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Major League Softball Game Highlights

6/18/22  Championship Game   Hornets  6 - Rampage 4   The Hornets overcame 4-1 deficit  to beat the  Rampage  6-4 for the Major League Softball Championship.  For the Hornets, Maggie Hit had a homerun and a single.  kenzie Watson(2) bailey Stotts and Emma Burdette had base hits.  For the Rampage, Hallee Doelker had a double.  Helene Hinkle had 9 strikeouts  in the circle.

6/11/22  Hornets 15 - Rampage 14   The Hornets scored four runs in the bottom of the fourth inning to beat the Rampage 15-14.  For the RHornets,  Bailey Stotts had atriple and two singles.  Harper Edgar had a double.  Kenzi Watson had two hits.  For the Rampage, Gracie Husband had a double and a single.  Gracie Kelly(2), Lauren Giles(2) and Helene Hinkle had base hits

6/7/22  Rampage 18 - Hornets 8   The Rampage  kept the scoreboard busy to beat the Hornets 18-8.  For the Rampage,  Helene Hinkle, Grace Husband and Lauren Giles had base hits. Isabelle Kraus added a double.  For the Hornets,  kenzie Watson had a double and single. Bailey Stotts adn Maggie Hite had base hits.

6/4/22  South oldham 13 - Hornets  7   The Hornets fell to South Oldham 13-7.  For the Hornets,  Marlee Cushingberry had a homerun. kenzie watson and Kenzie Watson had doubles.

5/24/22   Hornets 12 - Rampage 9  The Hornets scored five runs in the fifth inning to beat the Rampage 12-9.   For the Hornets,  Bailey Stotts(2) Marlee Cushingberry and Emma Burdette(2) had base hits.  For the Rampage, Helene Hinkle had a triple.  Gracie Husband(2) and Hallee Doelker had doubles. Kinsley German  and Gracie Kelly(2)had base hits.

5/21/22   South Oldham 10 -  Rampage 3  The Rampage fell to SOuth Oldham 10-3 on Saturday.   For the Rampage, Helene Hinkle had a triple.  Mara Gibson(2) and Lauren Giles had base hits.

5/17/22  Hornets 18 -  Rampage 9   The Hornets scored in every inning to beat the Rampage 18-9. For the Hornets,  Bailey Stotts had two hits and Marlee Cushingberry had one. For the Rampage, Gracie Husband had a double.  Shelby Vincent and hallee Doelker each had a base hit.

5/15/22  Rampage 17 - Hornets 0    The Rampage  pitchers  Helene Hinkle and Gracie Kelly  combine to shutout the Hornets 17-0. For the Hornets, Lauren Giles  and Helene Hinkle each had two hits and a Rbi.  Mara Gibson had three hits and 4 RBI's.  

5/14/22  Rampage 9   Soth Oldham 8-  In Major Softball, the Rampage edged South Oldham 9-8.   For the Rampage, Helene Hinkle(2), Shelby Vincent and Gracie Kelly had base hits.

5/12/22   South Oldham 20  Hornets 2   For the Hornets  Bailey Stotts had two hits and a RBI.

5/10/22   Hornets 18 - Rampage  10  The Hornets scored in every inning to beat the Rampage 18-10.  F or the Hornets,   Bailey Stotts had a triple and a double. Kenzie Watson had two doubles.  For the Rampage ,Gracie Kelly had a base hit.

5/5/22  Hornets 10 - Trimble County 9   The Hornets won their first game s as the topped Trimble COunty 10-9.  For the Hornets, Kenzie Watson had two hits and Emma Burdette had one base hit..  For tTrimble County, madison Carson had a homerun.  Toby McCane had a double.

4/30/22   Rampage 12  - Hornets  6  The Rampage defeated the Hornets 12-6 on Saturday.  For the Rampage  Gracie kelly had a base hit. For the Hornets,  kenzie Watson(2), Bailey Stotts, Rymne Hunsaker and Isabelle Kraus had base hits.

4//26/22   Rampage 20 - Hornets 6  The Rampage scored in every inning to beat the Hornets 20-6.   For the Rampage, Gracie Husband had a double. Lauren Giles(2), Helene Hinkle, Mara Gibson, and gracie Kelly had base hits.  For the Hornets,m Marlee Cushingberry had base hit. Isabelle Kraus had a double.

4//23/22   South Oldham 20 - Rampage 7   The Rampage fell to South Oldham 20-7.  South.Symone Matthews, Madison Burkhardt, Bri O'Rourke, halley Anderson had doubles.  Lauren Giles had a double and two singles. Mara Gibson had a double and a single.  Gracie Kelly, Hallee Doelker and Gremma Daily had base hits.

4/21/22  Rampage 16 - Hornets 15  The Rampages Hallee Doelker scored the game winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning to top the Hornets 16-15. For the Rampage,  Lauren Giles had a double and single.  Mara Gibson had three hits.  

4/19/22   Rampage 19 - Hornets 9    The Rampage scored in every inning to beat the Hornets 19-9.  For the Rampage, Pitchers Helene Hinkle and Gracie Kelly combined for 12 strikeouts in the circle.  Lauren Giles had two doubles and a single. Helene Hinklle added a homerun.   Halley Doelker and Mara Gibson each had a base hit.   For the Hornets,  Bailey Stotts had a triple and a single. Marlee Cushingberry had a double and a single. Kenzie Watson added a double.

4/16/22    Rampage 17 -  Hornets 2   After Opening  Day ceremonies and the field was clearded  the Rampage took care of the Hornets 17-2.   For the Rampage,  gracie Husband had a triple and a double.  Lauren Giles had a double.  Helene Hinkle and  Mara Gibson had base hits.   For the Hornets, Bailey Stotts had a bse hits.

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