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6/18/22 Championship Game  Cardinals 10 - Yankees 8  The Cardinals put three on the board in the sixth inning as they knocked off the Yankees 10-8 to win the Rookie League Championship.  For the Cardinals, Parker Philpot had a double and two singles.  Landon Pack(2), Cam Hudnall(3), Owen Turley(4), Pierson Philpot, Coleson Meyers,  Nolan Minzenberger and Decklan Schaefe Kip Hudnall(2) had base hits.  For the Yankees, Christoher McFalls had a homerun and a single.  Lucas Via had a double and two singles. Landon Stewart(2) Carson Rimmer(2) and Ben Stephens(2) had base hits.

6/17/22  Cardinals 14 -  D-Backs 6   The Cardinals advanced to the championship with a 14-6 win over the D-Backs.  For the Cardinals,  Coleson Meyers, Parker Philpot and Kip Hudnall had doubles. For the D-Backs, Coltson Horstman had double.

6/16/22  Yankees 14 - Orioles 11   The top seeded Yankees rally back against the Orioles scoring five times in the fifth inning to win win 14-11.  For the Yankees, Ben Stephens had a triple and a double.   landon Stewart(2), Christopher McFalls and Lucas Via had doubles.  For the Orioles, Easton Craig  and Nolan each had a triple and two doubles.  Braxton Chism and Colton Abel had doubles. 

6/15/22   Yankees 20 - Rangers 8  The Yankees scored in every inning to beat the Rangers 20-8.  For th Yankees, Lucas Via had a homerun, a triple and a double. Landon Stewart had a triple and two doubles.  Deacon Hagan, Christopher McFalls(2), Carson Rimmer(2), Wolfie Meffert and Ben Stephens had doubles.  For the Rangers,  John Crowder had a triple. Jack Zerhausen added double.

6/15/22  Orioles 10 - Pirates 3   A early 3-0 lead helped the Orioles beat the Pirates 10-3.   For the Orioles,  Easton Craig and Maddox Redecker each had two doubles.  Ollie Warner and Nolan Willett added doubles. Braxton Chism and Lochlan Devine(2) had base hits.  For the Pirates, Oliver Bell,, Sawyer Roop Ethan Jacobson, Wyatt Burkhardt and Thomas Manning had base hits.

6/14/22   D-backs 12-  A's  9   The D-Backs took out the number two seed A's  by a score of 12-9.  For the D-Backs,  Beckett Bramlage and Colton Horstman each had a double and two single.  Dylan Henson had a double and a single.     Carter Campbell added a double.  Kohen McMullen and Sam Dinelli each had three hits. For the A's,  Cooper berry had a triple and a single.  Corbin Phillips  had a homerun and a single.  Brooks Warren had two doubles. Sutton Elkins had a double and a single.       

6/14/22 Cardinals 12  Cubs 9   The Cardinals defeated the Cubs 12-9. For the Cardinals,  Owen Turley  had a homerun and a triple.  Pierson Philpot  had a homerun.  Kip Hudnall and Cam Hudnall had doubles. For the Cubs, Nolan Withrow had a double.

6/13/22   Orioles 7 Royals 4   A five run  fourth inning was enough as the Orioles defeated the Royals 7 - 4.  For the Orioles,  Easton Craig had a triple.  Maxdon Redecker added a double.  For the Royals, Levi Neuner, ,Ricky Neuner, Jett Simpson, Brady Lindauer, ,Jameson biernetzky and Maddox Busalacchi had base hits.

6/13/22 Cubs 10 Phillies 7  The Cubs scored five times in the fourth inning as they defeated Phillies 10-7.  For the Cubs, Noah Fisher had a triple, a double and a single.  Caleb Hoffman had a double and single. Jeffrey Marvin had a double and two singles.   For the Phillies, Liam Teague had a double and two singles. 

6/13/22 D- Backs  11 - Mariners 4    The D-backs jumped out to a n early 4-1 in the first inning on their way to a 11-4 win over the Mariners.  For the D-Backs,  Beckett Bramlage had a triple, double and a single. Rylan Browning had a double and two singles.  For the Mariners, Will Gardnet had two triples. Brayden Hall  and Ryan Curran each had a homerun.  

6/13/22   Rangers 6 - Tigers 0

6/11/22  Cardinals 16 - Royals 8   The cardinals ended the regular season with 16-8 win over the Royals. parker Philpot had a double and three singles.  Coleson Meyers added a double. For the Royals, Ricky Neuner and Jett Simpson each had a triple and two singles.

6/11/22   Rangers 5 - Cubs 2  The Rangers scored four times in the sixth inning to beat the Cubs 5 -2.   

6/11/22  Mariners 6- Tigers 5   The mariners Ryan Curran had the game winning hit to beat the Tigers 6-5.  For the mariners,  Brayden Hall had a double and two singles. Wiley Curran added a triple. For the Tigers,  trey Edmonds had a double and a single.

6/11/22   A's 10 - D-Backs 1  The A's  defeated the D-Backs 10-1 in their final game. For  the A's Cooper Berry had two doubles and single.  Brooks Warren had a triple, a double and single. For the D-backs,  Andrew Weeks had a double.

6/10/22  Pirates 11 - Phillies  8   

6/10/22 Orioles 14  -  Yankees 9    The Orioles knocked off the league leading Yankees 14-9.  For the Orioles, Jackson Warren had three doubles and a single. Easton Craig had  a double and two singles.  Colton Abel had a double and three singles. Ollie Warner had a double and a single.  For the Yankees, Lucas Via  had a double and a single. Henry baker(2), Landon Stewart(20Ben Stephens, William Wind(2), and Christopher McFalls had base hits.

