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2020 Rookie League Baseball Game Highlights

8/15/20   Redsoxs 12 - Phillies 11  Finals   The Redsoxs rally for five runs in the sixth inning and then Levi Withrow had a game winning double in the seventh inning to beat the Phillies 12-11 for the Rookie League Baseball Championship and finished the season perfect with 15-0 record.  For the Resdoxs,   Seth Roberts(5), Kairo Ball(3), Levi Withrow(2), and Cooper Williams had base hits.  Brady Noe had a two homerun,a double and a single.  Samuel Welsh  had a double and three singles. Jameson Watson added a double.  For the Phillies,  Kyser Moore had two triples and a single.  Casey Mais had a double.  John Esterly(3), Ryder Dowell(2), Talyn Moberly(2), Brady Fleischer(2), Wyatt Dowell(2) and Garrett White(2) had base hits.

8/13/20   Redsoxs 9 - Giants 7  Semi-Finals  The Redsoxs kept their perfect season alive as they stopped the Giants 9-7 for their ticket in the Champioship game on Saturday.  For the Redsoxs, Brady Noe had homerun, a triple and a single.  Cooper potts(3), Seth Roberts(4),Kairo Ball(2), Jameson Watson and Samuel Welsh had base hits.  Levi Withrow had a double and three singles.  For the Giants,  Tucker Way had two doubles and two singles. Dalton Gilbert(2), cace Reynolds(2),,Cater Bramlage-Schombug(2)and Ryan Armeni (2) had base hits. Brady Bottorff had two doubles and a single. Colin Gardner had a double.

8/13/20  Phillies 10 - Royals 9  Semi-Finals The Phillies Talyn Moberly knocked in Kane Isable with the winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning to beat the Royals 10-9 and place in the championship game on Saturday.  For the Phillies,Kane Isable and Kyser Moore each had  atriple and two singles.   Casey Mais had a double and two singles.Lucas Via had a triple and single.  Talyn Moberly had three hits. Micha Nimmo, Garrett WHite and John Esterly(3) had base hits.  For the Royals, Max West had two doubles. Cooper brown had two doubles and a single. Colt Sepmoree, Oliver Schaub,Alex Anthony  Wyatt Husband and Liam Mandzo(2) had base hits.

8/12/20  Phillies 18  -  TIgers 3  The Phillies had their bats ready for the tournament as they defeated the Tigers 18-3.   For the Phillies, Casey Mais had a triple and two singles.  Talyn Moberly(2), Kyser Moore, Kane Isable and Garrett White had doubles. John Esterly(3), Lucas Via(2), Micah Nimmo(2), Wyatt Dowell(2) Ryder Dowell and Brady Fleischer(2) had base hits.  For the Tigers, Noah Anastasio had a homerun, Nick Pedigo and Ian Wall had triples. Connoer Trippett added a double.  Owen Lindauer(2) and Gabriel Crichfield had base hits

8/12/20  Redsoxs 9 - Rangers  6   The  Redsoxs  held off the Rangers 9-6 as they advance to the semi-finals.  For the Redsoxs, Levi Withrow had a triple and a double.  Kairo Ball(3), Brad Noe, Cooper Williams, and Jameson Watson had doubles.  For the Rangers, Nathan Hoffman, Jackson Edgar(2), Justice Greer, and  Noah Houchens had doubles.  Will Haysley had a homerun.

8/11/20  Rangers 14 -  Pirates 6  The Rangers defeated the Pirates 14-6 to advance to the second round of the playoffs.  For the Rangers,Will Haysley(2), Nathan Hoffman and Hunter Adams had doubles. Noah Hounchens had three hits.  For the Pirates,James Flanagan had adouble.  Eli Gathof had three hits.Owen Matthews and Henry Baker had two hits.

8/11/20   Giants 12  -  D-Backs  6  The Giants scored three runs in four different innings as they defeated the D-Backs 12-6.  For the Giants, Tucker Way,Dalton Gilbert(2), Brady Bottorff and Ryan Armeni had triples.  Gilbert and Bottorff added doubles.  For the D-Backs, Henry Stratton and Brantley Wise each had a triple.  Bryce Fryman and Pete Crowder had doubles.

