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2018 Major League Baseball Highlights

D-Backs(mj)19 14 5 0.7370.0160121
Indians(mj)19 12 7 0.632 2.0179130
Nationals(mj)18 10 8 0.556 3.5140122
Redsoxs(mj)18 108 0.556 3.5157119
Dodgers (mj)17 9 8 0.529 4.0131128
Yankees(mj)17 7 10 0.412 6.0148157
Astros(mj)17 5 120.294 8.099179
Cubs(mj)17 4 130.235 9.095153

Major League Baseball Highlights
6/18/18      Indians  2   D-Backs 3
          The D-Backs Landon Ewing base hit drove in the go ahead run in the 3 run fifth inning as the D-Backs topped the Indians 3-2 to win the Major League  Baseball Championship.  For the D-Backs, Charlie Sekeres and Daniel Moser had doubles.  Noah Stinson had a triple and a single.  Tyler Pedigo was the winning pitcher.  For the Indians,  Coen Ball had two doubles and 11 strikeouts on the hill.  Cam Roush had two hits.  Carter Lackner, Landon Cooper, and Jayden Melloan had base hits.
6/15/18      Nationals  4  Indians  6
                  The Indians held off the Nationals 6-4 to reach the championship game. Cameron Roush had two hits and was the winning pitcher. Coen Ball had a double and single. Lincoln Potts had a triple and a single.  James Lackner had two hits.
6/15/18      Redsoxs 9  D-Backs  12
                   The D-Backs reached the Championship game with a 12-9 win over the Redsoxs.  For the D-Backs,  Daniel Moser had a homerun and a double.  Tyler Pedigo had two doubles.  Brian Gerstenmaier had  a double. Landon Ewing added a triple.   For the Redsoxs, Logan Simpson had three doubles. Henry Marcum had three hits. Logan Perdue had a triple and two singles.  Taylor Durbin had two hits.
6/12/18      Redsoxs 10   Cubs  5
                  The Redsoxs finished off  the season with a 10-5 win over the Cubs.  For the Redsoxs,  Henry Marcum had a triple, double, and a single. Logan Simpson and Logan Perdue each had a double and a single.
For the Cubs,  Josiah McCall had a triple and a single.  Mason Music had a double.
6/12/18      D-Backs 3   Nationals  6
                  The Nationals Clay Cartledge three run homerun  was the difference as they beat the D-Backs 6-3.  For the Nationals.  Alex Cox and Grady Gipson each had two hits. Clay Cartledge added a triple.  For the D-Backs, Daniel Moser hit his first homerun in the second inning.  Gentry Stivers  had a double.
6/11/18      Astros 6   Yankees  0
6/11/18      Indians 6  Dodgers 0
6/9/18       Astros 12   Dodgers  8
                 The Astros held off a Dodgers rally to win 12-8.  For th Astros, Landon Clary had a triple and two singles.  Nate Strausbaugh(2) and  Colin Havard had triples. Logan Slechter added a double.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders and Levi Wade had doubles.
6/9/18       Indians 23  Yankees 6
                 The  Indians took care of the Yankees winning 23-6.  For the Indians, Lincoln Poets had a triple and a double.  Dawson Hosick had a triple.  Coen Ball(3) and Landon Cooper had doubles.  For the Yankees,  Gabe Rath had a triple.
6/8/18       Nationals 12  Cubs 7  
                 The Nationals jumped out with  six runs in the first inning as they defeated the Cubs 12-7. For the Nationals, Grayson Reed and  Eli Richardson had doubles.  Clay Cartledge had three hits.  For the Cubs, Truman Eichler had a double.
6/8/18       Redsoxs 15  D-Backs  2  
                 The Redsoxs knocked off the D-Backs with a 15-2 win.   For the Redsoxs,  Landon Brister had a homerun and a triple.  Logan Simpson added a  triple.  Victor Monnin had a double.  Henry Marcum had two hits.  For the D-backs,  Noah Stinson had a triple, double, and a single.  Daniel Moser had a double and a single.