6/9/22 Orioles 11 - Cubs 3   The Orioles had a five run fifth inning to put away the Cubs 11-3.  For the Orioles,  Lochlan Devine, Madxdon Redecker and Colton Abel each had a double and a single. Braxton Chism(2), Ollie Warner and Noah Willet had base hits.  Easton Craig had two doubles.  For the Cubs,  Caleb Hoffman(2),Nolan Withrow(2), Noah Fisher(2) and Camden Hill had base hits.

6/8/22   A's 12 = Tigers 3

6/8/22  Phillies 18 - Rangers 17    The Phillies Luke Riordan hit a in the park homerun to win the game.

6/7/22  Royals 8 - Mariners 0   The Royals  blanked the Mariners 8-0 in the nightcap.  For the Royals, Jett Simpson had a double and two singles.  Levi Neuner(2), Ricky Neuner(2), Ben DePugh(2) Cristian Reed(2), Maddox Busalacchi(3) and Oliver Lackner had base hits.  For the Mariners, Will gardner, Cooper harrod, Conley Blakemore, Wiley Curran and Ryan Curran had base hits

6/7/22  Yankees 3 Pirates 2   The Yankees Lucas Via had another game winning hit as the Edge the Pirates 3-2.  For the Yankees,  Christopher McFalls and Lucas Via had doubles. Carson Rimmer and henry baker had base hits.  For the Pirates,  Ethan Jacobson,(2), Grant Jacobson(2) and Thomas manning had base hits.

6/7/22 Cardinals 6 D-Backs 5  The Cardinals Parker Philpot knocked in the game winning run in the eighth inning to beat the D-Backs 6-5. For the Cardinals, Kip Hudnall had a double and two singles.  Landon Pack(4)< Cam hudnall(2), Owen Turley(2),, Parker Philpot(2), Colseon Meyers(2), Pierson Philpot, Conrad Sesma and Lloyd Veal(2) had base hits.  For the D-Backs,  Aj Weeks had a double and a single. Becklett Bramlage had a double and two singles.  Colton Horstman(2), Kohen McMullen, Eli Jiminez, Dylan Henson, Dylan Browning(2) and Sam O'Neil(2) had base hits.

6/5/22  A's 7 - Phillies 5   The A's  played great defense to beat the Phillies 7-5.   For the A's, Corbin Phillips had a homerun, a double and a single. Brooks Warren(3), Cooper Berry(2), Sutton Elkins, Ander McLain, DIllon DIssell and Jonah Walker(2) and Knox jessie had base hits.  For the Phillies, Wyatt  Gathof(2), Carter Patton, Coy Riordan, Luke Riordan, Garrett Riley, Jackson Ashby and Grayson Dersch had base hits.

6/4/22  Mariners 5 - Cubs 1   The mariners scored three runs in the fourth inning as they defeated the Cubs 5-1.  For the mariners, Brayden hall had a double and a single.  Will Gardner, Cooper Harrod, Ryan Curran,  Waylon Knoth and Wiley Curran(2) had base hits.  For the Cubs,  Nolan Withrow and Camden hill had doubles.  Caleb Hoffman(3), Jeffrey Marvin and Jacoby Luking(2) had base hits.

6/4/22  Yankees 12 - Cardinals 11  The Yankees  Lucas Via had a walkoff  single to beat the Cardinals 12-11.  For the Yankees,  Lucas Via and Henry Baker each had a double and two singles.  Christopher McFalls had a souble and a single.  Wolfie Meffert, William Wind, Franklin Desi, Landon Stewart(3) and Carson Rimmer(3) had base hits.  For the Cardinals, Owen Turley had two doubles and a single. Landon Pack(3),  Cam hudnall(3), Parker Philpot(3), Coleson Meyers(20, Pierson Philpot(2), Lloyd veal and Decklan Schaefer had base hits.  Kip Hudnall had a double and a single.

6/4/22  Orioles 9 - Royals 3

6/4/22  Tigers 18 - Rangers 12  The scoreboard stayed busy as the Tigers topped the Rangers 18-12.  For the Tigers,  Wyatt Husband had a triple, a double, and a single.   Trey Evan, Joel Denny and Jude Reece each had four hits.  Will Ironside had a double and two singles. Clark Thompson(3), Fin Brown(3) and Axle Townsend(2) had base hits.  For the Rangers,  Gavin Schneble had a triple and two singles. Lincoln Schleder(2), Sam Felix, and  kai Eliason had doubles. Connor Dunk,  Noah Wernick(3) and Porter Zuege had base hits.   John Crowder added a triple.

6/3/22  Yankees 10 Royals 6   The Yankees scored runs late as they defeated the Royals 10-6.  For the Yankees, Lucas Via and Henry Baker had doubles.  Carson Rimer had four hits. For the Royals, Levi Neuner had a triple.  Maximus Busalacchi had a double.

6/3/22  Pirates 10 - D-Backs 6   The Pirates scored five runs in the fourth inning as they beat the D-Backs 10-6.  For the Pirates,  Ethan Jacobson, Michael  Davila and Wyatt Burkhardt had a double.  For the D-Backs,  Hudson Wehr had a triple and two doubles.

6/2/22    Tigers 11  -  Royals 6   The Tigers had a pair of four run innings as they beat the Royals 11-6.  For the Tigers, . Trey Edmonds, Joel Denny and Wyatt Husband had doubles.  For the Royals Maximus Busalacchi had a homerun.  Jett SImpson , Levi Neuner, and Ricky Neuner each had two hits.