8/11/20   ROyals 14 -  Whitesoxs 13   The Royals edged the Whitesoxs 14-13 to advance to the second round of the playoffs.  For the ROyals,  Max West, Lee Williams and Will Hogan each had a double and two singles.  Alex Anthony  had ahomerun and two singles. Cooper Brown had adouble and a single.  Colt Sepmore(2) Oliver Schaub(4),Wyatt HUsband(2) Liam Mandzo and AJ Weeks had base hits.  FOr the Whitesoxs, Sawyer Lye had a triple and two singles.  Levi Moore(4), Kayden Stephenwise(3), Ben Bush, Dean Dattilo, Lucas Saucier(2), Clayton Bissinger, Cruz SImpson(2) and Jason Lynch had base hits.

8/11/20   Tigers 13 - Brewers 5  The Tigers advanced to the second round of the playoffs with a 13-5 win over the Brewers.  For the Tigers, Noah Anastasio had a triple, double and a single. Ian Wall, Owen Lindauer had doubles.  Nick Pedigo had a triple.  For the Brewers  Dawson Burckardt had a homerun a double and a single.  Logan Cecil had a triple.  James Cater had a double.

8/10/20 Tigers 4 - Phillies 3   The Tigers ended their regular season knocking off the Phillies 4-3.  For the Tigers,  Noah Anastasio had a homerun. Bowen Maloy(2), Ian Wall(2), Conner Trippett and Nick Pedigo had base hits.For the Phillies,  John  Esterly(2), Brady Fleischer, Kyser Moore(2), Lucas via(2) and Wyatt Dowell had base hits.

8/8/20  Giants 13 -  Brewers 5   The Giants finished their regular season with a 13-5 win over the Brewers. Ryan Armeni had a triple, a double and a single. Henry Stratton had a triple and three Singles.  Dalton Gilbert had adouble and three singles.  Tucker Way(4), Brady Bottorff,Cater Bramlage-Schombug and Colin Gardner(2) had base hits.  For the Brewers, Lee Hamilton(3), Wyatt Burckardt(2) Carter Dees(2), Louis Townsend, Logan Cecil and Evan Billings had base hits.  Dawson Burckardt had a double and a single.

8/8/20  Redsoxs 8 - Royals 7  The Royals pushed the Redsoxs perfect season to the edge as  the Redsoxs Brady Noe base hit scored Kairo Ball with the winning run in the bottom of the seventh inning for 8-7  win over the Royals.  For the Redsoxs, Kairo ball had two doubles and a single. Brady Noe had a homerun, a triple and two singles.  Cooper WIlliams had a double and a single. Jameson Watson, Seth Roberts and Cooper Williams had base hits.   For the Royals, Colton Sepmoree, Oliver Schaub, Cooper Brown(2),Max West, Wyatt Husband and ALex Anthony(2) had doubles. Liam Mandzo and Lee Williams(3) had base hits.

8/8/20  Whitesoxs 14 - Rangers 13  The Whitesoxs scored three times in the bottom of the sixth inning  to top the Rangers 14-13. Clayton Bissinger had a triple and a single. Levi Moore had a double among his four hits. Sawyer Lye had a  double and a a single Lucas Saucier(2), Dean Datillo, Kaden Stephenwise(3), Ben Bush(2), Levi Moore(4) and Cruz Simpson(3) had base hits.  For the Rangers,  Jackson Edgar hit a solo homerun over the left field fence in the fourth inning ad had a single in the first inning. Justice Greer had a triple and two innings.  Nathan Hoffman and Will Haysley each had two doubles and a single. Bodie Murphy  added a double and three singles. Landen McNeil(2) and Luke Jacobson  had base hits        

8/8/20  D-Backs 6  Pirates 3  The D-Backs finished their regular season with a 6-3 win over the Pirates.   For the D-Backs,Nolan Stethen had two doubles. Brantley Wise had two doubles and a single. Bryce fryman had a homerun and two singles.  Gage Meadeand Henry Stratton  had two base hits.  For the Pirates,  Eli gathof had a homerun and a single. Bobby Turley and Owen matthews each had atriple. had a triple. James Flanagan  added a triple and a single.  Jaxon Jarvis added a double. Henry baker had a triple.

8/6/20  Giants 9 - Pirates 5.    the Giants had a five run fourth inning as they beat the Pirates  9-5.  For the Giants,  Ryan Armeni and Brady Bottorff each had a triple and a double.  Carter Bramlage-Schomburg had a double.  For the Pirates,  bobby Turley had a homerun and a double. Jameson Flanagan had a triple and a double.  Owen Matthews added a double.

