Crenshaw(3)< Kylie Cronin, Annie Lindemier, Charleigh Curran, Adaline Glass Brylee Riggins and Emerson Zummach had base hits.

4/14/24  Cyclones 19 - Falcons 3    The Cyclones had their bats going as they defeated the Falcons 19-3.  For the Cyclones,  Salyer Wisenhad a triple, double and two singles.  Emma Abel had a double and a single.  Libby Potts had a triple and two singles.  Destiny Santoyo, Madalyn St. Cyr(2), hannah Cartledge(3), Eve Berry(2), hadley Hughes(2), Caroline Hanlin(3) and Josie Hughes had base hits.  For the Falcons, Tilly Shipp(3), Britney Gubert, Scarlett Manning(2), Stella Buckner(2) and Quinn Baker(2) had base hits.

4/13/24  Falcons 8 - Rampage 3  incomplete scorebook)

4/13/24   Cyclones 14 - Wolverines 2   The Cyclones scored in every inning to beat the Wolverines 14-2  For the Cyclones, Saylor Wise, Destiny Santayo, Hannah  Cartledge, Maadalyn At. Cyr. Brayan Kleitz, Nora Willis(2), Hadley Hughes, Libby Potts, Emma Abel, Carolin Hanlin and Eve Berry had base hits.  For the Wolverines, Myra Davis had a double. Leighton Perkins, Presley Rodgers and Emma Potts had base hits.

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