6/2/22 CarMavila and Wyatt Burkhardt had a double.ichael Ddinals 9 - Orioles 5.  The Cardinals started  late scoring runs as they beat the Orioles 9-5 with five run fourth inning.  For the Cardinals, Owen Turley had a double and two singles. Kip Hudnall had two doubles.  Decklan Schaefer, Noah Minzenberger,, Coleson Meyer(3), Cam Hudnall(2) Conrad Sesma, and lloyd Veal had base hits.  For the Orioles,  Colton Abel had a double and a single. Easton Craig had two doubles and single. Ollie Warner(2), Noah Willet, and Mason Vittitow had base hits.

6/2/22  Rangers 17 - D-Backs 8   The rangers scored five runs in the second and fifth inning to beat the D-Backs  17-8.  For the Rangers,  For the rangers, Lincoln Schleder and Wells Whitaker each had a triple and two singles. Gavin Schneble had two doubles and two singles.  John Crowder(2), Connor Dunk(2), porter Zuege, Sam Felix(2), and Kai Eliason(2) had base hits.  Ismael Durrani had a double and a single.  For the D-Backs, Hudson Wehr(2), Beckett Bramlage(2), Kohen McMullen(3), Dylan Henson,  Andrew Weaks(3),Colton Horstman(3), Eli Jiminez and James Wallin had base hits

6/1/22  Pirates 9 - Orioles 4  The Priates scored  five times in the third inning  they beat the Orioles 9-4.  For the Pirates, Grant Jacobson and Emmett Weis each had a double. Ethan Jacobson had a double and a single. Wyatt Burkhardt, Oliver Abel(2),Derek Brown(2) and Thomas Manning had base hits.  For the Orioles,  Jackson Warren and lochlan Devine had doubles.  Maxdon Redecker,Mason Vittitow, Nolan Willet, River Lindsay and Easton Craig had base hits.

6/1/22  Phillies 11 - D-Backs 4

6/1/22   Tigers  10 -  Cubs 6   The Tigers scored four times in the third inning on their way to a 10-6 win over the Cubs.   For the Tigers,  Wyatt Husband  had two triples and a double. Joel Denny and Finn Brown each added a double. For the Cubs,  Jeffrey Marvin had a homerun.

5/31/22   Mariners 11 -  Rangers 9  The Mariners scored four times in the fourth inning as  they defeated the Rangers 11-9.  For the Mariners, Wiley Curran had a triple and a single.  Will Gardner had a triple and double. Wyatt Betterton had a double and a single.  Brayden Hall(3), Ryan Curran(2) and Conley Blakemore hd base hits, For the Rangers, Lincoln Schlederhad two doubles and a single. Sam Felix had a triple and a single. Kai Eliasion(2), Jack Zerhausen, Porter Zuege, Wells Whitaker, Gavin Schneble(2), John Crowder and Conner Dunk(2) had base hits.

5/31/22  A's 8 -  Pirates 3   The A's took down the Pirates winning 8-3 Tuesday.  For the A's, Brooks Warren had two doubles and a single. Dean Corn had a double and a single.  Ander McClain added a double. Dillon Dissell, Jonah Walker, Preston Clark, Corbin Phillips(2) and Cooper Berry(2) had base hits.  For the Pirates, Wyatt Burkhardt and Derek Brown had triples.  Asher Gentry and Grant jacobson had doubles.  Thomas Manning had a base hits.

5/24/22   Yankees  20 - Cubs 3  The Yankees bats were busy as they defeated the Cubs 20-3.  For the Yankees, Lucas Via had a triple and three doubles. Landon Stewart had a triple and two doubles.  Henry baker(3), Christopher McFalls(2) and Deacon Hagan had doubles.  Wolfie Meffert(4), carson Rimmer(2), William WInd(3) and Eric Payne(2) had base hits.  For the Cubs,  Caleb Hoffmanm had a double.  Camden Hill, Henry Townsend amd Noah Fisher, Luke Hagan(3) and Jeffrey Marvin had base hits.

5/24/22   Phillies 7 - Mariners 6

5/23/22  Cardinals 6 - A's  5   The Cardinals stopped a late rally by the A'sto win 6-5.  For the Cardinals, Owen Turlkey had a triple. Coleson Meyeres added a double. Landon Pack(2), Cam Hudnall, Parker Philpot, Pierson Philpot(2) and Decklan Schaefer had base hits.  For the A's, Corbin Phillips had a double and two singles.  Cooper Berry, Brooks Warren(2), Dean Corn(3) ANder McClain, Dillon Dissell, Brody Hamm and Preston Croak had base hits.

5/22/22  Yankees 11 - Rangers 10  The Yankees Ben Stephens knocked in the game winning run to edge the Rangers 11-10.  For the Yankees, Henry Baker had a homeruna and two singles. Ben Stephens had a tripole and two singles. Carson Rimmer(4), Landon Stewart(2), Chris MCFalls, Deacon Hagan, William Wind, Eric Payne and Wolfie Meffert had base hits.  For the Rangers, Wells Whitaker had a triple and a double.Lincoln Schleder and Gavin Schneble each ahad a double and a single.  John CrowderJack Zerhausen each added a double. Porter Zuege had a triple and a single. Sam Felix(3) and Conner DUnk had base hits.

5/22/22  Cardinals 16 - Tigers 10  The scoreboard stayed busy as the Cardinals topped the Tigers 16-10 .  For the Cardinals,  Landon Pack had a homerun and a double.  Parker Philpot, Pierson Philpot, Noah Minzenberger and Coleson Meyers had doubles.  For the Tigers,  Trey Edmonds had a homerun.