8/5/20   Phillies 9 - Rangers 4  The Phillies scored  five runs in the first inning  sd they beat the Rangers 9-4.  For the Phillies, Lucas Via and Kyser Moore each had a double and a single.  Casey Mais(2), Brady Fleischer,John Esterly(3) and Micah Nimmo had base hits.  Kane Isable(3) and Wyat Dowell had doubles.   For the Rangers, Will Haysley(2), Nathan Hoffman, Jackson Edgar and Justice Greer had doubles.

8/4/20   Redsoxs 19 - D-Backs 9  The Redsoxs remained undefeated by beating the D-Backs 19-9.  For the redsoxs, Kairo Ball and , jameson Watson and Brady Noe each had a double and a single.  Seth Roberts(3), levi Withrow(4) and Cash thompson had base hits.  Cooper Williams had atriple and two singles.  For the D-Backs,  nolan Stethen and Henry Stratton each had a double and a single. Liam Williams(3) Brantley Wise, Bryce Fryman(2), Pete Crowder, james Bolin, Chase Richards and Blake Fry had base hits.

8/3/20  Royals 12  -  Tigers 6 After going scoreless the first two at bats, the Royals scored 12 runs in the next three to beat the  Tigers 12-6. For the Royals, Cooper Brown had a double and two singles.  Max West had two two doubles and a singles.  Lee Williams had a triple,and a double among his four hits.  Liam Mandzo(4)m and Colt Sepmore had base hits.  Alex Anthony had a double and a single.   For the Tigers,  Bowen Maloy(2), Andrew Lamkin, Owen Lindauer, Ian Wall(3), Cooper Potts and Andrew Pennington had base hits.  Nick Pedigo had two doubles and a single.

8/3/20  Whitesoxs 18 - Brewers 4

8/2/20  Pirates  7    Brewers 4    The Pirates picked up their first win knocking off the Brewers 7-4.  For the Pirates,  Owen Matthews and Henry Baker had doubles. Jaxon Jarvis, Jamison Flanagan(2) and Owen Turley had base hits.  For the Brewers,  Dawson Burckardt had a triple, a double and a single.  James Carter had a double. Carter Dees, Logan Cecil  and Evan Billinmgs had base hits.

8/1/20 Redsoxs 6 - Giants 5  The Redsoxs Seth Roberts had the game winning hit in the sixth inning to beat the Giants 6-5.  For the Redsoxs, Brady Noe had a homerun and a single.  Seth Roberts(3), Kairo Ball,Jameson Watson(2)Cooper Williams and Cash Thompson had base hits. Samuel Welsh had a double.      

8/1/20   Brewers  6 -  Rangers 4   The Brewers scored three runs in the bottom of the fifth inning to beat the Rangers 6-4.  For the Brewers, James Carter(2), Dawson Burckardt(2), Wyatt Burckardt, Logan Cecil(3), Carter Dees and Lee Hamilton had base hits.  For the Rangers, Nathan Hoffman had a double.  Justuce Greer had a double and a single. Will Haysley(2), hunter Adams, Noah nHouchens(2) and Luke Jacobson.

8/1/20 D-Backs 6  - Tigers 0 

8/1/20  Whitesoxs 18 - Pirates 4    The Whitesoxs scored in every inning to beat the Pirates 18-4.  For the Whitesoxs, Ben Bush had two doubles and a single.  Kayden Stephens(2), Sawyer Lye(2), Dean Dattilo(3), Lucas Saucier(4), Clayton Bissinger(3), David Waterman(2) and Cruz Simpson had base hits.  For the Pirates,  Henry baker, Owen Matthews(2), Bobby Turley(3),owen Turley(3) and Seth Richards had base hits.  Owen Turley had a double.

7/31/20   Phillies 6 - Royals 2  The Phillies continued their winning streak to by beating the Royals 6-2.  For the Phillies, casey mais had a triple, a double and a single.  Talyn Moberly had two doubles.  Brady Fleischer, Lucas Via, Wyatt Dowell, Ryder Dowell and Micah Nimmo had base hits. For the Royals,  Max West had a triple and a single. Wyatt Husband, Will Hogan and AJ Weeks had base hits.   Colt Sepmoree had a double and a single.