6/7/18      Yankees 17  Indians 4
                The Yankees had a nine run fourth inning to beat the Indians 17-4.  For the Yankees,  grant Turner, Gray Colvin, Xander Collins, and Ben Withrow(2) had doubles.  For the Indians,  Carter Lackner had a homerun. 
6/6/18      D-Backs  16   Redsoxs  8
                The D-Backs took care of the Redsoxs with a 16-8 win.  For the D-Backs, Noah Stinson had a triple.  Josh Oberholtzer and Matt Farley had doubles.  For the Redsoxs, Landon Brister had a double.  Logan Perdue had two hits.
6/6/18       Dodgers  9    Astros 3
                 A four run fifth inning helped the Dodgers beat the  Astros  9-3.  For the Dodgers,   Kade Sanders had two doubles and a single.  Cole Enos had two hits.  For the Astros,  Teddy Rutherford had a double.
6/5/18      Cubs  6  Nationals 14
                 The Nationals scored six runs in two different innings as they defeated the Cubs 14-6.  For the Nationals,  Grady Gipson and Crain Gardiner had triples.  Willie Alicea,  Grayson Reed, Clay Cartledge and Alex Cox had base hits.  For the Cubs,  Mason Music(2), Branden Dennison, Truman Eichler, Jaxon Perkins, and Jackson Martin had base hits. 
6/3/18      Yankees  9   Dodgers  10
                The Dodgers, Kade Sanders had a the game winning hit in the bottom of the fifth inning to beat the Yankees 10-9.   For the Dodgers,  Kade Sanders, Ryan Klink,  and Hayden Keisewetter each had three hits. William Keisewetter had a double.   For the Yankees,   Ben Withrow hit his second homer of the season.  Xander Collins had a triple.  Grant Turner had three hits.  Jared  Horvath had a double and a single.
6/3/18      Astros 7   Indians 24
             The Indians bounced back from Saturdays loss with 24-7 win over the Astros.  For the Indians, Coen Ball had a double and three hits.  Lincoln Poets had a triple and a double. Dawson Hosick had a Double and a single.  For the Astros, Joe Scarborough, Tyler Fante, Nate Strausbaugh and Logan Slechter each had two hits.
6/2/18   Indians 4   Astros 5
The Astros continued their winning streak as they topped the Indians 5-4.  For the Astros,  Parker Bowles had a triple and a single.. Logan Slechter had a double.  For the Indians,  Coen Ball and Lincoln Poets had a double.  Landon Cooper had two hits.  
6/2/18        Nationals 4  Redsoxs  13
                  The Redsoxs scored seven runs in the first inning as they beat the Nationals 13-4.  For the Redsoxs, Henry Marcum had a triple and single.   Logan Simpson had a double and two singles. Logan Perdue and Landon Snyder had base hits.  For the nationals,  Clay Cartledge had a double and a single. Reed had a double. Alex Cox, Jonah White, Mason Sedoris and Crain Gardiner had base hits.
6/1/18        D-Backs 4   Cubs  5
                  The Cubs knocked off the league leading D-backs 5-4  with a four run third inning.  For the Cubs,  Mason Music, Chase Cissell, and Brandon Dennison had base hits.  For the D-Backs, Tyler Pedigo  and Gentry Stivers each had a double.  Daniel Moser and Noah Stinson each had two hits.
5/30/18      Indians 9  Redsoxs 8
                 The Indians held off a late rally by the Redsoxs to win 9-8.  For the Indians, Jack Robson, Lincoln Poets and Cam Roush had triples.  Miles Essenpreis added a double.  Coen Ball and Dawson Hosick had base hits,  For the Redsoxs,  Henry Marcum had  a triple, two doubles and a single.  Logan Simpson had two hits. Caden Sheppard and Taylor Durbin had base hits.