5/22/22   Tigers 11 - Phillies 9

5/22/22  Phillies 9 - Orioles 7

5/21/22   Rangers 8 - Royals 5   The Rangers scored three times in the fifth inning to beat the Royals 8-5.  For the rangers,  Gavin Schneble had a homerun, a triple and a single. Connor Dunk, Porter Zuege(2) and Bilal Durrani had base hits, Kai Eliason had adouble and a single. For the Royals, Ricky Neuner had a triple and a double.  Jett SImpson and Levi Neuner each had a homerun.  Ben DePugh had a double and a single. Oliver Lackner added a double.  Christian Reed(3) and Harrison Plunkett had base hits.

5/21/22  Orioles 10 -D-Backs 4  

5/21/22  A's 6 - Cubs 5   The  A's held off a late rally  by the Cubs to win 6-5.  For the A's, Corbin Phillips haddunsmore two homeruns and a single. Cooper Berry had a double. Brooks Warren(3), Ander McClain(2), Sutton Elkins(2), Brody Hamm(2), Dominic and Jonah Walker had base hits.  For the Cubs, Noah Fisher and caleb Hoffman each had a triple and single.  Henry Townsend,  Nolan Withrow(2) and Jeffrey Marvin had base hits.

5/21/22  Cardinals 14 - Phillies 5  The Cardinals defeated the Phillies 14-Philpot and Coleson Meyers added doubles.  Ethan Hodges had a double for the Phillies.

5/20/22  Pirates 19 - Tigers 9   Under the Lights the Pirates defeated the Tigers 19-9.  For the Pirates,  Deek Brown had a triple and two doubles.  Wyatt Burkhardt, Sawyer Roop and Ethan Jacobson (2) had doubles.   For th The Tigers,  Joel Denny had a double.

5/20/22 Yankees 14 - Mariners 3  The Yankees topped the Mariners 14-3.  For the Yankees,  Lucas Viua had a triple and a double.  Henry Baker and Christopher McFalls had doubles.  For the Mariners,  Will Gardner had a triple.  Corbin Brown  and Brayden Hall had doubles.

5/17/22   D-Backs 10 - Mariners 5    The D-Backs took care of the Mariners winning 10-5.  For the D-Backs, Hudson Wehr and  Beckett Bramlalge each had double and two singles.  Dillion Henson(3) Kohen McMullen(2), Colton Horstman, Eli Jiminez and Carter Campbell had base hits.   For the Mariners, Clayton Dawson  and Cooper Harrod each had a double and a single.  Wiley Curran, Ryan Curran, Corbin Brown, Conley Blakemore,   Will Gardner added a triple. Lincoln State, Isaac Freeman and Waylon Knoth  had base hits.

5/17/22 A's 6 - Royals  4    A five run fourth inning by the A's was enough as the defeated the Royals 6-4.   For the A's, Corbin Phillips had a homerun and a single.  Cooper Berry had two triples. Brooks Warren, added a double.  Sutton Elkins, Ander McClain, and Brody Hamm had base hits.  For the Royals,  Busalacchi Brothers  Maximus and Maddox had doubles.   Jett Simpson,Ricky Neuner, Cristian Reed, Oliver Lackner, Brady Lindauer and Jameson Biernetzky had base hits.

5/16/22   Pirates 17 - Cubs 4   The Pirates jumped out to a early  4-0 lead and never looked back as they beat the Cubs 17-4.  For the Pirates, Thomasd Manning had a double and three singles.   Ethan Jacobson added a triple and three singles.   Grant Jacobson, Wyatt Burkhardt and Asher Gentry each had a double and two singles.  Derek Brown(2),  Oliver Abell(3), Michael Davila and Kase Martin had base hits.  Emmett Wiess added  a double.  For the Cubs, Nolan Withrow had a double and two singles. Noah Fisher added a double. Luke Hagan hada double and a single.  Jeffrey Marvin and Caleb Hoffman had base hits.

5/15/22  Pirates 16 - Mariners 2  The Pirates bounced back from Saturdays defeat  to beat the Mariners 16-2.   For the Pirates,  brothers Ethan and Grant Jacobson eachh had a a double and two singles.  Oliver Abell anad Asher Gentry each had  a double and three singles.  For the Mariners,  Wiley Curran(2), Cooper Hamm(2), Will Gardner Clayton Dawson and Waylon Knoth had base hits

5/15/22  D-Backs 20 - Cubs 10   The D-Backs bats stayed busy as they defeated the Cubs 20-10.  For the D-Backs,  Hudson Wehr(2), Dylan Henson(2), Carter Horstman and Beckett Bramlage had doubles. Kohen McMullen had  four hits.  For the CUbs, Nolan Withrow and Jeffrey Marvin eachhad a triple.  Noah Fisher added two doubles. 

5/14/22  A's 18  Rangers 11   The A's put runs  on the board in every inning as they defeated the Rangers 18-11.  For the A's, Corbin Phillips had a triple, a double and two singles.  Sutton Elkins,Brooks Warren(2) and Dean Corn had doubles.   Brody Ham(3 and Jonah Walker(2) had base hits.  Coper Berry had a double and four singles.   For the Rangers, Gavin Scchneble had a triple and a double.  Lincoln Schleder and Sam Felix had doubles. jack Zerhausen(2), JohnCrowder(3), Wells Whitaker and  Porter Zuege(2) had base hits.