7/29/20  Rangers 7 - Royals 5  The Rangers topped the Royals 7-5.  For the Rangers, Hunter Adams and Nathan Hoffman had a double and a single. Justice Greer had a triple and a double. Will Haysley had a double and two singles. Bodie Murphy and Noah Houchen(2) had base hits.  Tristan Rutan added a double.  For the Royals, Max West had a triple among his four hits. Lee Williams added a triple. Will Hogan, Liam Mandzo(2), AJ Weeks(2), and Alex Anthony had base hits.

7/29/20  Tigers 14 - Giants 4  The Tigers scored in every inning  as they beat the Giants 14-4.  For the Tigers, Nick Pedigo had a homerun, a double  and two singles.  Noah Anastasio had a triple and two singles. Andrew Lamkin(3),Cooper Potts(2),Owen Lindauer(3), Connor Trippett(2), Andy Pennington(3) and Griffin Adams had base hits.  For the Giants, Dalton Gilbert had a homerun and a double. Brady Bottoroff had two triple and a single. Cace Reynolds and Carter Bramlage-Schomburg eaachhad a double and two singles.  Ryan Armeni had a triple, a double and a single.  Teddy Timmons and Bentley hood had base hits

7/29/20   Phillies 16 - D-Backs 15  The Phillies, Garrett White had the game winning hit to knocked in Talyn Moberly in the bottom of the sixth inning as they topped the D-Backs 16-15.   For the Phillies,  Casey Mais had a homerun, 2 triples and a single. John Esterly had a triple, a double and a single. Brady Fleischer, Kyser Moore, Lucas Via and Kane Isable had doubles.  For the D-Backs, Brantley Wise had a homerun, a double, and a single. Nolan Stethen had a triple, a double and a single.  Liam Williams, Henry Stratton, Gage Meade and Chase Richards had doubles.

7/28/20  Redsoxs 8 - Whitesoxs 7  The Redsoxs escaped with a 8-7 win over the Whitesoxs to remained undefeated  as Brady Noe knocked in Seth Roberts in the bottom of the sixth inning for the win.   Brady Noe had a homerun and three singles. Kairo Ball had a double and three singles.  Samuel Welsh had a double and a single.  Seth Robert and Cooper Williams each had three hits.   For the Whitesoxs, Sawyer Lye had a homerun and a single. Levi Moore had a double and three singles.  Kayden Stephenson(2), Dean Dattilo, Lucas Saucier, Cruz Simpson(2) and Jaxon Lynch had base hits.

7/26/20   Phillies 11 - Whitesoxs 3  The Phillies Casey Mais topped the day by hitting his first homerun out of the park as they beat the Whitesoxs 11-3.  For the Phiilies,  Casey Mais(2), John Esterly an Kyser Moore had homeruns.  Ryder Dowell and Kyser Moore had doubles. Brady Felsicher(2), Lucas Via(2) and Micah Nimmo had base hits. For the Whitesoxs, Sawyer  Lye  and Cruz Simpson had doubles.  Jaxon Lynch, Dean Dattilo, Kayden Stephens and Levi Moore had base hits.

7/26/20 Tigers 18 - Pirates 12   The Tigers used  two five run innings as bookends for a 18-12 win over the Pirates.  For the Tigers, Nick Pedigo had two homeruns, a triple and three singles.  Owen Lindauer had a homerun, a triple and two singles. Noah Anastasio had two homeruns, two triples and a double. Cooper Potts had a double and a single. Connor Trippett had a triple and two singles. Gabriel Crichfield had three singles.  For the Pirates, Henry Baker had a double and two singles.  Eli Gathof had a triple, double and two singles. Bobby Turley(3)Seth Richards and Jaxon Jarvis had base hits.  Owen Turley had a homerun and a single.

7/25/20   Redsoxs 18 - Brewers 2  The Redsoxs remained unbeaten by knocking off the Brewers 18-2. For the Redsoxs, Kairo Ball pounded out four doubles among his five hits. Seth Roberts had a triple and three singles. Brady Noe had a homerun, a double and two singles. Jameson Watson had a double. Cooper Williams(3), Tyler Richards, Cash Thompson(3) and Samuel Welsh(4) had base hits. For the Brewers, Logan Cecil had a double. For the Brewers, and James Carter(2), Wyatt Burckardt(3), Dawson Burckardt(2), Lee Hamilton and Louis Townsend had base hits.