5/30/18      Dodgers 9   Yankees  6
                  A four run fifth inning was enough as the Dodgers beat Yankees  9-6.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders had two doubles.  William Keisewetter had a triple and a double.  For the Yankees,  Ben Withrow had a double and two singles. Gray Colvin had a double and a single.  Gable Rath  had a double.
5/29/18      Cubs 8  D-Backs 9
                  The  D-backs edged the Cubs with a 9-8 score.  For the D-backs, Daniel Moser had a double.  Noah Stinson had a double and a single. Trey Cranfill and Tyler Pedigo had base hits.  For the Cubs, Truman Eichler had a triple and a single.  Jaxon Perkins and Mason Music each had two hits. Josiah McCall had base hit.
5/29/18      Redsoxs 5  Nationals  10
                  The Nationals scored six runs in the in the fifth inning to beat the Redsoxs 10-5.  For the Nationals, Clay Cartledge had two hits. Grayson Reed had a double. Willie Alicea had single.  For the Redsoxs, Logan Simpson had two triples. Landon Brister had a homerun and a single.  Caden Sheppard and Henry Marcum each had a base hit.  henry Marcum had seven strikeouts on the hill.
5/24/18      Dodgers 18  Indians  7
                  The  Dodgers jumped out with a six run first inning and never looked back as the defeated the Indians 18-7.  For the Dodgers,  Brooks Cargould and Kade Sanders had triples.  William Keisewetter had a double. Levi Wade had two hits.  For the Indians,  Lincoln Poets had a homerun.  Cameron Roush had two hits.
5/23/18      Cubs 4    Redsoxs  10
                  The Redsoxs scored five runs in the third inning as they beat the Cubs 10-4.   For the Redsoxs, Landon Brister had a triple.  Logan Simpson, Henry Marcum, and Caden Sheppard(2) had doubles.   Victor Monnin, Taylor Durbin and Landon Snyder each had a base hit.  For the Cubs,  Josiah McCall and Truman Eichler  had doubles.  Mason Music had two hits.
5/22/18      Nationals 1   D-Backs  2
                  The D-Backs held off a late rally by the Nationals to win 2-1.  For the D-Backs,  Trey Cranfill had a two run single in the first inning and pitched three shutout  innings  getting four strikeouts. Tyler Pedigo added five strikeouts. Brian Gerstenmaier had a base hit. For the Nationals,  Grady Gipson, Clay Cartledge, Jonah White, Grayson Reed, and Mason Sedoris had base hits. Clay Cartledge  had 8 and allowed two hits in four innings of work.
5/21/18      Astros  15  Yankees  12
                  The Astros scored 13 runs in the first inning as they beat the Yankees 15-12.  For the Astros, Isaiah Morales(2), Logan Slechter(2), Landon Clary, and  Bryce Vantilburg  had doubles.  For the Yankees. Ben Withrow had a homerun and a triple.  Jarod Horvath and Xander Collins had doubles.
5/20/18      Dodgers  15    Cubs 14
                  The Dodgers overcame a 14-1 deficit to rally back to win win 15-14.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders had a triple.  William Kiesewetter had a double. Ryan Klink added two hits. For the Cubs,  Jaxon Perkins, Mason Music, Kingston Dugan and Chase Cissell each had two hits.
5/19/18      Astros  7   Nationals  5
                  The Astros picked up their first win of the season by beating the Nationals 7-5.  For the Astros,  Landon Clary had two doubles and a single.  Parker Bowles had four hits. Tyler Fante had three hits. Isaiah Morales had a double. Teddy Rutherford and Logan Slechter each had two hits. For the nationals, Clay Cartledge had a double.  Mason Sedoris and Jonah White had two hits.
5/19/18      Yankees  2    D-Backs  7
                  The D-backs broke 1-1 score  in the fifth inning to score six runs helped by Charlie Sekeres double leading to 7-2 win over the Yankees.  For the D-Backs, Daniel Moser pitched four strong innings allowing one run and getting 8 strikeouts plus getting two hits at the plate. Noah Stinson added a triple.  For the Yankees, Ben Withrow had 10 strikeouts on the hill and a base hit at the plate. 