5/14/22  Cardinals 10 - Pirates 8  The Cardinals had a 10-8 win over the Pirates on Saturday.  For the cardinals, Cam Hudnall had a double and a single.   Owen Turley(3), Landon Pack, Coleson Meyers(2), Pierson Philpot, Conrad Sesma, Nolan Minzenberger, Decklan Schaefer(2), and Lloyd Veal had base hits.  Kip Hudnall and Parker Philpot had doubles.   For the Pirates, Wyatt Burkhardt had two doubles.  Oliver Abell had a double and a single.  Grant jacobson had a double and two singles.  Thomas Manning, Than Jacobson, Derek Brown(2), Asher Belfry and  Sawyer Roop had a  base hits. 

5/14/22  Orioles 12 Mariners 11   The Orioles Easton Craig started the saturday morning with the game winning hit  to beat the Mariners 12-11.  For the Orioles,  Colton Abel(3),Easton Craig, Oliver Warner and Maxdon Redecker had doubles.  Lochlan Devine(3), Braxton Chism(2) and Mason Vittitow(3) had base hits.  For the Mariners, Conley B;lakemore had a double and two singles.  Corbin Brown had two doubles and two singles. Will Gardner(2), Wiley Karl(3), Waylon Knoth, Cooper Harrod and Ryan Keel(2) had base hits.

5/13/22  D-Backs 12 - Yankees 9  The D-Backs  handed the Yankees their first loss by a score of 12-9.  For the D-Backs,Colton horstman and Sam O'Neil had triples.  Hudson Wehr(2), Andrew Weeks and ELi Jimenez had doubles.  for the Yankees, henry baker had a triple.  Carson Rimmer, Landon Stewart(2) adn Lucas Via(2) had doubles.

5/13/22  Cubs 7 - Royals 5    The Cubs knocked off the Royals 7-5.   For the Cubs,Caleb Hoffman had a homerun.  Noah Fisher had a homerunand a single.  Nolan Withrow and Luke Hagan each had a double and two singles. Jeffrey Marvin and Jacoby Luking had base hits.  For the Royals, Ricky Neuner had a a homerun, a double and a single. Jett Simpson had a double and a single.  Levi Neuner(2), Ben DePugh(2), Maddox Busalacchi, Jameson Biernetsky and Elias Spicer had base hits.

5/12/22  A's  14 -  D-backs 3  -  No highlights

5/11/22  Cubs  12  -  Rangers 1   The Cubs rolled past the Rangers 12-1.  For the Cubs, Caleb hoffman(4), Luke Hagan(3), Nolan Fisher(2), Jacobi Luking(2), Henry Townsend, and Liam Henderson had base hits. Nolan Withrow had a double and three singles.  For the Rangers,  John Crowder had a double and a single.  Wells Whitaker, Porter Zuege and Gavin Schneble had base hits. Connor Dunk had a double and two singles.

5/11/22  Cardinals 13 - Royals 11  The Cardinals twice in the sixth innings to beat the Royals 13-11.  For the Cardinals,  Owen Turley had two triples and a single. Landon Pack and Cam Hudnall each had a double and a single. Parker Philpot added a double.  Coleson Meyers(2), Pierce Philpot, Kip Hudnall, Decklan Shaffer and Conrad Sesma(2) had base hits.  For the Royals,  Levi Neuner had atriple, a double and a single.  Jett Simpson had a triple and a single. Ben DePugh(2), Harrison Plunkett, Ricky Neuner(3). Cristian Reed(2), Oliver Lackner(2), Maddox Busalacchi(2) and Brady Lindauer(2) had base hits.

5/10/22  Tigers 10 - Mariners 9   The Tigers rally back with three in the bottom of the sixth inning as Joel Denny  had the game winning hit to edge the Mariners 10-9.  For the tigers, Trey Edmonds had a homerun.  Joel Denny added a double.  For the Mariners,  Corbin Brown had a triple and a single. Clayton Dawson(2),Conley Blakemore, Brayden Hall(2), and Ryan Curran had base hits.

5/10/22   Yankees 8 - Orioles 5   The Yankees remained undefeated as they beat the Orioles 8-5.  For the Yankees, Carson Rimmer had two doubles and a single.  Henry baker had a double.  Ben Stephens(2), Lucas Via(2), Chris McFalls(2), Landon Stewart(2) and Wolfie Meffert had base hits.  For the Orioles, Lochlan Devine(3), Colton Abel(2), Maxdon Redecker, Braxton Chism(2),  Jackson Warren and Mason Vittitow had base hits.

5/9/22  Pirates 9 - Phillies 2  No Highlighlights  Scorebook was incomplete

5/5/22   A's 6 - Orioles  5   The A's he;d off a late rally by the Orioles to win 6-5.   For the A's, Corbin Phillips had two triples and a double.  Brooks Warren had a triple, a double and a single.  Dean Corn had a double and a single.  Cooper Berry(2) and Sutton Elkins had base hits.  For the Orioles,  Jackson Warren  had a triple and two singles.  River Lindsey(2), Lochlan Devine(3), Colton Able(2), Easton Craig(3) and Maxdon Redecker(3) had base hits.

5/5/22   Rangers 12 -Cardinals 6   A five run fourth  inning helped the Rangers prevail over the Cardinals 12-6.  For the Rangers(2),, Connor Dunk(2), Gavin Schneble(2), Sam Felix(3), Porter zuege(3), John Crowder(3), Well Whitaker(2) and  Lincoln Schlederhad base hits.  For the Cardinals,  Cam Hudnall added a triple. Parker Philpot had a double. Pierson Philpot, Landon Pack(2), Owen Turner(2) and Lloyd Veal had base hits.