7/25/20   Rangers 15 - Pirates 13 The Rangers held off a late rally by the Pirates to win 15-13.   For the Rangers,  Nathan Hoffman, Justice Greer(2), Will Haysley, Noah Houchens and Bodie Murphy had doubles.  For the Pirates, Owen Matthews had two triple and a double. Henry Baker added a double.  James Flanagan  had a homerun.

7/25/20   Phillies 8 - Giants 2    The Phillies stopped the Giants winning 8-2.  For the Phillies,  John Esterly had a homerun, a triple and a single.  Kyser Moore had a double and a single. Brady Fleischer had a a homerun and a single. Lucas Via, Casey Mais, Talyn Moberlyand Ryder Dowell had base hits.   For the Giants,  Brady Bottorff had a double. Dalton Gilbert, Carter Bramlage-Schomburg< Cace Reynolds,Ryan Armeni(2) and Colin Gardner had base hits.

7/24/20  D-Backs 6- Royals 0  

7/24/20  Whitesoxs  16 - Tigers 12   The scoreboard stayed busy as the Whitesoxs came out on top against the Tigers winning 16-12.   For the Whitesoxs, Kayden Stephens-Wiese had a triple and two doubles.   Dean Dattilo added a double.  David Waterman(2), Sawyer Lye, Lucas Saucier, Cruz Simpson and Jaxon Lynch had bas hits.  For the Tigers, Noah Anastasio had a triple and a single.   Nick Pedigo had a double.  Owen Lindauer(2) and Cooper Potts had base hits.

7/21/20   Rangers 5 - D-Backs 4  The Rangers Landon McNeil had the game winning hit in the  bottom of the sixth inning to beat the  D-Backs 5-4.   For the Rangers,Jackson Edgar(2), Nathan Hoffman, Hunter Adams and Noah Houchens had base hits. Justice Greer had  doubles. For the D-Backs, Henry Stratton had two triples and a single. Brantley Wise had a double and two singles. Blake Fry had a double.  Pete Crowder and James Brolin had base hits.

7/20/20   Tigers  11 - Brewers 8  The Tigers  was busy with their bats as they beat the Brewers  11-8.   For the Tigers, Cooper Potts had a double and two singles.  Connor Trippett, Owen Lindauer(2), Bowen Malloy  and Andy Pennington.  Nick Pedigo and Noah Anastasio each had a double and two singles. Ian Wall added a triple.   For the Brewers,  Lee Hamilton and James Carter had base hits.  Wyatt Burckardt had a double and three singles.  Dawson  Burckardt added a triple and a single.  Logan Cecil had a double.     

7/20/ 20   Giants 11 - Royals 4  The Giants scored every inning to beat the Royals 11-4.  For the Giants,  Tucker Way hit for the cycle.  Brody Bottorff  had three double.  Cace Reynolds had a double and a single.  Ryan Armeni had four hits.  Carter Bramlage-Schomburg had a double and two singles.  For the Royals, Cooper Brown had a  double and a single.  Colt Sepmoree had a double. Liam Williams had a double and two singles. Will Hogan added a double.

7/18/20   Whitesoxs  13 - Royals 9  The Whitesoxs topped the Royals by a score 13-9.  For the Whitesoxs,  Levi Moore(2), Kayden Stephen-Wiese, Ben Bush(2), Dean Dattilo, Lucas Saucier(2) and Jaxon Lynch had base hits.  Clayton Bissenger had a double and two singles.   David Waterman had a double. Cruz Simpson had a double and a single.  For the Royals,  Cooper Brown had a homerun, two doubles and a single.Max West had two doubles and two singles. Lee Williams added a triple and two singles.  Liam Mandzo(2) and Will Hogan had base hits.

7/18/20   Redsoxs 15 - Pirates  7  The Redsoxs remained undefeated as they defeated the Pirates 15-7.   For the Redsoxs, Seth Roberts had two doubles and two singles.  Kairo Ball and Levi Withrow each had a triple and three singles.  Brady Noe had a homerun, a triple and two singles. Samuel Welsh(3) and Cooper Williams had base hits. For the Pirates,  Owen Matthews had a triple and a single.  Griffin Davis, Eli Gathof(2), Henry baker(2),Sawyer Dennison, Owen Turley and Seth Richards had base hits.  Jaxon Jarvis had a double and two singles.