5/17/18      Nationals  22  Astros  5
                  The Nationals  scored in every inning as they defeated the Astros 22-5.  For the Nationals,  Alex Cox had a triple. Grady Gibson and Mason Sedoris had doubles.   For the Astros, Landon Clary had two hits.
5/16/18      D-Backs  8     Yankees  6
                  The D-Backs rally for four runs in the top of the sixth inning to beat the Yankees 8-6.  For the D-Backs,  Daniel Moser had two doubles.  Gentry Stivers, Trey Cranfill, and Brian Gerstenmaier had base hits.  For the Yankees, Jared Horvath had a triple and a single.  Xander Collins had two doubles and a single. Brylon Mayloy, Gabe Rath, Ben Withrow and Gray Colvin had base hits.
5/15/18      Cubs  1   Dodgers  2
          Two runs in the fourth inning was enough as the Dodgers edged the Cubs 2-1.  For the Dodgers, Levi Wade and William Keisewetter combined for  11 strikeouts and four hits.  Williams Kiesewetter and Kaleb Bruce each had two hits.  For the Cubs, Jaxon Perkins had a double and a single.  
5/14/18      Redsoxs  6   Indians 9
                  The Indians scored seven times in the bottom of the third inning as they defeated the Redsoxs 9-6.  For the Indians, Jack Robson, James Lackner(2) and Carter Lackner had doubles.  Coen Ball and Cam Roush had two hits each.  For the Redsoxs, Logan Simpson had  three hits. Landon Brister hit his fourth homerun and had a single. Luke Shatzer added a double.  Henry Marcum, Logan Perdue,  and Caden Sheppard had base hits.
5/12/18        Indians  13   Nationals  4
                    The Indians scored in every innings as they defeated the Nationals 13-4.  For the Indians, Dawson Hosick had a triple.  Landon Cooper, Cam Roush(2),  and Coen Ball added doubles.  For the Nationals, Grady Gipson had a triple.
5/12/18        Yankees 13   Cubs  10
     The Yankees held off the Cubs for 13-10 Win.   For the Yankees,  Grant Turner had an inside the park homerun and  3 singles.  Xander Collins had a triple and a double.  Gabe Rath and Ben Withrow each had two hits.  For the Cubs, Jaxon Perkins and Chase Cissell had doubles.  Mason Music and Jackson Martin each had two hits.
5/11/18        Astros   2     Redsoxs 4
                    The Redsoxs  scored three times in the fifth inning to beat the Astros 4-2 .  For the Redsoxs,  Henry Marcum and Landon Brister combined for 10 strikeouts and allowing two hits on the hill.   Henry Marcum had a double and a single.  Landon Brister had a triple and single.  Logan Simpson, and Birthday Boy Logan Perdue had base hits.    For the Astros,  Landon Clary had a double.  Teddy Rutherford and Logan Specter each had a base hit.
5/11/18         Dodgers  7  D-Backs  10
                     The D-Backs held off a late rally by the Dodgers to win 10-7.   For the D-Backs,  Noah Stinson had a triple and a double.  Daniel Moser  added a triple.  Jacob Oberholtzer and Tyler Pedigo each had a double.  Daniel Moser pitched three shutout innings  getting six strikeouts.. For the Dodgers,   Brooks Cargould had a double.  Kade Sanders and Hayden Kiesewetter each had two hits.
5/10/18         Nationals 6  Indians  3 
                     The Nationals scored three innings in the first and third inning to beat the Indians 6-3.  For the Nationals,  Clay Cartledge had a triple and two singles.  Alex Cox had  a double and a single.   For the Indians.  Dawson Hosick had three doubles  and Cam Roush had one double.   Coen Ball had two hits.