5/4/22   Yankees 11 - Tigers 0    The Yankees blanked the Tigers 11-0 to remain undefeated.  For the Yankees,  Henry Baker hada grand slam, triple and a double. Lucas Via and Franklin Dezsi each had a double and a single.  Carson Rimmer had four hits.   For the Tigers, Fin Brown, Wyatt Husband, Joel Denny, Clark Thompson and Will Ironside each had two hits.

5/2/22  Phillies 14 - Royals 8   The Phillies  had their bats going as they beat the Royals 14-8.  For the Phillies. Ethan Hodges had a triple and a double.  Jax Gessler and Coy Riordan had a double and a single.  For the Royals, Ben DePugh and Jett SImpson each had a double and a single. Elias Spicer had a double.

4/30/22   Mariners 18 - Royals 6    The Mariners had three five run oinnings to beat the Royals  18-6.  For the Mariners,  Will Gardner had a triple.  Wiley Curran, Corbin Brown and Conley Blakemore had  doubles.   For the Royals,  Ricky Neuner and Levi Neuner had doubles.   

4/30/22   Orioles 17 - Cubs 2  The Orioles scored in every inning to beat the CUbs 17-2. For the  Orioles, Lochlan Devine(2), Ollie Warner(3), max redecker(2) Mason Vittitow(3), Noah Willet(2) znd River Lindsay had base hits,  Jackson Warren had a double and a single.  For the Cubs,  jacoby  Lakins and Noah Fischer each had two hits. 

4/30/22  Phillies 13  - Rangers 7  The Phillies scored five runs in the second inning on their way to a 13-7 win over the Rangers..  For the Phillies, Ethan Hodges had a homerun and two doubles.  Coy Riordan had a double and a single.  Liam Teague and Jax Gessler each had \three hits.  For the Rangers, Connor Dunk, Gavin Schnelder,Lindsay Schleder, Sam Felix and John Crowder each had two hits

4/30/22  Cardinals 14 - D-Backs 11   The Cardinals was back in the win column with a 14-11 win over the D-Backs.   For the Cardinals,  Owen Turley had two triples, a double and a single.  Landon Pack had a triple, a double and two singles. Parker Philpot(3), Coleson Meyers(2), Nolen Minzenberger, Pierson Philpot(2),  Deckler Schaefer and Conrad sesma had base hits.  Kip Hudnall added two doubles. For the D-Backs, Hudson wehr,Kohen McMuklken(3), Colton huntsman, AJ Weeks(2) and Sam O'Neal  had base hits. Dylan Henson had three doubles.  carter Campbell added a double.                                                                                                                                                  

4/29/22   Yankees 11 -  Pirates 8   The Yankees rally for four runs in the top of the sixth  inning to beat the Pirates 11-8.  For the Yankees,  Carson Rimmer had a  triple, two doubles and a single.  Henry baker had two homeruns and a single.  Lucas VIa  added double.  For the Pirates,  Grant Jacobson had a triple.  Wyatt Burkhardt had a double. Oliver Abell added a double.

4/28/22  Yankees 13 - Royals  4   The Yankees scored early and often as they beat the Royals 13-4.   For the Yankees, Lucas Via had a triple, a double and a single.  Ben Stephens had a homerun and a single. Henry Bakerhad two doubles and a single.  Carson Rimmer(3), Landon Steart(2), Wolfie Meffert(2), Deacon Hagan, Eric Payne, William Wind and Franklin Dezi had base hits.  For the Royals, Levi Neuner and Jett Simpsonn each had a double.  Ricky Neuner, Cristian Reed, Maddox Busalacchi, Ben DePUgh,Oliver Lackner and Elias Spicer had base hits.

4/27/22   Pirates 11 - A's 5   The Pirates had a pair of five runs innings as they beat the A's  11-5.  For the Pirates, Ethan A'seach had two hits.   For theJacobson and Wyatt Burkhardt each had a double and two singles,  Derek Brown  added a double.  Asher Gentry and Michael David had base hits.  Cooper Berry had a triple and a single. Brooks Warren had a double and two singles.  Sutton Elkins(3), Corbin Phillips,Andrew Mclainand Brady Hamm had base hits

4/27/22  D-Backs 12 - Phillies 2   The D-Backs scored five runs in the fourth inning on their way to a 12-2 win over the Phillies.  Hudson Wehr, Beckett bramlage-Schomburg, Kohen McMullen, Andrew Weeks,Eli Jimenez andSam O'Neil each had  two hits.  James Wallin had atriple and a single. Dylan Henson had  a double and a single.  For the Phillies, Coy Riordan(2), Ethan Hodges(2) and Liam Teague had base hits.

4/26/22  Orioles 14 - Cardinals 8  The Orioles put the game away with five runb sixth inning to beat the Cardinals 14-8.  For the Orioles, Maxdon Redecker h  Lochla had a double and three singles.  Lochlan Devine(4), Ollie Warner(3),Easton Craig, Braxton Chism, Nolan Willet(2), River Lindsey and Mason Vittitow(3) had base hits.

4/26/22   Tigers  5 - Cubs 3   The Tigers scored twice in the sixth inning to beat the Cubs  5-3. For the Tigers,  Trey Edmonds had a double and single. Fin Brown, Aiden Patterson and Wyatt Clark had base hits.  For the Cubs, Caleb Hoffman(2), Henry Townsend, Nolan Withrow, Noah Fisher and Liam Henderson had base hits.

4//25/22  Rangers 10 - Mariners 0   The Rangers put up five runs on the scoreboard in the sixth inning as they defeated the  Mariners 10-5.   For the Rangers, Wells Whitaker had a  double and two singles.  Connor Dunk and Sam Felix each had three hits.  For the Mariners, Brayden Hall had three hits.  Will Gardner and Corbin Brown each had had two hits.