7/18/20    Giants 6 - D-Backs 4  The Giants topped the D-Backs 6-4. For the Giants, Dalton Goilbert(2), Bodee Blevins and Bentley Bergren had base hits. Ryan Armeni had a double and a single. CarterSchomburg had a homerun.  For the D-Backs, Bryce Fryman had a triple.  Brantley Wise and Blake Fry each had a base hit

7/18/20   Phillies  17 - Brewers 6   The Phillies scored in every inning as they beat the Brewers 17-6.  For the Phillies, JohnEsterly had a homerun a triple and a double.  Lucas Via(3), Brady Fleischer(3), Wyatt Dowell(2), TailynMoberly and Ryder Dowell(2) had base hits. Kane Isable added a double.  Kyser Moore had a homerun and two singles.  For the Brewers, James Carter, Wyatt Burckardt, Dawson Burckardt(2), Louis Townsend(2) and Jackson Lange had base hits.

7/17/20   Redsoxs 8 - Rangers 7  The Redsoxs held off a late rally by the Rangers 8-7 to remain undefeated.  For the Redsoxs, Brady Noe had a a homerun and a triple.  Jameson Watson, Kairo Ball, Cash Thompson and Levi Withrow had base hits.  For the Rangers, Justice Greer had a triple. Jackson Edgar, Nathan Hoffman, Luke Jacobson, Bodie Murphy(2) and Tristan Rutan had base hits.

7/16/20   Phillies 15 -  Pirates 6   The Phillies bats stayed busy as they scored in every inning to beat the Pirates 15-6.  For the Phillies, Casey Mais had a triple and a double. Kyser Moore had a triple and two singles. John Esterly and Kane Isable each had a double and two singles. Ryder Dowell(3), Brady Fleischer(2), Lucas Via(2), Wyatt Dowell, Garrett White(2) and Micah Nimmo had base hits.  For the Pirates, Owen Matthews had a homerun and two singles.Henry Baker had a double and a single. Bobby Turley had a triple and a single.  Owen Turley, Griffin Davis, Jaxon Jarvis and Eli Gathof had base hits.

7/15/20   Redsoxs 14 - Tigers 9  The Redsoxs remained undefeated by scoring five runs in the sixth inning to beat the Tigers 14-9. For the Redsoxs, Brady Noe had a triple and two singles.  Kairo Ball and Levi Withrow each added a double and two singles. Samuel Welsh and Jameson Watson had a double and a single.  Seth Roberts(3), Cooper Williams and Cash Thompson had base hits. For the Tigers, Owen Lindauer and Andrew Lamkin each had a double and a single.  Nick Pedigo had two doubles and a single. Cooper Potts, Connor Trippett, Noah Anastasio(2) and Ian Wall (2) had base hits.  Bowen Maloy had atriple and a single.

7/14/20   Giants 11 - Rangers  0  The Giants scored five times in the sixth inning to blanked the Rangers 11-0.   For the Giants, Bodee Blevins had a homerun, a double and a single. Cace Reynolds had two doubles and a single. Brady Bottorff(2) and Ryan Armeni(4) had base hits.  For the Rangers, Jackson Edgar, Bodie Murphy and  Tristan Rutan had base hits.

7/13/20 Whitesoxs  12 - D-Backs  5    The Whitesoxs were back in the win column with 12-5 win over the D-Backs. For the Whitesoxs, Levi Moore had ahomerun and two doubles. Sawyer Lye and Dean Dattilo had doubles. Lucas Saucier had two singles. For the D-Backs, Nolan Stethen ahd a triple. Brantley Wise added a diouble. Henry Stratton and Pete Crowder each had two hits.

7/13/20  Royals 11 -   Brewers  3    The Royals handed the Brewers a 11-3 loss. For the Royals, Max West and Liam Williams each had a homerun and two singles. Oliver Schaub had a double and two singles. Colt Sepmoree(2), Wyatt Husband, AJ Weeks and Will Hogan had base hits. For the Brewers, James Carter(2) and Logan Cecil, Lee Hamilton(2) And Cooper Lange had base hits. Dawson Burckardt had two doubles.

7/11/20   Royals 13 - Pirates 5  The Royals knocked off the Pirates 13-5. For the Royals, Liam Williams, Cooper Brown, Colton Sepmoree and Max West had doubles. Alex Anthony and  AJ Weeks each had two hits. For the  Pirates, Eli Gathof(3), Jaxon Jarvis and  Owen Matthews(2) had base hits. Bobby Turley had a double and single.

7/11/20  Whitesoxs 16 - Giants 10  sorry no game highlights incomplete scorebook.

