Major League Softball League Age is Age on December 31, 2024
Ages 11-12 Year old's Kid -Pitch 40' Pitching Distance, 60' Bases, will play 16-18 games.
Usually 2 games a week. Games times start at 6:00pm Monday- Friday, 8:00pm games on Fridays. Saturday games start at 10:00am at the earliest.
Will play some inter-league games against other district softball teams(Nelson County, Trimble County Henry County, Carroll County, and South Oldham).
Makeup-Games will be made up first available day(usually Saturday or Sunday)
Practice times: twice a week once Monday - Friday and once on weekend(Saturday-Sunday) at Walsh park. A manager may schedule other practices times at a different location.
League tournament
Selected by the managers and are announced in June. We will have All-Star teams for the following teams:
11-12 Year old Nationals
Minor League Softball Ages 9-10 League Age is Age on December 31, 2024
Ages 9-10 Year old's Kid -Pitch 35' Pitching Distance, 60' Bases, will play 16-18 games. Usually 2 games a week.
Games times start at 6:00pm Monday- Friday, 8:00pm games on Fridays. Saturday games start at 10:00am at the earliest.
Will play some inter-league games against other district softball teams Nelson County, Trimble County Carroll County, South Oldham and Henry County).
Makeup-Games will be made up first available day(usually Saturday or Sunday)
Practice times: twice a week once Monday -Friday and once on weekend(Saturday-Sunday) at Walsh park. A manager may schedule other practices times at a different location.
League Tournament
All-stars will be selected by the managers and are announced in June. We will have All-Star teams for the following teams.
9-10 Year old Nationals
Rookie League Softball Ages 7-8 League Age is Age on December 31, 2024
Ages 7-8 Year old(a few 6 Year old) Machine Pitch 35 mph, 60' Bases, will play 16-18 games. Usually 2 games a week.
Games times start at 6:00pm Monday- Friday, Saturday games start at 10:00am at the earliest.
Will play some interleague games against other district softball teams(Nelson County, Trimble County, Carroll County, South Oldham, Henry County.)
Makeup-Games will be made up first available day(usually Saturday or Sunday)
Practice times: twice a week once Monday - Friday and once on weekend(Saturday-Sunday) at Walsh park. A manager may schedule other practices times at a different location.
League Tournament
All-Stars will be selected by the managers and are announced in June. We will have All-Star teams for the following teams:
7-8 year old Post-Season