5/9/18           Redsoxs  16   Astros  7
                     The Redsoxs  jumped out to an early 7-0 lead and never looked back beating the Astros 16-7.  For the Redsoxs, Victor Monnin had a double and two singles.  Logan Perdue, Landon Brister and Logan Simpson had doubles. Luke Shatzer(2), Landon Snyder, Henry Marcum, and Taylor Dubbin had base hits.  Logan Simpson had six strikeouts on the hill.  For the Astros, Logan Specter had a triple and a double among his four hits.  Nate Strausbaugh had three hits and Landon Clary Bryce Vantilburg each had two hits. Teddy Rutherford  and Matt Fisher had base hits. Logan Specter had seven strikeouts on the mound.
5/8/18          D-Backs  9  Dodgers 3
                    A five run sixth inning helped the D-Backs put the game away with a 9-3 win over the Dodgers.  For the D-backs,  Daniel Moser pitched four strong innings getting 9 strikeouts.  Trey Cranfill had a double.  Gentry Stivers had two hits.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders had an inside the park homerun.  Hayden Kiesewetter had a double.
5/7/18          Cubs  4    Yankees  10
                    The Yankees held off the Cubs  as they won 10-4.  For the Yankees,  Xander Collins had a triple and a double.  Ben Withrow and  Grant Turner had triples. Logan Osisek, Braylon Mayloy and  Gray Colvin each had two hits. For the Cubs,  Kingston Dugan and Brandon Dennison each had a base hit.                                                                      
5/3/18          Redsoxs  3   Nationals  4
                    The Nationals overcame a 3-0 deficit scoring four times in the bottom of the fifth inning to beat the Redsoxs 4-3.  For the Nationals, Grady Gipson, Alex Cox,  Clay Cartledge and Grayson Reed  had base hits.  For the Redsoxs,  Landon Brister had a double. Logan Perdue and Victor Monnin had base hits.
5/2/18          Dodgers  10   Yankees 11
                    The Yankees  edged the Dodgers 11-10 after a high scoring sixth inning.  In the top of the sixth trailing 6-1, the Dodgers scored  nine runs helped by Kaleb Bruce homerun, Levi Wade's triple and William Kiesewetter added a double.  In the bottom half the Yankees scored  five times with Ben Withrow  getting the game winning hit.  For the Yankees, Xander Collins(2), and  Grant Turner had doubles.  Ben Withrow had four hits.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders had three hits.
5/1/18          Cubs 3  D-Backs  14
                    The D-backs erupted for 10 runs in the fifth inning to beat the Cubs 14-3.  For the D-Backs,  Noah Stinson had two doubles.  Daniel Moser had two hits.  For the Cubs, Jaxon Perkins had a triple. Jackson Martin had two hits.
4/30/18        Indians  11  Astros  9
                    The Indians bounced back from Saturdays loss with a 11-9 win over the Astros.  For the Indians, Jack Robson, Coen Ball and Trevor Downs had doubles.  Lincoln Poets, James Lackner and Riley Hill had base hits.   For the Astros, Landon Clary and  Nate Strausbaugh each had three hits.  Logan Specter had two doubles and a single. Tyler Fante had two hits.
4/29/18        Nationals  11   Cubs 2.     
                    The Nationals knocked off the Cubs 11-2.  For the Nationals,  Clay Cartledge pitched four strong innings in getting the win and had two hits at the plate...  Grayson Reed had a double. Jonah White had a base hit.   For the Cubs,  Truman Eichler had a double and a single.
4/28/18       Cubs  6   Indians 3    
                   After being down 3-0 the  Cubs came back on the top ranked team scoring four times in the fourth inning to win 6-3.  For the Cubs, Chase Cissell had a double.  Truman Eichler, Mason Music and Jaxon Perkins each had two hits.  For the Indians,  Cam Roush and Carter Lackner each had two hits.
4/28/18       Dodgers 12  Nationals  7  
                   The Dodgers topped the Nationals 12-6 helped by 5 run fourth inning.  For the Dodgers,  Brook Cargould had four hits. Levi Wade had a double among his four hits.  Hayden Kiesewetter had a double.  For the Nationals,  Grady Gibson had a triple.   Clay Cartledge added a double. Willie Alicea had two hits.