7/11/20  Redsoxs 12 - Phillies 11  The Redsoxs Brady Noe kept his team undefeated with a game winning hit in the bottom of the sixth inning to edge the Phillies 12-11.  For the Redsoxs, Seth Roberts(3), Kairo Ball, Levi Withrow, and Jameson Watson had doubles.  Samuel Welsh had two singles.  For the Phillies, Casey Mais had a triple and a single.  Kyser Moore(2), John Esterly(4), Lucas Via, Kane Isable(4) Talyn Moberly (2), Ryder Dowell(2) and Wyatt Dowell had base hits.

7/11/20   Tigers 10 - Rangers  5  A five run fourth inning helped the Tigers to their first win defeating the Rangers 10-5.   For the Tigers, Noah Anastasio had two homeruns and a double among his four hits.  Owen Lindauer had a triple and two doubles.  Ian Wall(2), Bowen Maloy, Conner Trippett(2), Cooper Potts, mdrew Lamkin(3) and Andy Pennington had base hits.  For the Rangers, Nathan Hoffman had a homerun and two singles. Will Haysley and Justice Greer had doubles.  Luke Jacobson(2) and Bodie Murphy(3) had base hits.

7/10/20   D-Backs 10 - Brewers 7  The D-Backs scored five runs in their first two at bats to beat the Brewers 10-7.  For the D-Backs, Bryce Fryman, Brantley Wise  and Liam Williams had doubles. Wyatt Burckardt had three hits.  Louis Townsend,Logan Cecil and Dawson Burckardt had doubles.   James Carter had two hits.

7/9/20   Redsoxs 6 - Royals 3   A pair of unbeatens met and the Redsoxs scored three runs in the sixth inning to beat the Royals 6-3.  For the Redsoxs, Brady Noe had two doubles and a single.  Samuel Welsh, Levi Withrow(2),Kairo Ball(2) and Seth Roberts had base hits.  For the Royals, Cooper Brown had a double and a single. Oliver Schaub, Max West, Lee Williams, Liam Mandzo and Colt Sepmoree(20 had base hits.

7/8/20   Rangers 10 -  Whitesoxs 9  The Rangers scored five runs in the bottom of the sixth inning to beat the Whitesoxs 10-9.  For the Rangers, Tristan Rutan and Bodie Murphy had triples.  Will Haysley(4), Luke Jacobson(2), Landon McNeil and Kayden Jordan(2) had base hits.  For the Whitesoxs, David Waterman had two triples and a single. Sawyer Lye and Levi Moore each had a double. Lucas Saucier had a triple double and a single.  Carter Hartlage had a base hit.

7/8/20   D_Backs  7 - Pirates 6  The D-Backs Pete Crowder had game winning hit in the bottom of the sixth inning scoring Nolan Stethen over 7-6 win over the Pirates as they completed rain delay game from Monday night.  For the D-Backs, Nolan Stethen had atriple and two singles. Henry Stratton and  Brantley Wise had doubles.  Chase Richards(2), Liam Williams(3), Bryce Fryman, and Pete Crowder(2) had base hits. For the Pirates, Owen Matthews(3), Eli Gathof(2), Bobby Turley(2), Griffin Davis, Henry Baker had base hits.  Colt Ritchie and Jameson Flanagan had doubles.

7/7/20   Giants 9 -  Brewers 3   The Giants scored in every inning to beat the Brewers 9-3.  For the Giants, Bodee Blevind and Brady Bottoroff each had a double and and two singles.,   Tucker Way(3)Brentley Bergren, Dalton Gilbert, Teddy Timmons, and Ryan Ameri had base hits.  For the Brewers, Logan Cecil had a triple.  Dawson Burkhardt had a double and a single.  Wyatt Burkhardt added a double.  Carter Dees, Evan Billings,Cooper Lange and James Carter had singles.  

7/6/20   Phillies 7  Tigers  0   The Phillies shutout the Tiiger 7-0.  For the Phillies,  Casey Mais(2), JohnEsterly, Kyser Moore snd Kane Isable had doubles.   Talyn Moberly(2) and Lucas Via had base hits.   For the Tigers,Owen Lindauer (2),Ian Wall, Andrewe Lamkin had base hits.