4/24/22  Yankees 15 - Cubs 8   The Yankees scored in every inning to put away the Cubs 15-8.   For the Yankees,  Lucase Via had a triple.   Landon Stewart and Deacon Hagan each had three hits.  For the Cubs, Kuke hagan had a double and a single.  Henry Townsend, Nolan Withrow and Noah Fisher all three hits.

4/24/22   D-Backs 18 - Rangers 9    The D-backs  had three big innings as they beat the Rangers  18-9.  For the D-Backs,  Olton Horstman had  a triple. Hudson Wehr, Beckett Bramlage-Schomburg, Kohen McMullen and Noah Kamer each had a double.  For the Rangers,  Gavin Schneble and Lincoln Schleder had triples.  Porter Zuege and Sam Felix had doubles.

4/24/22  Phillies 12 - Mariners 10   The Phillies scored twice in the fifth inning as they topped the Mariners 12-10.  For the Phillies, Coy Riordan had a triple and two singles. Ethan Hodges had three hits. Hank Riley had a double and a single.  For the Mariners, Corbin Brown had a triple and a double.  Wyatt betterton had three hits. 

4/24/22  A's  17 - Cardinals 9   The A's handed the Cardinals their first loss by a score 17-9.  For the A's,  Cooper Berry(2) and Corbin Phillips had doubles.  Brooks Warren had four hits.  For the Cardinals, Owen Turley had a triple.  Parker Philpot had three hits.

4/23/22  Phillies 18 - Cubs 1   The Phillies ended the day with a 18-1 win over the Cubs.   For the Phillies,  Liam Teague had a homerun and a single.  Carter Patton92), Ethan Hoidges(3),(Wyatandt Gathof(4),Luke Riordan(2), Garrett Riley(2),Connor Kress and Jackson Ashby had base hits.  Coy Riordan had a double and a single.  For the CUbs, Nolan Withrow(2)Caleb Hoffman andHenry townsend had base hits

4/23/22   Yankees 9 - A's  6   The yankees scored htree times in the bottom of the fifth inning to beat the A's 9-6.  For the Yankees, Henry  Baker had a homerun and a double. ben Stephens had a triple, a double and a single.  Lucas Via  had a double and a single.  Carson Rimmer(3), Christopher McFalls and Wolfie Meffert had base hits.  For the A's, Sutton Elkins had a a double and single.  Ander McLain added a double.Corbin Phillips(3), Dean Corn, Brooks Warren(2),  Jonah Walker, Knox Jessie and Dominic Dunsmore had base hits. 

4/23/22  Orioles 10 - Tigers  6   The Orioles topped the Tigers 10-4.  For the Orioles, Easton Craig  had a homerun and a single, Braxton had a base hits. Chism(2) and Locklan Devine had base hits.  For the Tigers, Joel Denny(2), Clark Thompson and Ashytn Townsend had base hits.

4/23/22   Pirates 17 - Royals 4   The Pirates took care of the Royals to win 17-4.   For the Pirates,  Grant jacobson  had a triple and three doubles.   Wyatt Burkhardt had two doubles among his four hits. Ethan Jacobson had two doubles and a single.   Thomas Manning added a triple.   For the Royals, Levi Neuner had a triple and two singels' Ricky Neuner had two doubles and a single.  Christian Reed had two hits.      

4/22/22  Rangers 14 - Orioles  6    In the night cap the Rangers knovcked off the Orioles 14-6.  For the Rangers. Gavin Schneble had a tripleand double among his three hits.  Lincoln Schleder(4), Conner Dunk, John Crowder(3), Noah Wernick, , Kai Elaison(2), Wells Whitaker and Jack Zerhausen (2) had bse hits.  For the Orioles, Lochlan Devine(2), Colton Abell(2), Ollie Werner, Easton Craig(2), Maxdon Redecker(2) and Caleb Schwann had base hits.

4/22/22  Cardinals 11 - Mariners 10   The Cardinals held off a late rally by the Mariners to win 11-10  For the  Cardinals,  Landon Pack had a homerun and a single. Nolan Minzenberger added a double. Owen turley(2), Cam Hudnall, Kip Hudnall(2) and Conrad Sesma had base hits.  Parker Philpot had a double and a single. Coleson Meyers had two doubles.  For the Mariners,  Wiley Keel had a double and three singles.Will Gardner had aa double and a single. Cooper Harrod had a  double and two  singles. Braydon Hall(3),Wyatt Betterton(2) and isaac Freeman had base hits.

4/21/22  Cardinals 9 - Cubs 0  The Cardinals  scored five times   in the third inning to beat the the Cubs 9-0.  For the Cardinals, Landon Pack(3), Nolan Minzenberger(2), Owen Turley, Parker Philpot(2), Cam Hudnall(2), Coleson Meyers, Decklan Schaefer and Lloyd Veal(2) had base hits.  For the Cubs, Caleb Withrow(2) and Nolan Withrow had base hits.

4/20/22   D-Backs 12 - Royals 4   Sorry no highlights  

4/20/22  Yankees 11 - Phillies 2   The Yankees scored nine runs in their last two at bats to beat the Phillies 11-2.   For the Yankees, Carson Rimmer and henry Baker each had two doubles and a single. Lucas Via had adouble and two singles. Christopher mcFalls added a double.  Ben Stephens, Wolfiie Meffert, and Eric Payne had base hits.  For the Phillies,  Ethan hodges had a double and a single.  Liam Teague and Carter Patton had base hits.  Hank Riley had a double.