4/27/18       Astros  5   D-Backs 6
                   The D- Backs rally in the fifth inning for a 6-5 win over the Astros.   For the D-Backs, Noah Stinson had a double and a single.  Josh Oberholtzer(2), Trey Cranfill, and Gentry Stivers had base hits. For the Astros, Parker Bowles had a double.  Bryce Vantilburg had Two triples and a double.
4/27/18      Yankees  11   Redsoxs  16
                   The Redsoxs  had a six run  fourth inning as they beat the Yankees 16-11.  For the Redsoxs,  Landon Brister had a homerun and  double.  Logan Simpson had a triple.  Logan Perdue and Luke Shatzer had doubles. Caden Sheppard(3), Henry Marcum(2) and Landon Snyder(2) had base hits.   For the Yankees,  Gray Colvin(2), Ben Withrow, and Xander Collins had triples.   Logan Osisek, Gray Colvin, Braylon Maloy, and Ben Withrow had doubles.
4/26/18      Nationals   6    Dodgers 4
                  A  3 run sixth inning  by the Nationals helped secure a 6-4 win over the Dodgers.  Clay Cartledge(2) and Crain Gardiner had base hits.  For the Dodgers,  Hayden Kiesewetter  had a double.  Levi Wade(2) and Kade Sanders  had base hits.  
4/26/18      Cubs 10   Indians  12 
                  The  Indians held off a late comeback by the Cubs to win 12-10.  For the Indians,  Lincoln Poets and Landon Cooper had doubles.   Jack Robson, Cam Roush, Coen Ball, and Dawson Hosick each had two hits.  For the Cubs, Jackson Martin had a double.  Josiah McCall and Kingston Dugan each had two hits.
4/25/18      Redsoxs  2   Yankees 6
                  The Yankees scored four times in the second inning as they beat the Redsoxs 6-2.  For the Yankees, Ben Withrow and Xander Collins combined for 13 strikeouts on the hill.  Myles strong had two Triples. Grant Turner and Ben Withrow each had two hits,  For the Redsoxs Logan Simpson Scored  two runs.
4/25/18      D-Backs  17   Astros  1
                  The D-Backs defeated the Astros  17-1.  For the D-Backs, Noah Stinson had a double Tyler Pedigo and Brian Gerstanmaier  had a base hits.  For the Astros.  Joe Scarborough had a base hit.
4/22/18      Yankees 7   Indians  13
                  The day finished with a  Indians 13-7 win over the Yankees.  For the Indians, Jack Robson had a triple and two doubles.  Dawson Hosick and Carter Lechner each added a double.  Cam Roush had two hits.   For the Yankees,  Myles Strong had a homerun and a double. Ben Withrow and Grant Turner each had two hits.
4/22/18      Dodgers 14   Astros  8
                  The Dodgers erupted for nine runs in the fifth inning to beat the Astros 14-8.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders and William Keisewetter had triples.  Brooks Cargould  had three hits.  Kaleb Bruce added two hits.  For the Astros,  Parker Bowles had a triple.  Bryce Vantilburg and Matt Fischer each added a double.  Logan Specter had two hits.
4/22/18      D-Backs  9    Redsoxs  14  
                  The Redsoxs handed the D-Backs a 14-9 loss.  For the Redsoxs, Landon Brister   hit his second homerun of the season and added a triple.  Henry Marcum  had a triple.  Logan Perdue, Logan Simpson(2), Cads Sheppard(2), Taylor Dubbin and Luke Shatzer had base hits.   For the D-backs,  Landon Ewing and Tyler Pedigo had triples. Charlie Sekeres had a double and a single. Matthew Farley added double.  Brian Gerstenmaier had a basehit.
4/21/18      Cubs 3   Astros 1   
                  The Cubs knocked off the  Astros 3-1.  For the Cubs,  Jackson Martin, Jaxon Perkins and Chase Cissell, and Josiah McCall had base hits.  For the Astros,  Bryce Vantilburg had a double.