7/4/20 Redsoxs 15 - D-Backs 12   The scoreboard was busy as the Redsoxs stopped the D-Backs 15-12.  For the Redsoxs, Seth Roberts had a homerun and a double among his four hits.   Kairo Ball had a triple and two doubles. Brady Noe had a homerunLevi Withrow had a triple and two singles. Sam Welsh and Cooper Williams each added a double.  For the D-Backs, Gage Meade had a triple. Bryce Fryman and Henry Stratton each had a double and two singles.  Nolan Stethen, Nathan Geitgey, Pete Crowder(2) and Brantley Wise had doubles. Liam Williams had three hits.

7/4/20   Whitesoxs 12 - Brewers 4 The Whitesoxs put five runs on the board in the first inning and never looked back as they beat the Brewers 12 - 4.   For the Whitesoxs, Sawyer Lye had the big bat with three triples. Ben Bush had a homerun, double and a single. Levi Moore(3), Kayden Stephenson(2), Lucas 
Saucier(2), Clayton Bisinger, Dean Dattilo, David Waterman and Cruz Simpson had singles.  For the Brewers, Dawson Burckardt had a double and a single.  Louis Townsend(2), Logan Cecil, Carter Dees, and Wyatt Burckardt had singles.

7/4/20  Phillies 14  Rangers  5    The Phillies had two big five run innings as they beat the Rangers 14-5.  For the Phillies, Casey Mais(2), John Esterly and Kyser Moore had triples.   Lucas Via(3), Brady Fleischer and John Easterly added doubles. Ryder Dowell had a base hit.  For the Rangers, Justice Greer, Brodie Murphy and Will Haysley each had a double.  Jackson Edgar had a a base hit.

7/4/20   Royals 12 - Tigers 1  The Royals scored in every inning as they defeated the Tigers 12-1.  For the Royals, Lee Williams had a triple and three singles. Max West and Cooper Brown eachadded a double and three singles.  Colton Sepmore, Oliver Schaub(2), AJ Weeks and Alex Anthony had singles.  For the Tigers, Cooper Potts had a homerun.  Conner & Trippett and Bowen Maloy(2) had singles.

7/3/20  Giants 4  -  Pirates  1

7/2/20   Royals  8 - Phillies 5  The Royals scored five runs in the third inning to beat the Phillies 8-5.   For the Royals,   Wyatt Husband had a homerun.   Cooper Brown, Lee Williams(2), and Will Hogan had doubles.  Oliver Schaub. Aj Weeks and Max West(2) had singles.  For the Phillies, Casey Mais, Kyser Moore, John Esterly, Wyatt Dowell each had two hits.  

7/1/20   D-backs 10 - Tigers 5   The D-Backs started their season with a 10-5 win over the Tigers.  For the D-Backsm Henry Stratton had a triple and a double. Bryce Fryman had a double and two singles.  Nolan Stethen had two doubles.   Blake Fry(2) and Nathaniel Geitgey had singles.  For the Tigers, Owen Lindauer had a double and a single.   Conner Trippett, Noah Anastasio, Bowen Maloy and Ian Wall had base hits.  Nick Pedigo had a double.

6/30/20  Redsoxs 13 - Giants 4   The Redsoxs scored in every inning to beat the Giants 13-4.  For the Redsoxs, Kairo Ball had a homerun, double and a singel.  Cooper Williams, Jameson Watson and Brady Noe had doubles.  Levi Withrow and Seth Roberts each had three hits.  For the Giants, Tucker Way had a homerun and a single.   Bodee Blevins and Cace Reynolds had doubles.

6/29/20   Whitesoxs 6 -   Pirates 4                                                                 A three run fourth inning propelled the Whitesoxs over the Pirates 6-4.  For the Whitesoxs,  Dean Dattilo had a double and a single. Daniel Waterman(3), Kayden Stephens-Wiese, Sawyer Lye, Lucas Saucier, and Cruz Simpson had singles.  For the Pirates, Colton Ritchie had a double and a single.  Jaxon Jarvis(2), Bobby Curley(2), Sawyer Lye, Sawyer Dennison, Owen Matthews, Griffin Davis, and Eli Gathof had singles.

6/29/20    Rangers 9  -  Brewers 8                                                             The Ranges scored four times in th fifth inning they defeated the Brewers 9-8.  For the Rangers,  Justice greer  and Will Haysley each had a double and a single. Bodie Murphy had a double.  Noah Houchens had two hits.  For the brewers, Dawson Burckhardt had a homerun.  Louis Townsend had two hits. Evan Billings had a triple.

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