4//19/22     D-Backs 13 - Tigers 10-  On short notice, the D-Backs jumped out early scoring five runs in the first inning to beat the Tigers 13-10.  For the D-Backs, Dylan Henson had a double and a single.  Hudson wehr(3), Beckett bramlage-Schomburg(3), Kohne McMullen(2), Colton Horstman, Eli  jimenez  and Andrew Weeks(2) had  base hits.Tigers,  Wyatt hit his second homerun and added a double and a single.  Trey edmonds, Clark Thompson, Judd reece, Will Ironside(2), and Ashytn Townsend(3) had base hits.

4/19/22  A's  6 -  Mariners 1   The A's scored four runs in in their last at a bat  to clinch a win over the Mariners 6-2.  For the A's.  Cooper Berry had a triple, a double and a single.  Corbin Phillips added a triple.  Sutton Elkins(2), brooks Warren and Ander McClain had base hits.  For the mariners,  Will Gardner had a triple and a single.  Cooper harrod and Lincoln State had base hits.

4/18/22  Pirates 8 - Rangers  4    The Pirates had a four run fourth inning  as they defeated the Rangers 8-4.  For the Pirates, Derek Brown had two triplesand Asher Gentry  had one triple.  Grant Jacobson had a double and a single. Grayson Russ and Ethan Jacobson each added a double.   Weyatt Burkardt, Thomas Manning(2) and Oliver Abell had base hits.    For the Rangers, gavin Schneble had two doubles  and two singles.   Sam Felix93), Connor Dunk, Porter Zuege, John Crowder and Jack Zerhausen had base hits.

4/16/22   Royals 15-  Rangers 5  The Royals scored five runs in each of their last two innings tobeat the Rangers 15-5.   For the  Royals, Levi neumer had a homerun and a  double among his four hits.  Maximus Busalacchi had a triple and a single.   Ricky Neuner had a double and three singles.  Brady Lindauer(2), James Biernetzky, Elias Spencer, Ben DePugh,and Jett Simpson(2) had base hits.  For the Rangers, Sam Felix had a double and two singles.   Connor Dunk(2), Gavin Schreble, Welss Whitaker and jack Zerhausen had base hits.

4/16/22  Orioles 11 - D-Backs 10.   The  Orioles Mason Vittitow knocked in the game winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning to beat the D-Backs 11-10.  For the Orioles, Jackson Warren and Easton Craig each had a double and a single. Lochlan Devine, Braxton Chism,  Ollie Warner(3), Maxdon Redecker(2), Nolan Willet had base hits.  For the D-Backs, Dylan Henson and Hudson Wehr each had a double.  Beckett Bramlage-Schomburg(2) and Andrew Weeks(3) had base hits.  Carter Campbellhad two doubles and a single.

4/16/22   Pirates 8 - Tigers  The Pirates scored twice in the bottom of the sixth inning as Wyatt Burkhardt had the game winning hit  to edge the Tigers 8-7.  For the Pirates, Grant Jacobson had a homerun, triple and a single.   Ethan Jacobson, Sawyer Roop(2), Thomas Manning and Asher Gentry had base hits. Michael Davila and Derek Brown each had a double,  Oliver Abell had a double and a single.   For theTigers,  Fin brown had a homerun and a double among his three hits. Trey edmonds had a triple and a single. Wyatt Husband had two doubles.  Will Ironsid, Joel Denny and Axel Townsend  each had two hits.

4/16/22  Yankees 8 - Mariners  5  The Yankees broke a 5-5 tie scoring three times in the fifth inning to beat the Mariners 8-5.   For the Yankees, Henry Baker had a triple and a double. Ben Stephens had a doublke and a single.  Chris McFall(2), William Wind and Wolfie Meffert had base hits.  For the Mariners, Will Gardner had a double and two singles.  Clayton Dawson had a homeun and a single.  Corbin Brown had two base hits.

4/15/22  Cardinals 11 - Phillies 10   The Cardinals scored five times in the bottom of  the sixth inning to beat the  Cardinals 11-10 on Cam Hudnalls game winning hit.   For the Cardinals,  Owen Turley had a homerun and a double.  Parker Philpotand Nolan Minzenberger each had a triple and a single.   Landon Pack(3), Conrad Sema, and Lloyd Veal(2) had base hits.   For the Phillies,  Luke Riordan had a triple and two singles. Wyatt Gathof(2),, Ethan Hodges(2) Liam Teague, Coy Riordan and Carter Patton had base hits. Conner Kress had a souble and a single. Garrett Riley added a double.

4/15/22   Cubs 8 - A's  6   The Cubs rally back in the top of the sixth innning scoring fiving runs behind Luke Hagan homerun.   For the Cubs, Nolan Withrow(2), Caleb Hoffman(2), Hagan, Henry Townsend and Nathan Bockting had singles,   Luke Doelker(2) and Camden Hill(2) had doubles.  For the A's, Cooper Berry had a double and two singles. Corbin Phillips had a triple and two singles. Dean Corn(30, Ander McClain, Brooks Warren(2), Knox Jessie and Jonah Walker had base hits.

4/14/22    Orioles 9 - Pirates  8  The Orioles edged the Pirates 9-8.

4/11   Tigers 8 - Royals  5   The Tigers  Wyatt Huisband started the season with two run homer over the leftfield field  fence in the first inning and double in the third inning as beat the Royals 8-5.  For the  Tigers, trey Edmonds(2), Will Ironside(2), Joel Denny, Aiden Patterson and Wyatt Crawford had base hits.   For the Royals, Levi Neuner, Jett Simpson and Ricky Neuner had triples.  Maddox Busalacchi added a double.

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