4/21/18    D-Backs 4   Indians  13
                 The Indians scored 9 runs in the third inning to beat the D-Backs 13-4.   
4/20/18    Redsoxs  4     Dodgers  0
                 The Redsoxs  blanked the Dodgers  4-0 behind the pitching of Landon Brister and Henry Marcum  who combined for 14 strikeouts.   For the Redsoxs,  Logan Simpson had a triple.  Luke Shatzer and Cade Sheppard had doubles.
4/20/18    Nationals  7     Yankees  8
                The Yankees scored five times in the bottom of the sixth inning to beat the Nationals 8-7 as Ben Withrow had the game winning three run triple.  Xander Collins and Gray Colvin had base hits.  For the Nationals,  Alex Cox had a double and two singles.  Grayson Reed had two hits.
4/19/18    Yankees 5   Nationals  9
                 The Nationals scored five times in the fourth inning  to beat the Yankees  9-5.   For the Nationals,  Clay Cartledge had  a triple and had six strikeouts on the hill.  Joseph White had two hits.  For the Yankees, Myles Strong had a double.
4/19/18    Indians  5    D-Backs  7
                 A five run  second inning pushed the D-Backs over the Indians 7-5.  For the D-Backs,  Daniel Moser had a triple.  Tyler Pedigo had two doubles.   For the Indians,  Dawson Hosick had a double.  Cameron Roush had two hits.
4/18/18    Astros  1  Cubs 5 
                 A five run first inning was all the Cubs needed as they defeated the Astros 5-1.   For the Cubs, Mason Music(2), Truman Eichler, Jaxon Perkins, Josiah McCall and Tyler Matherly had base hits.   For the Astros,  Tyler Fante and Nathan Strausbaugh had doubles
4/17/18    Dodgers  7   Redsoxs 2
                The Dodgers knocked off the Redsoxs with 7-2 win.  For the Dodgers, Kade Sanders had seven strikeouts.  Levi Wade had a homerun.  William Kiesewetter and Kade Sanders had base hits.  For the Redsoxs,  Logan Simpson had a double.  Logan Perdue had two hits.   Landon Brister and Cads Sheppard had base hits.
4/12/18     D-Backs  18   Nationals  8
                The D-Backs scored in every inning to beat the Nationals 18-8.  For the D-Backs,  Daniel Moser(2), Tyler Pedigo, Josh Oberholtzer and Landon Ewing had doubles.  For the Nationals,  Alex Cox had a double and a single.  Clay Cartledge(2), Grady Gipson(2) Jonah White, and Greyson Reed had base hits.,
4/11/18    Redsoxs  12    Cubs  2
                The Redsoxs jumped out to an early 2-0 lead as Landon Brister hit the first homerun of the season  helped them beat the Cubs 12-2.  For the Cubs,  Victor Monnin and Henry Marcum(2),  Austyn Catherson, Logan Perdue, Cads SHEPARD  and Logan Simpson(2) had base hits.  For the Cubs,  Mason Music and Jackson Martin had doubles.  Truman Eichler had two hits. 
4/10/18   Astros 5    Yankees 19
              The Yankees scored in every inning as they defeated the  Astros 19-5.  For the Yankees,  Ben Withrow and Logan Osisek had doubles.  Myles Strong(3) and  Grant Turner(2) had hits.  Myles Strong, Ben Withrow and Xander Collins combined for 13 Strikeouts.  For the Astros, Nate Strausbaugh and Tyler Fante each had two hits.
4/9/18    Indians  13   Dodgers   3
             The Indians pulled away with a 6 run sixth inning to beat the Dodgers 13-3.  For the Indians. Jack Robson, Cameron Roush,  Lincoln Poets, and Landon Cooper had base hits.  For the Dodgers, For the Dodgers,  Brooks Cargould, William Kiesewetter, Caleb Bruce, and Tyler Klink had hits.

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